Blindbowman wrote:
Okay I'll bite;
Who put the treasure there? the Templar knights , your proff ,remove the hat and hair from the templar priest on the priest stone ,you are now looking at a templar priest staped with his own sword that looks like a cross the cross of the chruch that has betrayed the templars ...this stone is not a stone at all it is in fact a peice of a stone tablet from the temple mount .have it tested i will wait
What was the treasure referred to? it is called the treasure of the temple mount or the treasure of christ !
When was the treasure hidden? around the years of 1307
How was the treasure transported to the site? in a vast fleet of templar ships that sailed by the way of the Azores at Ponta Delgeda , Remedios
Lastly and most importantly,
where is the treasure hidden? LOl.... i am working on a full legal clam ...but look at this .
do you remember this statement from the jim haydock story of the lost jesuit treasure of the tayopa treasure list ,
,"Two silver chalices from the Jesus Maria y Jose Mine, and twelve solid gold cups. Six gold plates made from the Jesus Maria y Jose Mine, and twelve solid gold cups. Six gold plates made from Cristo Mine and Purisima Mine, and two large communion plates of gold made from placer El Paramo"
let me translate it for you !
2 silver chalices
12 solid gold cups
6 gold plates from jesus maria
12 solid gold cups
6 gold plates from cristo
2 large communion plates of gold
what you are looking at is the place seting for the last super table ...
you dont have to beleive me , but the name Cristo in latin means Christ and the name maria means Mary ..
if you look the name is Jesus maria .. not his mother maria....christ and his wife were at the last super ,, here is your prove ...i have found the treasure and it is not spainish, jesuit or fransican...
Friend Blindbowman, the statement you have made is of the type that will surely get people excited and who then want "proof" to back up the statements. I hope you are not simply toying with us poor treasure-hunters for amusement....
Cactusjumper wrote:
I doubt Jacob Waltz told Dick Holmes all.
Greetings friend Joe; your conclusion seems quite reasonable, based on the rapidly deteriorating health of Waltz and imminent death. Just how much talking could a man literally dying of pneumonia do? If Waltz told Holmes nothing on his deathbed, (and like you pointed out, this seems logical and reasonable) then Holmes' information originated elsewhere. We know that Holmes did in fact attempt to trail Waltz to the mine site on at least one occasion, and several of the "clues" in the Holmes manuscript can be found among the statements of bar-room folk of Phoenix. These statements (like going to First Water for example) MIGHT have originated with Waltz, in which case it could easily have been the sort of thing he told fellows at the saloon, almost in a 'teasing' way. Dick Holmes could have picked up some or all of his 'clues' from such sources, then put them together with the portion of trail that he knew from following Waltz in person, and we end up with the Holmes manuscript. It is just my opinion but I do not put faith in the Holmes manuscript, for the reasons we have discussed earlier, plus the fact that Dick and Brownie followed their own 'clues' (probably including information NOT included in the Holmes manuscript) for many years without success.
For anyone who desires to follow out the clues in the Holmes manuscript, I sure wish you good luck and good hunting; you are sure to get some good exercise, see some of the most beautiful country in the USA, and most likely have a great time doing it. Many, many others already have done just this procedure, and have failed to locate Waltz's mine, but who knows? Maybe you will be the 'lucky' one, or perhaps the 'unlucky' one? As I mentioned earlier, personally I would not rely on the Holmes manuscript for any good info on finding that lost mine - and for that matter the bits of info passed on to Julia and Reiney (those bits we are aware of today, doubtless there were other tidbits not known publicly) are hardly of much more help - for in this case we may have less doubts as to whether Waltz would have deliberately misled his friends, but the "clues" are vague enough to make them almost useless. I think a treasure hunter is in a way 'hamstringing' himself by trying to stick to clues for the Lost Dutchman Mine, as these clues have not been helpful to the hundreds of thousands of people who have searched for it.
I too have been lured by the siren-song of "clues" to find the LDM, only to get a lot of exercise and great scenery but little in the way of gold out of the time, efforts and expense. If one looks at this in a different way, there is a different way to find the mine - and my money goes on this 'alternate' method as the way it will be found. What 'alternate' way, a casual reader might well ask? Good old prospecting techniques, the very way a great number of mines have been located over the centuries....however this is a most tedious and time-consuming task, and requires great patience and diligence to be successful.
Good luck and good hunting to you friends, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,
Roy ~ Oroblanco