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AS & SO = As it was-- so it is today.
No groundhog here,,,,,,,,,,,, illegals trampled the poor fellow to death. more coffee. make it Luzianne:coffee2:

If I seen that groundhog before he seen me I would have ate him myself! Some of the best BBQ I ever had!


Does anyone recognize the fellow standing to the left of and with his arm on the back of Clement Vallandigham? Can anyone identify them all?

Thanks for your input, L.C.

morton and Valadingham.webp

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Knowing the truth

The things that have been revealed about the Pres. Cleveland and his close ties to K.G.C. member J.sterling Morton and friends, sure makes it sound funny when you read about people vouching for their honesty and how they made no profits for themselves by their political decisions
. But did they make any money for the secret society they belonged to and help it's inner circle of members gain control of the countries purse strings? You be the judge and trust your own eyes and ears. It is a group that has changed it's name over time but their thirst for power and money seems to remain diligent over the years. The society has dispersed in so many directions over their years of diverse investments that a true inner circle with that much power could have been lost by now. A lot of generations have went by in the last 150 years. What do you think?

L.C. Baker:thumbsup: Morton free coinage act&f=false

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WOW :coffee2::icon_thumright::notworthy:

So much righteous information. I never knew all this about the history after the war. This laid the foundation for so many corruptions.

Things we still face today and had nobody to account for it all.

This is gotta be how they let old laws stand to protect the living creed of these men as an 'honor'

Thank You again for this post.

I guess what I am after here is something that links Jesse to the K.G.C. and not the O.A.K. I can link him to the O.A.K. through several limbs. I can also link him with K.G.C. members, but during the transition period in 1863. Quntrill's attack at Lawrence was on August 21, 1863 and I have read that Jesse and Frank were there. However, according to what I have studied The Order of American Knights (OAK) was founded by Phineas C. Wright, a struggling New Orleans lawyer, in 1856. It remained a theoretical organization until Wright moved to St. Louis in 1860 and redefined the goals of the OAK. It was then designed to protect civil rights, promote the movement to end the war, and provide protection for Democrats against the Union or Lincoln Leagues, organizations that began around 1862 to promote loyalty to the policies of Abraham Lincoln. BUT, The O.A.K. was erected on the ruins of the Knights of the Golden Circle either by design or default and although it was said to have failed as an organization I can prove with hard evidence that it succeeded quite well up to at least 1930. The rebel Gen. STERLING PRICE was said to be the Supreme Commander of the O.A.K. and VALLANDIGHAM, while in Richmond, was made Supreme Commander of the Northern section, and a conspiracy was entered into between him and the rebel authorities to divide the East and West, thus to aid the Southern rebellion. My proof (hard evidence) ties J.S. Morton to Vallandigham which would include all of the old school K.G.C. members that Morton was affiliated with and involved with under the cloak which we also have hard evidence of. J.S. Morton was also sent by Lewis Cass in 1854 to meet Francis Burt who was sent by President Franklin Pierce and Burt's first stop in Nebraska was at Stephen Friel Nuckoll's house where he spent the night. (sent by K.G.C. and recieved by K.G.C.) SOOOoooo my question is, was Jesse actually K.G.C. or was he part of the foundation of the O.A.K. that was put into place in just another of the many facets of the O.A.K. by the Knights of the Golden Circle?

Thanks, L.C. Baker

Jesse's Father was the Confederate and later KGC operative agent type.

He trained Jesse in the abilities to steal and bury the gold in underground vaults, but he was not using the typical KGC coding system.

He was using something related to the old Oak Island and Biblical/Mormon ideals influencing his maps and coding. Bacon used these types of ciphers as well related to old Templar and Masonic drawings of the Caballa and Tree of Life.

In the Madrugada Estrella Mapa Oro, you can see the Star of David or Star of Judah, instead of the normal coded military sequences.

Jesse James had an official 'Castle', making him a known leader in the KGC as a raider, but the O.A.K. were the operation that he was ultimately subservient to, and he was paid to do his work by them to collect gold and other valuables to reinforce their Federal Reserve and Banking Monopoly, as they were in control in the East in the banking and governing branches of the govt.

BTW.......I found the Wolf Map's Corresponding peaks and landscape markings, canyons, and other features that are pretty impressive.

Inside the Wolf Map are two areas that have smaller maps......the Horse and Saddle Map, and the Madrugada Estrella Mapa Oro.

Each one features a uniquely drawn series of marks that match visual guides and objects of obvious attention on survey maps. Obvious in Mystical Ways. Jesse James was a part of the whole affair, but not a O.A.K. member, but a follower.

09_mapas_tesoros_fortuna_jesse_james_quo_192_reference.webpjesse james.webpHorse and Saddle Map.webp

Here is the 'Stone Foot' .......something to make a real footprint in the History of Treasure Hunting!

Stone Foot Crop.webp

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Yea there hanging out with a skull and a clock in both photos,why dose the clock have to be there with the skull rear and center?

Outstanding read Nobody, although I do see things a little differently than you sum it up, the message is the same. We agree on a big picture....just fuzzy on the focus at this point. What I am calling original are calling a previous generation of forefathers that belonged to several secret societies. In the end it is the same thing "ORDER" it a new world or an old one, it is all about controlling the helm and collecting the biggest share.
Sorry I have not had the time to keep up with your posts, I will give them a good going over. I have been caught up trying to identify the history of a cannon that we located. It is marked WJW 1834 It is a smooth bore 32 pounder navel cannon.


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Is this a KGC signimage.webp

Additionally, each Bonesman is given a Grandfather Clock upon graduation.

Father Time. Chronos. Saturn.

Skull & Bones is a Saturnian based organization. There is waaaaaaaay more Saturn worship going on in the world than people realize ...

And always look for hands doing 'unnatural' things. Like Taft's - put your hand on a table like that, and your fingers will naturally spread. You actually have to intentionally hold and put your hand in that position. On the picture with the KoC Fellas, check out the dude kneeling to the left of the circled skull & bones. Check out how he has his hands - he is flashing Gang Signs and communicating. Look at the marble statue. See how his middle and ring finger are touching on the hand holding the skull? Same on one of the paintings. That hand sign you will find all over the place, from Jesuits, to Royalty, to Christopher Columbus, to Hitler, and over the course of Centuries.


View attachment 1211810

This is actually called the Saturn Hat that the Pope is wearing:

“I am Isis, Queen of this country. I was instructed by Mercury. No one can destroy the laws which I have established. I am the eldest daughter of Saturn, most ancient of the Gods.”
― Albert Pike

Now where did Albert Pike get that from? I don't think he made it up himself when he wrote it down in his book. He was quoting his studies and passing them on to anyone that could understand him. Everyone that was in the "KNOW" had a higher understanding of life on earth and what they were supposed to accomplish during their time on earth. The catch is,,,,, it was not meant for them to reap what they sewed, it was for a future generation that they would never see in their lifetime. That is how they secured a positive future and have maintained control of the masses for such a long time. The fact that they grew filthy rich doing it.....well now...that was just a perk.


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Thanks for posting the Taft picture. He was groomed by Teddy to take the helm.....but neither of them was really the captain of the ship they were steering, and I doubt very strongly that they ever turned the wheel without receiving a command to do so. It is an interesting pose to say the least.

"And upon what foundation were those foundations built? Did the KGC/OAK just come up with a 'new' foundation? Or were they simply working on an old foundation, following orders ... -NOBODY"

P.S. Thanks for the Warburg info he has been placed in BOLD !!! The truth is, there are a lot more names on that list that should be in bold! The take over of the Fed was a dramatic power play by J.P. Morgan and his Brothers of Lasting Faith. It cracks me up every time I see a commercial that talks about securing my future....or the squirrel hiding acorns in the OAK tree for his future....It just makes hoarding sound like a damn good thing to do doesn't it?? "Especially" if you are the one that is counting up all of the nuts and putting them in the hole for everybody....right??:laughing7:


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This is an interesting link with more info on the influence of Saturn on many organizations (secret and public) and individuals.

Activists Hub | The Cult of Saturn & its conection to the elites

Nobody has made an understatement on the worship and study of Saturn and it's influence on many secret societies and not so secret societies. :thumbsup:

“I am Isis, Queen of this country. I was instructed by Mercury. No one can destroy the laws which I have established. I am the eldest daughter of Saturn, most ancient of the Gods.”
― Albert Pike

Now where did Albert Pike get that from? I don't think he made it up himself when he wrote it down in his book. He was quoting his studies and passing them on to anyone that could understand him. Everyone that was in the "KNOW" had a higher understanding of life on earth and what they were supposed to accomplish during their time on earth. The catch is,,,,, it was not meant for them to reap what they sewed, it was for a future generation that they would never see in their lifetime. That is how they secured a positive future and have maintained control of the masses for such a long time. The fact that they grew filthy rich doing it.....well now...that was just a perk.

Looks MORE like Columbus, with his "Captain" Hat; I had one as Worshipful Master of my "Blue Lodge". It means "Captain of the Ship".

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