Because of the civil war, when England had gone through the surplus cotton it bought in 1860 because of a bumper crop that year, the market stayed high. About three fourths of a normal year's export got to the foreign market aboard blockade runners like Benjamin Ficklin's during the years 1861-1865.
British newspapers, whether favoring the North or South, said the same thing: The feds invaded the South to collect revenue......sounds like they knew what the Civil War was really about, a state's right to make money how ever they wanted to, and not have to give a lot of it to the federal government who was robbing them...(sounds familiar even after 100 years...COLORADO MARIJUANA MONEY?? and like slavery we are only free men in a few states now...
Seems Carl Marx had it figured out too, when he said
"The war between the North and the South is a tariff war. The war is further, not for any principle, does not touch the question of slavery, and in fact turns on the Northern lust for sovereignty."
Think about it, when the blacks were freed and joined the Union Army did they let them do it right away?, and when they did let them join did they spread them out or keep them segregated? How much less did the black soldier make than the rest of them? This would continue until 1965 and on in some places.
The South had solid legal, moral, and economic reasons for secession which had nothing to do with slavery. One issue loomed larger than any other in that year as in the previous three decades: the Northern tariff.
Known as the "Tariff of Abomination," the Morrill tariff was the highest tariff in American history, adding a 47-percent markup to prices of imported goods. Since the primarily agricultural South needed more imported goods than the industrial North, the tariff hit Southerners hard while benefiting sales for Northern manufacturers. Most of the money generated by the tariff was spent on Northern projects and needs. The tariff was imposed on the South to benefit Northern industrial interests by subsidizing their production through public works. But it had the effect of forcing the South to pay more for manufactured goods and disproportionately taxing it to support the central government. It also injured the South’s trading relations with other parts of the world.
Thirty years later, with the South paying 87 percent of federal tariff revenue while having their livelihoods threatened by protectionist legislation, it became impossible for the two regions to be governed under the same regime. The South as a region was being reduced to a slave status, with the federal government as its master....talk about irony LOL..
But why 1860? Lincoln promised not to interfere with slavery, but he did pledge to "collect the duties and imposts". He was the leading advocate of the tariff and public works policy, which is why his election prompted the South to secede. In pro-Lincoln newspapers, the phrase "free trade" was invoked as the equivalent of industrial suicide. Why fire on Ft. Sumter? It was a customs house, and when the North attempted to strengthen it, the South knew that its purpose was to collect taxes, as newspapers and politicians said at the time.
I believe this is why the O.A.K. was driven to take hold of the purse strings of the Federal Reserve and all things that equaled Federal money coming in,,,and so they did.

including the gold!!!!!