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The Harmony also is the USA/CSA....a balance that is the same. We have the right to choose to be good or evil in any facet. Yet, we are at harmony every day....good and evil all balanced, just like night and day. You can't have one without the other, and they will always be opposite of each other.


The Harmony also is the USA/CSA....a balance that is the same. We have the right to choose to be good or evil in any facet. Yet, we are at harmony every day....good and evil all balanced, just like night and day. You can't have one without the other, and they will always be opposite of each other.


I know that YOU are "chatting" about balancing the DUAL "nature" of Human Beings... Duality! Ying/Yang, Light/Dark, Good/Bad, etc. BALANCE is the KEY, as stated in the 32nd Degree... OOPS! SHHH!!! Anyway, there is NO balance in the "eternal" STATES vs FEDS... WISHFUL thinking. As in the world... wars EVERYWHERE! It is a CONTROL "issue".

To the Government. I have no Firearms only slingshots, snares, and a bow and arrows just like my Native American Ancestors. You may have whipped us once but this time it is going to be harder. By the Way what you going to do when we shut off all the Natural gas from our wells to keep you warm in the winter. How well is your cars going to run with out gas. Looks like your going to be in a bit of a bind. Well you got all that ethanol and can grow all that corn but wait what you going to do with out fertilizer made from Natural gas in the refineries in the south to grow your corn? Well your brilliant Harvard professors will get it figured out in four or five years. In the mean time when you are hungry, and cold just remember us southern boys are down here eating good and driving our pickup trucks, and keeping warm, Kill'n Deer, and Catch'n Catfish, raisen us a garden 9 months out of the year. Y'all take care now ya hear. Long live the K.G.C. and Save your Confederate Money Boys the South will RISE A AGAIN.


REBEL THEY ONLY THINK THAT THEY ARE IN CONTROL. The powers that are, are in reality the powers that were. The people are seeing the lie for what it is and will come to be like the French in 1882. It ain''t going to be pretty. These fools think that they are the best things since flush toilets and sliced bread. When the people get out the short ropes or the Cold steel and take to the streets it is over with. Thank God I am a Country Boy.


During the War of 1812, salt brine was used to pay soldiers in the field, as the government was too poor to pay them with money.[citation needed] Before Lewis and Clark set out for the Louisiana Territory, President Jefferson in his address to Congress mentioned a mountain of salt supposed to lie near the Missouri River, which would have been of immense value, as a reason for their expedition
Monopolies over salt production and trade were essential aspects of government revenue in imperial China and most of the 20th century.
They were still fighting about a salt monopoly in 1950 United States v. Morton Salt :: 338 U.S. 632 (1950) :: Justia US Supreme Court Center

:laughing7: As and So; as it was, so is it. The public is still eating out of their hands; literally, and so the money trail is still c going, going, going. wher she stops nobody knows.:coffee2: :coffee2: two more. aaahhhhhh.

Just thought I would throw out this link that explains a who's who in the K.G.C. from Franklin Pierce's presidency until Lincoln's and how the K.G.C. was using operatives in the field like Gwin, and Ficklin in the early 1850's and seemed to go un-noticed for what was really happening and that the k.G.C. was pulling the strings in Washington D.C.

Pike's Peak Express Companies, 4 - Kansas Historical Society

it would lead to mail contracts that remained in Ficklin's hands until 1871 when he died(was killed?)

Post-office Directory for 1866: Alphabetical List of Post-offices in the ... - Google Books

on June 16, 1860, Congress passed, and President James Buchanan signed, the "Pacific Telegraph Act of 1860" which authorized the Secretary of the Treasury Howell Cobb to seek bids to construct such a transcontinental telegraph line. When the only other two original bidders dropped out, Hiram Sibley of the The Western Union Telegraph Company (established in 1851 as The New York and Mississippi Valley Printing Telegraph Company and renamed Western Union in 1856), became the only bidder left and won the contract by default. Knowing now how deeply rooted Ben Ficklin was in the K.G.C. makes this an astounding move to take over the Telegraph and the railroad that followed the same path by the K.G.C. with Buchanan John B. Floyd, Jacob Thompson and Howell Cobb pulling the strings for them in Washington D.C.
Does anyone out there know who the other two bidders were? Does anyone else suspect fowl play in their supposed withdraw from the bidding?

P.S. Of these men only James Buchanan did not join the Rebellion of 1861 and fight for the C.S.A. in one form or another.


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Identifying the K.G.C.members in Buchanan's cabinet is a lot like the game of pool. All of the balls are the same size and shape and weight, but they all have different colors, values and uses in the games that are played on the same table.

think about it, L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

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Rebel Cabinet of 1860.webp


Hi L.C. Among other things, I read really long posts like this and occasionally watch CSPAN.
Back in B.Clinton's time, the Senate had a hearing attended by Alan Greenspan,head of the Fed.. The Senator's said "We seem to have a surplus and we're talking about what to do with it. We think maybe we should pay down the debt. What do you think?" Mr. Greenspan said "Oh no. That would be the worst thing you could do. It would hurt the banks."
Fast forward to B.Obama's time. The Senate was having a hearing about having to prop up the Banks as they were in trouble at the end of G.Bush's time. The head of one of them (sorry I don't remember) was brought in. They were questioning the Banker because his Bank had rolled the dice and invested in European Ventures and lost. Because so many of the depositors had accounts that were backed by the F.D.I.C. the U.S. Gvt. was responsible for insuring those deposits.
The thing that stood out to me, and I'm the first to admit I'm not real bright,was the argument that broke out between the Senators. The argument was about putting the Banker UNDER OATH. One Party (don't matter which) brought up someone else that had testified had not been put UNDER OATH and that this guy should not be. The Banker was not put under oath. You and I would go to jail for perjury if we lied to a Senate Hearing but these guys get the Golden Ticket.
Seems the more things change, the more they stay the same. You keep writin & I'll keep reain. Thanks.

The similarity is scary to say the least.....or is it just what the K.G.C. developed into over time????:thumbsup:


The Scotch Irish have been controlling the ballot boxes of this country for a long long time in one form or another. If someone was caught and could rat them all out they would kill their own to keep their names clean and out of the news. Take for instance "James Yankee Sullivan" one of the first Irish muscle men that deflected the wrong votes by force. He was probably one of the toughest Irishmen I have read about, yet they want you to believe he slit his wrist while he was held in captivity for a short time by the 1856 Committee of Vigilance in California. L.C. Baker was #208 in that committee by the way, they only went by their number instead of their name. His story is somewhat like Ben Ficklin's except he didn't die when L.C. Baker had him in captivity in 1865, it was when he choked on a fish bone in 1871 and a surgeon accidentally cut his shut him up for good because he knew too many names.

Yankee Sullivan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


P.S. Obama is actually Scotch Irish!....and Democrat! I hate to say it, but that is probably the only way that a man of color could hold that office for so long in this country. No offense intended:occasion14:

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The Scotch Irish have been controlling the ballot boxes of this country for a long long time in one form or another. If someone was caught and could rat them all out they would kill their own to keep their names clean and out of the news. Take for instance "James Yankee Sullivan" one of the first Irish muscle men that deflected the wrong votes by force. He was probably one of the toughest Irishmen I have read about, yet they want you to believe he slit his wrist while he was held in captivity for a short time by the 1856 Committee of Vigilance in California. L.C. Baker was #208 in that committee by the way, they only went by their number instead of their name. His story is somewhat like Ben Ficklin's except he didn't die when L.C. Baker had him in captivity in 1865, it was when he choked on a fish bone in 1871 and a surgeon accidentally cut his shut him up for good because he knew too many names.

Yankee Sullivan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


P.S. Obama is actually Scotch Irish!....and Democrat! I hate to say it, but that is probably the only way that a man of color could hold that office for so long in this country. No offense intended:occasion14:

Aye; O'Bama Clan... (singing) "If you had the Luck of the Irish" by John Lennon; to be followed by GIVE IRELAND BACK TO THE IRISH by Paul McCartney. McCartney was Scottish, BOTH Lennon & Harrison were Irish (O'Lennon, O'Harrison), Starr/Starkey was PURE Brit...

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Because of the civil war, when England had gone through the surplus cotton it bought in 1860 because of a bumper crop that year, the market stayed high. About three fourths of a normal year's export got to the foreign market aboard blockade runners like Benjamin Ficklin's during the years 1861-1865.
British newspapers, whether favoring the North or South, said the same thing: The feds invaded the South to collect revenue......sounds like they knew what the Civil War was really about, a state's right to make money how ever they wanted to, and not have to give a lot of it to the federal government who was robbing them...(sounds familiar even after 100 years...COLORADO MARIJUANA MONEY?? and like slavery we are only free men in a few states now...
Seems Carl Marx had it figured out too, when he said
"The war between the North and the South is a tariff war. The war is further, not for any principle, does not touch the question of slavery, and in fact turns on the Northern lust for sovereignty."
Think about it, when the blacks were freed and joined the Union Army did they let them do it right away?, and when they did let them join did they spread them out or keep them segregated? How much less did the black soldier make than the rest of them? This would continue until 1965 and on in some places.
The South had solid legal, moral, and economic reasons for secession which had nothing to do with slavery. One issue loomed larger than any other in that year as in the previous three decades: the Northern tariff.
Known as the "Tariff of Abomination," the Morrill tariff was the highest tariff in American history, adding a 47-percent markup to prices of imported goods. Since the primarily agricultural South needed more imported goods than the industrial North, the tariff hit Southerners hard while benefiting sales for Northern manufacturers. Most of the money generated by the tariff was spent on Northern projects and needs. The tariff was imposed on the South to benefit Northern industrial interests by subsidizing their production through public works. But it had the effect of forcing the South to pay more for manufactured goods and disproportionately taxing it to support the central government. It also injured the South’s trading relations with other parts of the world.
Thirty years later, with the South paying 87 percent of federal tariff revenue while having their livelihoods threatened by protectionist legislation, it became impossible for the two regions to be governed under the same regime. The South as a region was being reduced to a slave status, with the federal government as its about irony LOL..
But why 1860? Lincoln promised not to interfere with slavery, but he did pledge to "collect the duties and imposts". He was the leading advocate of the tariff and public works policy, which is why his election prompted the South to secede. In pro-Lincoln newspapers, the phrase "free trade" was invoked as the equivalent of industrial suicide. Why fire on Ft. Sumter? It was a customs house, and when the North attempted to strengthen it, the South knew that its purpose was to collect taxes, as newspapers and politicians said at the time.
I believe this is why the O.A.K. was driven to take hold of the purse strings of the Federal Reserve and all things that equaled Federal money coming in,,,and so they did.:3barsgold::3barsgold::3barsgold::3barsgold::3barsgold::3barsgold: including the gold!!!!!


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In 1869 iron was already a major industry, accounting for 6.6% of manufacturing employment and 7.8% of manufacturing output. By then the central figure was Andrew Carnegie, who made Pittsburgh the center of the industry. Carnegie's great innovation was in the cheap and efficient mass production of steel rails for railroad lines. He sold his operations to US Steel in 1901, which became the world's largest steel corporation for decades.
arbor lodge meeting.webp



Perhaps he was attending this meeting with other monopoly holders at Arbor Lodge in Nebraska City to celebrate Mark Morton's appointment by Theodore Roosevelt to Sec. of Navy because they would immediately start building battleships out of steel. That must have been good news to these other men attending the private party also, considering the bridges were built and the train and tracks were all laid in place by that time.
James Stillman.webp

lodge meeting.webp

Kind of gives me the chills looking at this picture and knowing who all is there and why they were invited to the party.


In the beginning we thought that this was just a K.G.C. lay out. Turns out that it spans more than one generation and is definitely finished up by the Order of American Knights who were funded by their K.G.C. forefathers. Jesse W. James was without a doubt a member of the O.A.K. can anyone out there prove that he was in the K.G.C.?

Curious, L.C.:icon_scratch:

In the beginning we thought that this was just a K.G.C. lay out. Turns out that it spans more than one generation and is definitely finished up by the Order of American Knights who were funded by their K.G.C. forefathers. Jesse W. James was without a doubt a member of the O.A.K. can anyone out there prove that he was in the K.G.C.?

Curious, L.C.:icon_scratch:

Define "prove"...?

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