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I guess what I am after here is something that links Jesse to the K.G.C. and not the O.A.K. I can link him to the O.A.K. through several limbs. I can also link him with K.G.C. members, but during the transition period in 1863. Quntrill's attack at Lawrence was on August 21, 1863 and I have read that Jesse and Frank were there. However, according to what I have studied The Order of American Knights (OAK) was founded by Phineas C. Wright, a struggling New Orleans lawyer, in 1856. It remained a theoretical organization until Wright moved to St. Louis in 1860 and redefined the goals of the OAK. It was then designed to protect civil rights, promote the movement to end the war, and provide protection for Democrats against the Union or Lincoln Leagues, organizations that began around 1862 to promote loyalty to the policies of Abraham Lincoln. BUT, The O.A.K. was erected on the ruins of the Knights of the Golden Circle either by design or default and although it was said to have failed as an organization I can prove with hard evidence that it succeeded quite well up to at least 1930. The rebel Gen. STERLING PRICE was said to be the Supreme Commander of the O.A.K. and VALLANDIGHAM, while in Richmond, was made Supreme Commander of the Northern section, and a conspiracy was entered into between him and the rebel authorities to divide the East and West, thus to aid the Southern rebellion. My proof (hard evidence) ties J.S. Morton to Vallandigham which would include all of the old school K.G.C. members that Morton was affiliated with and involved with under the cloak which we also have hard evidence of. J.S. Morton was also sent by Lewis Cass in 1854 to meet Francis Burt who was sent by President Franklin Pierce and Burt's first stop in Nebraska was at Stephen Friel Nuckoll's house where he spent the night. (sent by K.G.C. and recieved by K.G.C.) SOOOoooo my question is, was Jesse actually K.G.C. or was he part of the foundation of the O.A.K. that was put into place in just another of the many facets of the O.A.K. by the Knights of the Golden Circle?

Thanks, L.C. Baker

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Financial records
Named Person: Morton family.; Carl Morton; Caroline Joy French Morton; J Sterling Morton; Joy Morton; Mark Morton; Margaret Morton; Paul Morton; George H Pendleton; Clement L Vallandigham
Document Type: Archival Material

J. Sterling Morton's papers relate to his work as a publicist for Nebraska railroads, railroad legislation, Otoe County (Neb.) bonds, New Mexico mining interests, political activities of George H. Pendleton and Clement L. Vallandigham, the Civil War and antiwar Democrats

Clement L. Vallandigham of Ohio advocated the cause of Morton on the floor, and Henry L. Dawes, chairman of the committee on elections, very ably conducted the case of Daily. Richardson, who of course had become acquainted with Morton while he "had the misfortune to be governor of Nebraska," as he said in discussing this case, in urging that he be permitted to present his own case to the house, made this confident prophecy as to the future of his young protege:

Although Nebraskans could not vote in the presidential election, her politicians and citizens were not immune from or unmindful of the issues at play in this critical national election. The balloting for Nebraska Territory’s nonvoting delegate to Congress, which was held on October 11, was also affected by the national debate about the war. War Democrat George L. Miller was his party’s nominee, while Phineas W. Hitchcock was the Republican Party’s candidate. Although the Nebraska Democratic platform endorsed McClellan’s “reunion first, peace second” approach and said nothing about Lincoln’s policies, the Nebraska Democrats could not avoid fallout from the “peace” plank in the national party platform. The territory’s Republican press had a field day castigating Miller and the national party as Copperheads who were trying to run on “Peace and War both.” The Nebraska Republicans strongly endorsed Lincoln’s re-election and urged that the rebellion be quelled “by force of arms.”

When the votes had been counted, Hitchcock had defeated Miller for the delegate’s seat in Congress by more than a thousand votes, signaling that the majority of Nebraskans did not think the war was a failure. In a letter to his friend J. Sterling Morton a few days later, Miller blamed the Peace wing of the national party for his own defeat and correctly predicted that the party’s peace platform would lead to Lincoln’s re-election:

L.C. Baker

P.S. to get the real nitty gritty you have to read more of the material than the headlines and titles that I posted here.

In 1869 iron was already a major industry, accounting for 6.6% of manufacturing employment and 7.8% of manufacturing output. By then the central figure was Andrew Carnegie, who made Pittsburgh the center of the industry. Carnegie's great innovation was in the cheap and efficient mass production of steel rails for railroad lines. He sold his operations to US Steel in 1901, which became the world's largest steel corporation for decades.
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Perhaps he was attending this meeting with other monopoly holders at Arbor Lodge in Nebraska City to celebrate Mark Morton's appointment by Theodore Roosevelt to Sec. of Navy because they would immediately start building battleships out of steel. That must have been good news to these other men attending the private party also, considering the bridges were built and the train and tracks were all laid in place by that time.
View attachment 1079796

I am pretty sure if this guy knew what I have exposed now he would have carried out his vendetta against the O.A.K.

1905-1908 Presidential Election Cycle | 1907 - Eugene V. Debs: Roosevelt and His Regime


In 1869 iron was already a major industry, accounting for 6.6% of manufacturing employment and 7.8% of manufacturing output. By then the central figure was Andrew Carnegie, who made Pittsburgh the center of the industry. Carnegie's great innovation was in the cheap and efficient mass production of steel rails for railroad lines. He sold his operations to US Steel in 1901, which became the world's largest steel corporation for decades.
View attachment 1079786

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View attachment 1079794

Perhaps he was attending this meeting with other monopoly holders at Arbor Lodge in Nebraska City to celebrate Mark Morton's appointment by Theodore Roosevelt to Sec. of Navy because they would immediately start building battleships out of steel. That must have been good news to these other men attending the private party also, considering the bridges were built and the train and tracks were all laid in place by that time.
View attachment 1079796

April 20, 1905, page 304,
The public has not had long to wait for the first tangible results of the searching questions addressed by the Frick investigating committee to the Equitable management. Scarcely a week had elapsed when confessions of the most damaging sort were already being made by implicated parties. We say confessions because, manifestly, Mr. Hyde's revelations, In his letter of the 15th to (the committee, would never have been made but for the Intensity with which the searchlight of public Inquiry has been turned upon the company's affairs. Mr. Hyde's deposit with the Equitable's treasurer of his profits in past "underwrltings" where securities were sold to the Equitable Company, was by his own statement not contemplated until "the outset of this controversy." This Is Mr. Hyde's review of the transaction:

"There has been a syndicate known as 'James H. Hyde and Associates,' including James W. Alexander, president of the society, whose participation was alwayB equal to my own, and this syndicate had been underwriters of a number of banking issues of securities, and the Equitable Society purchased, in some instances, in the ordinary course of business, securities which had been underwritten by this syndicate. At the outset of this controversy, Mr. Alexander and I were both advised by counsel that as to any such syndicate transactions in which any officers ot the Equitable Society had been interested, a full statement should be made up and laid before the board of directors, and whatever law and Justice required regarding them should be done by the officers concerned. Following the advice above referred to, I examined all these syndicate transactions and deposited my check for $61,446.92 with the treasurer ot the Society as trustee. This amount represented my entire profits from syndicate transactions ot the character above mentioned, with 6 per cent, intereat up to the date of such deposit period."

The statement concludes with the further assertion that Mr. Hyde admits no wrongdoing, and that the transactions referred to were "made with the sanction of universal precedent."

We have no other information as to the "underwritlngs" In which "James H. Hyde and Associates" (James Hazen Hyde - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )were engaged. It may be as well, however, to outline clearly what is the nature of these undertakings. On the basis of such knowledge, we think the reader can draw his own conclusions as to the propriety of a high officer in a life-insurance company participating in a syndicate of this sort and selling the "underwritten" securities to his company. The purpose of underwriting, in this sense, is to guarantee a market at a price for new securities. These securities may be good or bad, sound or rotten; they may be ar issue of United States Government bonds or the stock of the Shipbuilding combination. The syndicate, unless it can find a market for the underwritten securities elsewhere, must promptly pay the contracted price. Two necessary inferences follow: one, that the underwriter's profits depend altogether on the price at which he can sell the securities in question; the other, that the Inducement to "unload" in a friendly quarter becomes greater as the prospects of the "underwriting" grow less favorable. Thus it must be clear to the simplest intelligence that the possibilities are such a? to make the Hyde transaction with the Equitable Society indefensible In bOth law and morals.

Mr. Hyde very prudently refrains from any defense based on the smallness of his profits in the underwriting. Half t dozen years ago, such an argument might have been employed. To-day, with the incidents of 1901 and 1903 fresh In mind, the public has a pretty clear notion of what Wall Street underwriting may involve, and is not at all likely to pass lightly over any sign of the use of a life company's resources in such a connection. It will infer, very naturally, that Mr. Hyde's $61,000 Is not the final accounting in this direction. The sixth question put by the Frick committee asked for a statement of "all the socalled underwritings by the Society." If the Equitable management has clean hands to show in connection with the wild "promoting deals" of 1901 and 1902. It will have reason to thank the framer of that question.

As a matter of fact, during that time of madness nothing was more disquieting to cool-headed financiers than suspicion as to the employment of life-insurance surpluses. Whose money stood behind the amazing performances of the "second Steel syndicate," the Shipping Trust underwriting, and the United States Shipbuilding promotion, the banking connections of which have, to this day, been veiled In mystery? That there was life-insurance participation in some of these undertakings, has long been known. It will be no misfortune if we now learn exactly how much and how little this one great company had to do with them. Believing, as we do, that such participation was questionable in the highest degree, we think also that full public information on the facts is very desirable. It is time that the public learned whether or not these institutions have been or could be used to support the ambitious schemes of promoting or speculating financiers. Whatever the facts developed, we are convinced that good will come of their disclosure.

We have said little as to the legal irregularity of the transaction described by Mr. Hyde. It appears to us, however, to be abundantly covered, in both language and intent, by the severe prohibitory paragraph of the Insurance Act providing that "no director or officer of an insurance corporation doing business in this State shall receive any money or valuable thing for negotiating, procuring, or recommending any loan from any such corporation, or for selling or aiding in the sale of any stocks or securities to or by such corporation." Nor do we propose to enter into the controversy as to whether Mr. Alexander's alleged participation in this "underwriting" of "James H. Hyde and Associates" made the matter worse or better. We hold a brief for neither faction; but we are very sure that the investigation into the whole Equitable matter cannot now be stopped until the last stone is turned in the public view, and the record of the responsible officers made clear.

Read more about the James Hazen Hyde scam and how it would be redirected to pay off for the O.A.K. when the U.S. Navy rebuilt their fleet. This was a brilliant money making organization that could turn a mistake and getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar into another billion (s) dollar operation.

StevenWarRan Research: The Nation, 1905 morton president of equitable life&f=false

L.C. Baker

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Why do companies incorporate now days? To protect their ASSets. The same reason that it was hard to prosecute one individual and recognize him as what he really was....a member of a secret society or organization that was in control of the people trying to prosecute or bring charges on him. Nothing that a letter from the President of the U.S.A. won't help diminish and make go away right?, especially if his pockets and political carrier are also being lined. Fuel and Iron morton scandal&f=false


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If you agree to work all day for 1$ and you get your dollar at the end of the day, that is the deal you made. Shut up and take the dollar or else!That's how it was at the salt mines....and as it turns out the Colorado Fuel & Iron Company


Ludlow Massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Would you take a President of the United States word for it?
"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." -Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve into existence

"small group of dominant men" In a secret meeting.........or was it actually a secret meeting made up of members in a secret society that had grown up and financially conquered the United States, and it was time to take over the bank forever. Don't forget that from that time on when our government borrowed money they had to pay back the Federal reserve with interest. The reserve that is to this day privately owned by unnamed men.

The Secret Meeting That Launched the Federal Reserve: Echoes - Bloomberg View

Think about it, L.C.:thumbsup:

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DYK...? Iron Hand WAS 1st Degree - KGC...?

I was aware of that Rebel, but I believe it was you that told me that fact quite a while back before we were discussing Gen. McClellan's speech where he spoke of the iron hand.
During the Civil War implemented plans to invade a region in West Virginia, he triggered his first serious political controversy by proclaiming to the citizens there that his forces had no intentions of interfering with personal property—including slaves. "Notwithstanding all that has been said by the traitors to induce you to believe that our advent among you will be signalized by interference with your slaves, understand one thing clearly—not only will we abstain from all such interference but we will on the contrary with an iron hand, crush any attempted insurrection on their part."

There is some irony in the fact that the K.G.C./O.A.K. eventually controlled the steel and iron in the U.S. .:laughing7: great point!


I was aware of that Rebel, but I believe it was you that told me that fact quite a while back before we were discussing Gen. McClellan's speech where he spoke of the iron hand.
During the Civil War implemented plans to invade a region in West Virginia, he triggered his first serious political controversy by proclaiming to the citizens there that his forces had no intentions of interfering with personal property—including slaves. "Notwithstanding all that has been said by the traitors to induce you to believe that our advent among you will be signalized by interference with your slaves, understand one thing clearly—not only will we abstain from all such interference but we will on the contrary with an iron hand, crush any attempted insurrection on their part."

There is some irony in the fact that the K.G.C./O.A.K. eventually controlled the steel and iron in the U.S. .:laughing7: great point!


IRON was necessary for "war efforts"... eventually, WHO gained $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ from the "Military-Industrial Complex" during the "conflict" in Vietnam...?

"Military-Industrial Complex" = big money government contracts and people who profit when there is war. It is amazing how many ex CIA, SS, and Military personnel from the pentagon are CEOs of their companies. Not only do they instigate conflict, they can also speculate on the market fluctuations that they cause. It is legalized insider trading.


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I wish Mr. Griffin had known what I have disclosed about the K.G.C. and O.A.K before doing research for his book. If he only knew the truth about the K.G.C. and O.A.K. and their high ranking positions in the federal government throughout several presidencies in history, it would have shed more light on the men he was already savvy to. His book could have been recognized for providing further proof of who's who in the K.G.C. and O.A.K. It is to me even if he was not aware that some of the men he was looking at were affiliated with a secret society known as the O.A.K.. If you read Mr. Griffin's book and use his research to your advantage in finding out the truth, it will link you to some of the K.G.C./O.A.K. members I have provided further information on, and their links to the Jekyll Island gang and their endeavors.

Here is a link to his book:

Happy reading! L.C.

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If you agree to work all day for 1$ and you get your dollar at the end of the day, that is the deal you made. Shut up and take the dollar or else!That's how it was at the salt mines....and as it turns out the Colorado Fuel & Iron Company


Ludlow Massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


This is a trend that would repeat it's self during the Grover Cleveland administration when J.Sterling Morton was the Sec. of Agriculture...but with a strong railroad background lol.

After the death of George M. Pullman in 1897 Robert Todd Lincoln assumed the presidency of the Pullman Palace Car Co. Lincoln remained president of the company until 1911. When Pullman died he left behind an estate of $7.6 million, 2490 railroad cars and a $63.5 million corporation. At this time the company had 90% of the sleeping car business in North America, and it had the largest railroad car plant in the world.

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The search for factual truth has always been the preeminent purpose
and basic function of the Federal Trade Commission- Indeed, one
of the main reasons for creating the Commission was the recognition
of the need for a government agency adequately equipped to secure,
evaluate and report facts which revealed the structure of our economy.
Never, since its inception, has the Commission forgotten this.
As early as 1903 the need for industrial facts of this kind brought
about the establishment of the predecessor of the Commission-the
Bureau of Corporations in the Department of Commerce.' The Commissioner
of Corporations, who was in charge of the Bureau, had the
power to investigate the organization, conduct and management of corporations,
and to compile and publish his findings. The Bureau could
not prosecute; it could only investigate and advise.2 For, it was believed
that in most cases public disclosure of monopolistic or unfair competitive
practices would be sufficient to result in their correction. In the
event that publicity proved to be an inadequate remedy, the disclosed
business evils could provide, of course, the basis for a proceeding under
the Sherman Act by the Attorney General.

The Commission's investigation of the packing industry led to the
enactment of the Packers and Stockyards Act.8 The Commission's recommendations,
following its extensive investigation of the grain trade,
became an integral part of the Grain Futures ActY The investigation
of the radio industry, conducted by the Commission pursuant to a resolution
of the House of Representatives, contributed materially to the
enactment of the Radio Act of 1927 and the Communications Act of
1934.10 Moreover, the Security Act of 1933,1 the Public Utility Holding
Company Act of 1935,12 and the Federal Power Act of 1935,"3 all resulted
largely from exhaustive investigations and reports which the
Commission made to Congress in response to its resolutions.

At no time did the 1903 government party of opposition recognize that their foe was the secret society of monopolist known as the O.A.K. who were the spawn of the K.G.C. of the old Civil War days back in 1861-63. They were in the second and third rounds of the Confederate organizations plan for retribution and it was working great for them until these government organizations were formed to battle them. That litigation continues until this very day and a generation of the O.A.K. that has no idea where there businesses roots began or how they were funded in the beginning.,,,or do they?:dontknow:


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The search for factual truth has always been the preeminent purpose
and basic function of the Federal Trade Commission- Indeed, one
of the main reasons for creating the Commission was the recognition
of the need for a government agency adequately equipped to secure,
evaluate and report facts which revealed the structure of our economy.
Never, since its inception, has the Commission forgotten this.
As early as 1903 the need for industrial facts of this kind brought
about the establishment of the predecessor of the Commission-the
Bureau of Corporations in the Department of Commerce.' The Commissioner
of Corporations, who was in charge of the Bureau, had the
power to investigate the organization, conduct and management of corporations,
and to compile and publish his findings. The Bureau could
not prosecute; it could only investigate and advise.2 For, it was believed
that in most cases public disclosure of monopolistic or unfair competitive
practices would be sufficient to result in their correction. In the
event that publicity proved to be an inadequate remedy, the disclosed
business evils could provide, of course, the basis for a proceeding under
the Sherman Act by the Attorney General.

The Commission's investigation of the packing industry led to the
enactment of the Packers and Stockyards Act.8 The Commission's recommendations,
following its extensive investigation of the grain trade,
became an integral part of the Grain Futures ActY The investigation
of the radio industry, conducted by the Commission pursuant to a resolution
of the House of Representatives, contributed materially to the
enactment of the Radio Act of 1927 and the Communications Act of
1934.10 Moreover, the Security Act of 1933,1 the Public Utility Holding
Company Act of 1935,12 and the Federal Power Act of 1935,"3 all resulted
largely from exhaustive investigations and reports which the
Commission made to Congress in response to its resolutions.

At no time did the 1903 government party of opposition recognize that their foe was the secret society of monopolist known as the O.A.K. who were the spawn of the K.G.C. of the old Civil War days back in 1861-63. They were in the second and third rounds of the Confederate organizations plan for retribution and it was working great for them until these government organizations were formed to battle them. That litigation continues until this very day and a generation of the O.A.K. that has no idea where there businesses roots began or how they were funded in the beginning.,,,or do they?:dontknow:


SOMETHING to think about; when you have TWO "conditions" (added together), they create a THIRD "condition"... look at TRIANGLE... KGC + OAK at bottom "corners", creating an up-rising THIRD "condition"/"entity"; what is it...?

SOMETHING to think about; when you have TWO "conditions" (added together), they create a THIRD "condition"... look at TRIANGLE... KGC + OAK at bottom "corners", creating an up-rising THIRD "condition"/"entity"; what is it...?


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