Rebel - KGC
Platinum Member
To the best of your ability based on the information available what would you say links him to the organization.
THANKS! Thought you meant "card-carrying" proof...
To the best of your ability based on the information available what would you say links him to the organization.
In 1869 iron was already a major industry, accounting for 6.6% of manufacturing employment and 7.8% of manufacturing output. By then the central figure was Andrew Carnegie, who made Pittsburgh the center of the industry. Carnegie's great innovation was in the cheap and efficient mass production of steel rails for railroad lines. He sold his operations to US Steel in 1901, which became the world's largest steel corporation for decades.
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Perhaps he was attending this meeting with other monopoly holders at Arbor Lodge in Nebraska City to celebrate Mark Morton's appointment by Theodore Roosevelt to Sec. of Navy because they would immediately start building battleships out of steel. That must have been good news to these other men attending the private party also, considering the bridges were built and the train and tracks were all laid in place by that time.
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In 1869 iron was already a major industry, accounting for 6.6% of manufacturing employment and 7.8% of manufacturing output. By then the central figure was Andrew Carnegie, who made Pittsburgh the center of the industry. Carnegie's great innovation was in the cheap and efficient mass production of steel rails for railroad lines. He sold his operations to US Steel in 1901, which became the world's largest steel corporation for decades.
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Perhaps he was attending this meeting with other monopoly holders at Arbor Lodge in Nebraska City to celebrate Mark Morton's appointment by Theodore Roosevelt to Sec. of Navy because they would immediately start building battleships out of steel. That must have been good news to these other men attending the private party also, considering the bridges were built and the train and tracks were all laid in place by that time.
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If you agree to work all day for 1$ and you get your dollar at the end of the day, that is the deal you made. Shut up and take the dollar or else!That's how it was at the salt mines....and as it turns out the Colorado Fuel & Iron Ludlow Massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
DYK...? Iron Hand WAS 1st Degree - KGC...?
I was aware of that Rebel, but I believe it was you that told me that fact quite a while back before we were discussing Gen. McClellan's speech where he spoke of the iron hand.
During the Civil War implemented plans to invade a region in West Virginia, he triggered his first serious political controversy by proclaiming to the citizens there that his forces had no intentions of interfering with personal property—including slaves. "Notwithstanding all that has been said by the traitors to induce you to believe that our advent among you will be signalized by interference with your slaves, understand one thing clearly—not only will we abstain from all such interference but we will on the contrary with an iron hand, crush any attempted insurrection on their part."
There is some irony in the fact that the K.G.C./O.A.K. eventually controlled the steel and iron in the U.S. .great point!
If you agree to work all day for 1$ and you get your dollar at the end of the day, that is the deal you made. Shut up and take the dollar or else!That's how it was at the salt mines....and as it turns out the Colorado Fuel & Iron Company
Ludlow Massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The search for factual truth has always been the preeminent purpose
and basic function of the Federal Trade Commission- Indeed, one
of the main reasons for creating the Commission was the recognition
of the need for a government agency adequately equipped to secure,
evaluate and report facts which revealed the structure of our economy.
Never, since its inception, has the Commission forgotten this.
As early as 1903 the need for industrial facts of this kind brought
about the establishment of the predecessor of the Commission-the
Bureau of Corporations in the Department of Commerce.' The Commissioner
of Corporations, who was in charge of the Bureau, had the
power to investigate the organization, conduct and management of corporations,
and to compile and publish his findings. The Bureau could
not prosecute; it could only investigate and advise.2 For, it was believed
that in most cases public disclosure of monopolistic or unfair competitive
practices would be sufficient to result in their correction. In the
event that publicity proved to be an inadequate remedy, the disclosed
business evils could provide, of course, the basis for a proceeding under
the Sherman Act by the Attorney General.
The Commission's investigation of the packing industry led to the
enactment of the Packers and Stockyards Act.8 The Commission's recommendations,
following its extensive investigation of the grain trade,
became an integral part of the Grain Futures ActY The investigation
of the radio industry, conducted by the Commission pursuant to a resolution
of the House of Representatives, contributed materially to the
enactment of the Radio Act of 1927 and the Communications Act of
1934.10 Moreover, the Security Act of 1933,1 the Public Utility Holding
Company Act of 1935,12 and the Federal Power Act of 1935,"3 all resulted
largely from exhaustive investigations and reports which the
Commission made to Congress in response to its resolutions.
At no time did the 1903 government party of opposition recognize that their foe was the secret society of monopolist known as the O.A.K. who were the spawn of the K.G.C. of the old Civil War days back in 1861-63. They were in the second and third rounds of the Confederate organizations plan for retribution and it was working great for them until these government organizations were formed to battle them. That litigation continues until this very day and a generation of the O.A.K. that has no idea where there businesses roots began or how they were funded in the beginning.,,,or do they?
SOMETHING to think about; when you have TWO "conditions" (added together), they create a THIRD "condition"... look at TRIANGLE... KGC + OAK at bottom "corners", creating an up-rising THIRD "condition"/"entity"; what is it...?