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"I used to be a Gold Bug, a staunch supporter of gold backed money and a denouncer of fiat money. Then I came across evidence that changed my mind. Not only changed my mind, but made me understand that GOLD BACKED MONEY IS NOT INHERENTLY SAFER THAN FIAT MONEY. I shared some of that evidence before, and there are multiple exhibits" - Nobody

This question was a very big part of the politics the KGC/OAK was involved in taking charge of. When I say taking charge I mean they deformed the government to their liking by bending the rules or making the rules to suit their agenda. J. Sterling Morton was very outspoken on the subject, but at that time the question was about bimetallism and the gold standard. If you want to see the K.G.C. / OAK in action just read about any speech that Mr. Morton made, or any crowd he addressed from the podium and look at what the laws and rules were that he was standing up for or trying to re-right. Keep two things in mind, that is just one politician in the organizations members...or arsenal of politicians, and that the K.G.C. / O.A.K. wanted to coin their own money out of their own gold.
Julius Sterling Morton, like many other members of the organization was a gold mine owner and partner in many operations going on in Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico and Mexico.


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Great Stuff! The trouble with good speculation is that the evidence to support it is being sought after at that time. When religion is such a big part of the speculation, it is hard to talk about it on an open forum without wizzing in somebodies cereal. Some subjects are best discussed among small groups or ....lets just say you could get the nimrod.

"The laws of Hermes, eh? Is Isis Queen of this country, or is Columbia? Or are they one in the same ?...? Did you know there is another version of the Osirian Tale, one that has him dismembered into 26 pieces? I have been looking into that one as of late ...

'Ol Isis, well that 'Ol Gal gets around. She is everywhere." - Nobody

What would they say to us if we start talking about searching for a golden phallus????? This is the correct path and the search we have been sent on. There is no doubt in my mind. We are in the midst of finding the pieces (of MAP) that were laid out for us to find. The first was at a turtle, from that point we were sent by looking at the stars on certain dates and then traveling in that direction. Sirius (The Dog) was our guide, and we continue the search to this day.


Looks MORE like Columbus, with his "Captain" Hat; I had one as Worshipful Master of my "Blue Lodge". It means "Captain of the Ship".

Columbus was linked to the Knights Templar through a spawn known as The Knights of Christ.....maybe that is why they let him wear that hat Rebel! :thumbsup:

Look closely at the names on this list$t1912.htm

Membership - 1912 Money Trust*

Name Particulars:

A. Iselin & Co. M$T
F.H. Prince & Co. M$T
Francis Henshaw & Co. M$T
Higginson & Co. M$T
J.P. Morgan & Co. M$T
Kidder, Peabody & Co. M$T
P.J. Goodhart & Co. M$T
Robert Winthrop & Co. M$T
S.B. Chapin & Co. M$T
Zeiler, Fairman & Co. M$T
United States Trust Co. (NY) M$T
James Strange Alexander M$T1912 (2)
Charles Herbert Allen M$T1912 (3)
Charles Wesley Allen M$T
Nathan Topliff Allen M$T
Samuel Waters Allerton M$T1912 (2)
L. E. Anderson M$T
Jonathan Ogden Armour M$T1912 (5)
William Waldorf Astor M$T MC
Mary Williamson Averell M$T
Frederick Ayer M$T
Robert Ogden Bacon M$T UC 1918
George Fisher Baker M$T1912 (20) MC
George Fisher Baker, Jr. M$T1912 (4)
Stephen Baker M$T1912 (3) UC
William Barbour M$T
Catherine Barker M$T
Adolphus Clay Barlett M$T1912 (2)
James C. Bell M$T
Grace C. Berquist M$T
Edward Julis Berwind M$T1912 (5) MC
John Charles Black M$T1912 (2)
Clinton Ledyard Blair M$T1912 (2)
Henry Augustus Blair M$T1912 (4)
James A. Blair M$T1912 (2)
Emilie K. Boisot M$T1912 (2)
O. T. Boyton M$T1912 (3)
George Warren Brown M$T
Paul Brown M$T
William Liston Brown M$T1912 (3)
Edwin Muhlenberg Bulkley M$T1912 (1)
Daniel Hudson Burnham M$T
James Gay Butler M$T
James Campbell M$T
Henry White Cannon M$T
James Graham Cannon M$T1912 (2)
Augustus A. Carpenter M$T1912 (2)
William Thorton Carter M$T
George Bowen Case M$T1912 (4)
William James Chalmers M$T1912 (2)
Henry B. Clarke M$T
Springfield Fire and Marine Ins. Co M$T
Thomas Frederick Cole M$T
James Colby Colgate M$T1912 (3)
Illinois Life Insurance Company M$T
Mutual Life Insurance Company M$T
Edmund Cogswell Converse M$T1912 (6)
Northern Finance Corporation M$T
Alfred Cowles II M$T
Robert E. Craig, Jr. M$T
W.R. Craig M$T
David Mark Cummings M$T1912 (2)
D.M. Cummins M$T
Thomas De Witt Cuyler M$T1912 (10)
Henry Pomeroy Davison M$T1903
Henry Pomeroy Davison M$T1912 (5)
Robert Weeks de Forest M$T1912 (2)
Charles Henry Deere M$T
J. B. Dennis M$T1912 (1)
Cleveland Hoadley Dodge M$T1912 (1)
James Mackie Donald M$T
Lewis David Dozier M$T
George A. Draper M$T
R. J. Dunham M$T1912 (2)
Albert John Earling M$T1912 (4)
Bernard Albert Eckhart M$T1912 (2)
David Eiseman M$T
Louisine Waldron Elder M$T
Rudolph Ellis M$T1912 (4)
William Endicott, Jr. M$T1912 (1)
Harris Charles Fahnestock M$T1912 (2) UC
Charles Stebbins Fairchild M$T
E. Hayward Ferry M$T1912 (1)
Joseph N. Field M$T
James Berwick Forgan M$T1912 (3)
James M. Fowler M$T
Arnold Fox M$T
Walter Edwin Frew M$T1912 (1)
Henry Clay Frick M$T1912 (8)
Mary G.Thompson M$T
Sarah T. Gardiner M$T
Charles T. Garland M$T
James A. Garland M$T
Elbert Henry Gary M$T1912 (11)
Robert Walton Goelet, Jr. M$T'12 (7) MC
George Jay Gould M$T1912 (5)
Joseph Peter Grace M$T1912 (1)
Henry Griesedieck, Jr. M$T
Daniel Guggenheim M$T1912 (5)
B.S. Guinness M$T1912 (4)
William Pierson Hamilton M$T1912 (1)
Charles William Harkness M$T1912 (3)
Edward Stephen Harkness M$T
John F. Harris M$T
Mrs. Eleanor S. Harris M$T
Benjamin Hart M$T
Deering Harvester Co. M$T
Frederick Tudor Haskell M$T1912 (1)
Henry Osborne Havemeyer M$T
Augustus Hemenway M$T
Alexander Julian Hemphill M$T1912 (2) MC
Alonzo Barton Hepburn M$T1912 (4) MC
Henry Lee Higginson M$T1912 (3)
James Jerome Hill M$T1912 (6)
Francis Lyman Hine M$T1912 (11)
Henry H. Hitchcock M$T1912 (2)
Henry Hornblower M$T
Horace F. Howland M$T
Marvin Hughitt M$T1912 (6)
Frank W. Hunt M$T
Bessemer Investment Co. M$T
Arthur Curtiss James M$T1912 (5) MC
James M. Jarvie M$T
Edward Turner Jeffrey M$T1912 (7)
Frederick Beach Jennings M$T1912 (3)
Walter Jennings M$T1912 (2)
W. A. Johnston M$T1912 (1)
Kate Allerton Johnstone M$T
Curtis J. Judd M$T
Augustus D. Julliard M$T1912 (5) MC
Otto Hermann Kahn M$T1912 (3)
John Grenville Kane M$T
Chauncey Keep M$T1912 (6)
William Vallandigham Kelley M$T1912 (2)
Sidney A. Kent M$T
R.C. Kerens M$T
Charles B. King M$T
Darwin Pearl Kingsley M$T1912 (3)
W.J. Kinsella M$T
Gardiner Martin Lane M$T1912 (6)
Livi Z. Leiter M$T
Frederick E. Lewis M$T
Percy P. Lewis M$T
John Crerar Library M$T
Robert Todd Lincoln M$T1912 (4)
H. G. Lloyd M$T1912 (2)
Timber Loan Co. M$T
William Logan M$T1903
William J. Louderback M$T1912 (3)
George D. Markham M$T
Edgar L. Marston M$T1912 (4)
John D. Marston M$T
J. B. Martindale M$T1912 (3)
Levy Mayer M$T
Harold H. McCormick M$T1912 (3)
Henry F. McCormick M$T1912 (3)
R. W. McElves M$T1912 (2)
Mrs. Elizabeth S. McElwee M$T
Robert H. McElwee M$T
Gates White McGarrah M$T1912 (2)
Walter McKittrick M$T
C.M. McMillam M$T
Samuel McRoberts M$T1912 (6)
Emily Eames McVeagh M$T
Franklin McVeagh M$T
Darius Miller M$T1912 (2)
Jennie M. Mitchell M$T
John James Mitchell M$T1912 (7)
Mary A. I. Mitchell M$T
William Hamilton Mitchell M$T
William Moffitt M$T
William Henry Moore M$T1912 (6)
John Pierpont Morgan M$T1912 (5) MC UC
John Pierpont Morgan, Jr. M$T1912 (4) MC
Edward Morris M$T1912 (2)
Ira N. Morris M$T
John Reynolds Morron M$T1912 (2)
Charles Hosmer Morse, Jr. M$T1912 (2)
Joy Morton M$T1912 (3)
Levi Parsons Morton M$T12 (2) MC UC
Catherine T. Moulton M$T
A. E. Newbold M$T1912 (1)
Edward T. Nichols M$T
Samuel Nickerson M$T
Charles Dyer Norton M$T1912 (2)
Malvina Belle Ogden M$T
Washington Irving Osborne M$T1912 (2)
Stephen Squires Palmer M$T1912 (4)
James A. Patten M$T
Charles Augustus Peabody M$T1912 (10)
Frank Everett Peabody M$T1912 (1)
George Walbridge Perkins M$T1912
William Walter Phelps M$T
Eugene S. Pike M$T1912 (2)
D. E. Pomeroy M$T1912 (3)
Henry H. Porter, Jr. M$T1912 (2)
William H. Porter M$T1912 (5)
Edwin A. Potter M$T1912 (2)
Andrew W. Preston M$T
Frederick Henry Prince M$T
J. S. Prippe M$T 1912 (3)
Seward Prosser M$T1912 (2)
Moses Taylor Pyne M$T1912 (4) MC
Epes D. Randolph M$T1912 (2)
Samuel Roberson Read M$T1912 (7)
Norman Bruce Ream M$T1912 (13)
Daniel Gray Reid M$T1912 (8)
George M. Reynolds M$T1912 (2)
Thomas A. Reynolds M$T
Edward Payson Ripley M$T1912 (2)
Alexander Martin Robertson M$T1912 (2) ?
John Davison Rockefeller M$T
William D. Rockefeller M$T1912 (10) MC
J. B. Rogan M$T
R. W. Roloson M$T
Gusta Morris Rothschild M$T
Frank A. Ruf M$T
Albertina T. Russell M$T
Edward Perry Russell M$T1912 (2)
John D. Ryan M$T1912 (4)
Thomas Fortune Ryan M$T MC
Charles Hamilton Sabin M$T1912 (5)
J. Sanford Saltus M$T
A.H. Sanford M$T
Jacob Henry Schiff M$T1912 (1)
Mortimer L. Schiff M$T1912 (4)
Grant Barney Schley M$T1912 (6)
Maud Morris Schwab M$T
Harry Scullin M$T
John Scullin M$T
Sussex Securities Co. M$T
John Graves Shedd M$T1912 (7)
William A. Simonson M$T1912 (1)
Charles Sleele M$T1912 (11)
Samuel Sloane M$T1912 (3)
William Douglas Sloane M$T1912 (1) MC
J. J. Slocum M$T1912 (2)
Harry O. Smith M$T
Valentine P. Snyder M$T1912 (3)
Elizabeth Clarke Spaulding M$T
James Joseph Speyer M$T1912 (8)
John Alden Spoor M$T1912 (3)
Equitable Life Assurance of United State M$T
National Life Ins. Co. of United States M$T
E.S. Steinam M$T
John William Sterling M$T1912 (3)
James W. Stevens M$T1912 (2)
Charles Chauncey Stillman M$T
Ernest G. Stillman M$T
James Stillman M$T1912 (6)
James Alexander Stillman M$T1912 (1)
Webster & Stone M$T
James Jackson Storrow M$T1912 (2)
Edward Townsend Stotesbury M$T1912 (8) MC
Benjamin Strong, Jr. M$T1912 (8)
John S. Sullivan M$T
Bernard Edward Sunny M$T1912 (3)
Edward Fletcher Swinney M$T1912 (2)
J. T. Talbert M$T1912 (2)
Henry A. Colt Taylor M$T1912 (2) MC
Katherine W. Taylor M$T
Moses Taylor M$T1912 (2) MC
Egbert E. Thomas M$T
Charles G. Thompson M$T
Elizabeth Thompson M$T
Ferris S. Thompson M$T
J. F. Thompson M$T1903
Mary Clark Thompson M$T
Charles Hedges Thorne M$T1912 (2)
William Van Schoonhoven Thorne M$T1912 (4)
Frederick Thornley, Jr. M$T
Mercantile Trust Co. M$T
Merchants Loan & Trust Co. M$T
Edward Tuck M$T
H. McKinley Twombley M$T
Patrick Anderson Valentine M$T1912 (2)
Ralph Van Vechtem M$T1912 (2)
William Kissam Vanderbilt M$T (3) MC
Frank Arthur Vanderlip M$T1912 (11)
Festus John Wade M$T
J. S. Walker M$T
Mrs. Jessie S. Walker M$T
Paul Mortiz Warburg M$T1912 (6)
John Isaac Waterbury M$T1912 (4)
Emily A. Watson M$T
William James Watson M$T1912 (2)
Frank G. Webster M$T1912 (1)
Hornblower & Weeks M$T
John Wingate Weeks M$T
Frank O. Wetmore M$T1912 (2)
Frederick Edward Weyerhaeuser M$T1912 (3)
Justin Du Pratt White M$T1903
Harry Payne Whitney M$T1912 (1) MC
George Whittell M$T
Albert H. Wiggin M$T1912 (12)
George West Wilson M$T UC
Myron Henry Wilson M$T
Daniel Gould Wing M$T
Sidney Wilmot Winslow M$T
Robert Winsor M$T1912 (5)
Hans Winterfeldt M$T1912 (2)
G.G. Woodin M$T
William Herrick Woodward M$T
William Woodworth M$T
Clarence Mott Woolley M$T1912 (2)
Samuel Woolverton M$T1903
Howard A. Wrenn M$T
Mutual Life of New York M$T
Edward Faitoute Condit Young M$T1903
Otto Young M$T
Source: Money Trust Investigation: Investigation of the Financial
and Monetary Conditions in the United States Under House Resolutions
NOS. 429 and 504 Before A Subcommittee of the Committee on Banking
and Currency (1913) (Y4.B22/1:M74/2/pt. 20-26) Exhibit 134-A
(December 18, 1912).
M$T1912=Listed on 1912 interlocking directorate wall chart. Number in parenthesis is number of directorships.
M$T=Listed in hearings as stockholder in a Money Trust bank.
MC=Metropolitan Club member (incomplete)
UC=Union Club member (incomplete)


"Guaranty Trust was founded in 1864 in New York. Over the next 100 years the banking firm expanded rapidly by absorbing other banks and trust companies; in 1910 it merged Morton Trust Company, in 1912 the Standard Trust Company and in 1929, the National Bank of Commerce. The J.P. Morgan Firm has effectively controlled Guaranty Trust since 1912 when Mrs. Edward Harriman (Mother of Roland and Averell Harriman) sold her block of 8,000 shares of the total outstanding 20,000 shares to J.P. Morgan. By 1954 Guaranty Trust had become the most important banking subsidiary of the J.P. Morgan Firm and since 1954 the merged firms have been known as Morgan Guaranty Company.

Put on that O.A.K. Thinking cap and read that again please. L.C. Baker :thumbsup:

These guys were the masters when it came to pulling the wool over the public's eyes cross. or sheeple if you prefer. I love the song by the Who, one of my favorites!:thumbsup:

The K.G.C were so good at it that they changed the United States Laws forever by undetected fraudulent claims that were made by them to milk Mexico and use the United States Government to do it. If enough high ranking signatures appear on a fake document it can make it real.

Why do I post so much information?

This is what I am up against. "It’s also possible that President Theodore Roosevelt may have visited the mansion, if not stayed, ***** said. The president traveled through Nebraska and had a direct connection to the Morton family: Paul Morton, Sterling and Caroline’s second born, was Roosevelt’s secretary of the Navy."

I mean are you kidding me??????????:BangHead:

arbor lodge meeting.webp

I hate to beat a dead horse...but does this sound familiar?

"The South Improvement Company. In developing what would become Standard Oil, Rockefeller, a manager of extraordinary abilities, and Henry Flagler, an exceptional marketer, recognized that the costs and control of the shipment of crude oil would determine which oil firms would survive and which ones would go bankrupt. The railroad that transported crude was key. They came up with a nefarious* plan , which was basically a mechanism to obtain secret favorable net rates from Tom Scott of the Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR) and other railroads through secret rebates from the railroads. The Railroads were somewhat like a modern utility, inasmuch as it was expected to serve the public good and treat its customers equally. Rates in that era were published in what was called “tariffs” and were public information, but the rebate scheme was done secretly."

(typically of an action or activity) wicked or criminal.
"the nefarious activities of the organized-crime syndicates"
synonyms: wicked, evil, sinful, iniquitous, egregious, heinous, atrocious, vile, foul, abominable, odious, depraved, monstrous, fiendish, diabolical, unspeakable, despicable;

The only reason that the public found out about the secret cash kick backs was because Rockefeller and associates tried to force out a competitor named H.H. Rogers who publicly exposed Rockefeller's (O.A.K.?)scheme. When they couldn't whoop Rogers and make him fold like his partner did under great debt, they bought him out and eventually made H.H. Rogers a vise president in Standard OIl. Put on your O.A.K. thinking cap and read between the lines....or maybe read the lines themselves. LOL! L.C.:thumbsup:

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Why do I post so much information?

This is what I am up against. "It’s also possible that President Theodore Roosevelt may have visited the mansion, if not stayed, ***** said. The president traveled through Nebraska and had a direct connection to the Morton family: Paul Morton, Sterling and Caroline’s second born, was Roosevelt’s secretary of the Navy."

I mean are you kidding me??????????:BangHead:

View attachment 1248839
Teddy R. is the "fat" guy in the last row; white shirt, black pant... no hat.

He is standing between Joy and Paul Morton with his arms crossed over his chest right behind the seated fellows.:thumbsup:

Why do I post so much information?

This is what I am up against. "It’s also possible that President Theodore Roosevelt may have visited the mansion, if not stayed, ***** said. The president traveled through Nebraska and had a direct connection to the Morton family: Paul Morton, Sterling and Caroline’s second born, was Roosevelt’s secretary of the Navy."

I mean are you kidding me??????????:BangHead:

View attachment 1248839

Public meetings at Arbor Lodge had women folk included, private meetings had none allowed to attend.
Click here to see the difference----->

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