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AT&T Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Teletype Corporation had its roots in the Morkrum Company. In 1902, electrical engineer Frank Pearne approached Joy Morton, head of Morton Salt, seeking a sponsor for Pearne's research into the practicalities of developing a printing telegraph system. , (it is highly likely that Joy and his B.L.F. sought Frank )Joy Morton needed to determine whether this was worthwhile and so consulted mechanical engineer Charles Krum, who was vice president of the Western Cold Storage Company, which was run by Morton’s brother Mark Morton. Krum was a key figure in the development of the teleprinter, a machine which played a key role in the history of telegraphy and computing.
In 1902, he was interested in working together with Pearne, so space was set up in a laboratory in the attic of Morton's Western Cold Storage. Frank Pearne lost interest in the project after a year, and left to get involved in teaching. Krum was prepared to continue Pearne’s work, and in August, 1903 a patent was filed for a ‘typebar page printer’.

Among Morton’s brands are Morton Salt and Argo Starch. Morton also supported the development of the teletype and formed the Morkrum company with the inventor Howard Krum. The company was later renamed to Morkrum-Kleinschmidt, then to Teletype Corporation. It was sold to American Telephone & Telegraph Company in 1930 for $30,000,000. But did it really even change hands? or was it the O.A.K. reshuffling the deck to avoid another monopoly scandle?

Alexander Graham Bell (center) and several AT&T executives prepare to inaugurate transcontinental telephone service, January 25, 1915.

Theodore Newton Vail - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Four locations participated in the first call. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone and co-founder of AT&T, led a group of dignitaries in New York. His one-time assistant Thomas Watson, led a group in San Francisco. AT&T President Theodore Vail spoke from Jekyll Island, Ga. And U.S. President Woodrow Wilson spoke from the White House. In the end AT&T ended up reshuffled into the hand of the man who was always holding all of the Aces. He is still holding most of them, but he is gone from this earth and the OAKS he spawned continue to spawn acorns through natural propagation like a constantly growing Forrest. The old boy is dead and his roughed O.A.K. stump has disappeared quietly as they all did one by one. It makes no difference to the Empire he created, for he was always "They".....the Brothers of Lasting Faith.
J.P. Morgan Flexes Its Muscle in $20 Billion Loan to AT&T - WSJ

Make that two very long train loads of money!:laughing7:

Just my common cents, L.C.

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AT&T Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Teletype Corporation had its roots in the Morkrum Company. In 1902, electrical engineer Frank Pearne approached Joy Morton, head of Morton Salt, seeking a sponsor for Pearne's research into the practicalities of developing a printing telegraph system. , (it is highly likely that Joy and his B.L.F. sought Frank )Joy Morton needed to determine whether this was worthwhile and so consulted mechanical engineer Charles Krum, who was vice president of the Western Cold Storage Company, which was run by Morton’s brother Mark Morton. Krum was a key figure in the development of the teleprinter, a machine which played a key role in the history of telegraphy and computing.
In 1902, he was interested in working together with Pearne, so space was set up in a laboratory in the attic of Morton's Western Cold Storage. Frank Pearne lost interest in the project after a year, and left to get involved in teaching. Krum was prepared to continue Pearne’s work, and in August, 1903 a patent was filed for a ‘typebar page printer’.

Among Morton’s brands are Morton Salt and Argo Starch. Morton also supported the development of the teletype and formed the Morkrum company with the inventor Howard Krum. The company was later renamed to Morkrum-Kleinschmidt, then to Teletype Corporation. It was sold to American Telephone & Telegraph Company in 1930 for $30,000,000. But did it really even change hands? or was it the O.A.K. reshuffling the deck to avoid another monopoly scandle?

Alexander Graham Bell (center) and several AT&T executives prepare to inaugurate transcontinental telephone service, January 25, 1915.

Theodore Newton Vail - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Four locations participated in the first call. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone and co-founder of AT&T, led a group of dignitaries in New York. His one-time assistant Thomas Watson, led a group in San Francisco. AT&T President Theodore Vail spoke from Jekyll Island, Ga. And U.S. President Woodrow Wilson spoke from the White House. In the end AT&T ended up reshuffled into the hand of the man who was always holding all of the Aces. He is still holding most of them, but he is gone from this earth and the OAKS he spawned continue to spawn acorns through natural propagation like a constantly growing Forrest. The old boy is dead and his roughed O.A.K. stump has disappeared quietly as they all did one by one. It makes no difference to the Empire he created, for he was always "They".....the Brothers of Lasting Faith.
J.P. Morgan Flexes Its Muscle in $20 Billion Loan to AT&T - WSJ

Make that two very long train loads of money!:laughing7:

Just my common cents, L.C.

Hidden in a mountain Rail-Road Tunnel... BOTH ends of tunnel blasted SHUT! HH!

La Abra Silver Mining Co. v. United States - 175 U.S. 423 (1899)

Look at the records of this company, and the names of the owners, and then look at all of the litigation over the matter. Finally look at the fact that the litigation over the matter was a K.G.C./ O.A.K. scheme from it's very beginning in 1865. Pay close attention throughout the years to what administrations the funds from Mexico were paid (under a fraudulent K.G.C. claim using the United States to strong arm the Mexicans out of their money). It is because of this famous case that the U.S. law was changed and does not protect U.S. citizens engaged in private business with a foreign country.

S.F. Nuckolls
H.P. Benet Hiram Pitt Bennet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "For those Colorado K.G.C. / O.A.K. hunters."

For those that may be interested in more information about S.F. Nuckolls and H.P. Benet :The Ones That Got Away: Knights of the Golden Circle Exposed (Knights of the Golden Circle Unearthed) (Volume 1): L. C. Baker: 9781499593693: Books

L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

Julius Sterling Morton was the secretary of agriculture in President Grover Cleveland's cabinet.....

To the Senate:

I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of State, with its inclosures, in response to the resolution of the Senate of the 21st of December, 1887, and the 16th of January, 1888, touching the awards of the late Mexican Claims Commission, and especially those in favor of Benjamin Weil and La Abra Silver Mining Company.

It will be seen that the report concludes with a suggestion that these claims be referred to the Court of Claims, or such other court as may be deemed proper, in order that the charges of fraud made in relation to said claims may be fully investigated.

If for any reason this proceeding be considered inadvisable, I respectfully ask that some final and definite action be taken directing the executive department of the Government what course to pursue in the premises.

In view of the long delay that has already occurred in these cases, it would seem but just to all parties concerned that the Congress should speedily signify its final judgment upon the awards referred to and make the direction contemplated by the act of 1878, in default of which the money now on hand applicable to such awards now remains undistributed.


Grover Cleveland: Special Message

After all of those years of litigation they tried to get paid one last time with the help of Grover, and it backfired on them. They thought for sure they could not prove it was fraud and they wanted the money that the u.S. had been collecting from mexico all of those years on the claim.

L.C. Baker

P.S. President Grover Cleveland dedicated the whispering bench to honor J. S, Morton. Cleveland was a cousin to Presidents Franklin Pierce and James Garfield and Benjamin Harrison. All Masons.....

Grover Cleveland was in the business too ....

Cleveland authorized four new government bonds to raise enough gold to prevent the government from defaulting on its international obligations. He was forced?? to turn to investment banker J. P. Morgan to support the bonds. In relying on Morgan, Cleveland was derided for allying with powerful Wall Street interests instead of helping the average American. The President, however, felt that he had no choice but to replenish the country's gold reserves.

Now think K.G.C. Brothers of Lasting faith and read that last part again....

L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

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Teddy Roosevelt was one American who believed a revolution was coming.

He believed WALL STREET FINANCIERS and powerful trust titans to be acting foolishly. While they were eating off fancy china on mahogany tables in marble dining rooms, the masses were roughing it. There seemed to be no limit to greed. If docking wages would increase profits, it was done. If higher railroad rates put more gold in their coffers, it was done. How much was enough, Roosevelt wondered? (this is candy coating at it's best)
the SHERMAN ANTITRUST ACT, passed by Congress in 1890. This law declared illegal all combinations "in restraint of trade." For the first twelve years of its existence, the Sherman Act was a paper tiger. United States courts routinely sided with business when any enforcement of the Act was attempted.
the AMERICAN SUGAR REFINING COMPANY controlled 98 percent of the sugar industry. Despite this virtual monopoly, the Supreme Court refused to dissolve the corporation in an 1895 ruling. The only time an organization was deemed in restraint of trade was when the court ruled against a labor union
Theodore Roosevelt was not the type to initiate major changes timidly. The first trust giant to fall victim to Roosevelt's assault (fake attack?)was none other than the most powerful industrialist in the country — J. Pierpont Morgan.
Morgan controlled a railroad company known as Northern Securities. In combination with railroad MOGULS JAMES J. HILL and E. H. HARRIMAN, Morgan controlled the bulk of railroad shipping across the northern United States.

Theodore Roosevelt boiled everything down to a case of right versus wrong and good versus bad. If a trust controlled an entire industry but provided good service at reasonable rates, it was a "good" trust to be left alone. Only the "bad" trusts that jacked up rates and exploited consumers would come under attack.

Under his leadership, the Attorney General brought forty-four suits against businesses that were claimed to be monopolies, most notably J.P. Morgan's Northern Securities Company, a huge railroad combination, and J. D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company. Both were successful, with Standard Oil broken into over 30 smaller companies that eventually competed with one another. To raise the visibility of labor and management issues,

He filed suits against 44 trusts in his 7 1/2 years as president. Ironically, he was know as the "trust buster" when his successor, Taft, brought 90 against trusts in his 4 years.

During both terms of his presidency, Roosevelt fought to broaden and upgrade the Navy and other armed forces. He got Congress to agree to build more battleships and cruisers

They were built out of steel......the railroads were already built and the government teat was milked dry in the process... it was time to sell them off and make some money right? Paul Morton, Julius Sterling Mortons Son was a U.S. businessman, and served as the 36th Secretary of the Navy under Theodore Roosevelt. ?????????

President Roosevelt consistently sought to use the power of the federal government to break trusts and monopolies in business. However, leaders of the steel industry followed the meat-packers’ example by supporting government regulations in an effort to destroy smaller competitors. Ironically, this helped to create stronger trusts and monopolies than ever before.

In 1907, the leading steel companies agreed to fix prices, which would drive smaller competitors out of business. Instead of prosecuting the steel leaders for collusion, the Roosevelt administration supported the agreement, with White House representatives actually participating in the meetings.

When a major financial panic occurred in October 1907, U.S. Steel head J.P. Morgan brokered a deal among private bankers to provide corporate bailouts that prevented the panic from sparking an economic recession or worse. Roosevelt showed his gratitude toward Morgan by exempting U.S. Steel from antitrust prosecution.

In 1906, President Roosevelt signed two bills into law that placed stricter regulations on food and drug production. The Pure Food and Drug Act required food and medicine companies to list their ingredients, and the Meat Inspection Act required the federal inspection and certification of meat processing plants conducting interstate commerce.

These laws were partly inspired by The Jungle, a fictional account of Chicago’s meatpacking houses by Upton Sinclair. The socialist newspaper, Appeal to Reason, had hired Sinclair to go to Chicago and sensationalize the meatpacking industry in an effort to discredit capitalism. However, Sinclair later admitted that his book and the laws it inspired actually helped the corporations more than the workers he had championed.

In fact, the big meat-packers had actually lobbied to have these laws passed because smaller competitors could not afford the new costs associated with inspection and certification. Meatpacking leaders also used the new regulations as marketing tools by announcing that their meats had been inspected and certified, which garnered public confidence. As a result, many smaller meatpacking businesses went under, and big meat-packers got bigger.

Paul Morton, as a clerk for the Burlington Railroad. In 1882, he became a salesman for the Harvey Lumber Co. of Chicago, and in 1890 was made superintendent of the main plant of the Nebraska City Packing Co. Later in life, he was also president of the Western Cold Storage Company (a major builder and provider of refrigerated storage facilities and railroad cars for the meatpacking industry).

Did President Roosevelt bust trusts...or eliminate the competition for the B.L.F.?? Seems to be one heck of a lot of irony mentioned in these facts.... If you substitute (because he was in the B.L.F.) for makes perfect sense.

The Masonic Presidents Tour - Theodore Roosevelt - Twenty-sixth President

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L.C. To see how it effected the masses read the book " Old Jules " by Mari Sandoz. This book will open your eyes on several things that were happening in the government and there effect on the settlers and Farmers ( common people ) of Nebraska that J. Sterling Morton cared so much about. Miss Sandoz spends about a half a chapter on the subject of " Old Jules " politics and what drove him to be one of the populist. Some of the very policies that Roosevelt mean to help were hurtful to the common man. There were a couple of treasure leads in that book one of which has been recovered to my knowledge. Panics ( deep Recessions ) of the economy were common and as much as Roosevelt wanted to help the common man other forces were at work to line the pockets with gold of the Big Bugs. Roosevelt was to be the ultimate Vice President much like Biden is today. No one ever thought that he would become a major political player and they wanted him fairly muted . Relegated to dedicating monuments and side dressing at dinners and banquets. Now they did have a problem when Mc Kinley was Assassinated. The man that was to in the shadows was suddenly in control. This was a major problem. Not forty years after his presidency his face was on Mount Rushmore. Which is something else that needs to be explored.

Just a side note as to how national politics and policies effect the common man. My maternal grandmother was married in 1918 my grandfather and her bought a small farm. In 1919 there was a panic and they ended up losing it. My Grandmother never forgave The Democratic party and President Wilson. She would never again vote for another democrat as long as she lived. This was even thou in 1929 and the Great Depression she still said it wern't Hoover's fault it was Wall Streets fault and would vote for Wendell Willke. She never would vote for F.D.R. during the war years and was very bitter for the 1919 experience. Yes grandma was a tough old lady you didn't want to cross her path. She remained very distant to people and wasn't afraid to speak her mind.


S.D. the O.A.K. sprouted from the acorns planted in the proper speculations. Omaha was not supposed to be the capitol of Nebraska. The K.G.C. wanted the capitol to be Nebraska City. The transcontinental railroad and telegraph would have came to the capitol city exploding their property values and making them millions and millions, but it all worked out for them in the end. On August 16, 1856,the original bill to the 34th Congress by the Select Committee on the Pacific Railroad and Telegraph by President Franklin Pierce / Sec. of War Jefferson Davis. It would be President Lincoln who forced the Northern rout of the rails into Council Bluffs and Omaha which was at that time the capitol city.
They black balled Nebraska City to shut out the K.G.C. speculators who had showed their hand by then. The first railroad built in Nebraska, from Nebraska City, was the old Midland Pacific from Nebraska City to Lincoln, the new capital of the state; which was finished, equipped and put into operation in April 1871. In 1874 Nebraska City voted and issued $75,000 in bonds, to aid in the extension of the Midland Pacific from Nebraska City to Brownville, since which time it has further extended to Tecumseh and Beatrice. This company was composed almost entirely of Nebraska City citizens. The Midland Pacific was bought out by the Burlington and Missouri Railroad, which road, in the year 1868 began work on a line from Red Oak, Iowa, to Nebraska City and finished the following year, thus in 1869 giving a through line from Chicago to Denver via Red Oak and Lincoln through Nebraska City, direct connection East and West. The Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council Bluffs Railroad finished their road from Kansas City to Omaha in 1870, coming up on the Iowa side of the river; the depot being situated directly opposite the city a little over a mile from the river. In September 1888, the B. & M. having completed their new $1,000,000 steel bridge across the Missouri River at this point, on which both trains and teams could cross, formally opened the bridge to the public with appropriate ceremonies, at which the greatest crowd ever gathered within the city was present. It has been variously estimated, at from 20,000 to 35,000 people. This gave direct communication with the railroad across the river and the surrounding country. It was acquired by the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad in 1872 and served a large area, including the states of Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Wisconsin and Wyoming, and New Mexico and Texas via subsidiary railroads. Its primary connections included Chicago, Minneapolis–Saint Paul, St. Louis, Kansas City and Denver. It grew until it extended from the Great Lakes to the Rocky Mountains. In 1901 James J. Hill bought control and sought to combine it with his Great Northern Railway and with J.P. Morgan’s Northern Pacific Railway, but in 1904 the U.S. Supreme Court, in the Northern Securities case, declared the scheme illegal under the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
More trouble for the k.G.C. monopolies.........Northern Securities Company - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

James Jerome Hill, (James Jerome Hill M$T1912 (6) from the 1912 trust list) was a Canadian-American railroad executive. He was the chief executive officer of a family of lines headed by the Great Northern Railway, which served a substantial area of the Upper Midwest, the northern Great Plains, and Pacific Northwest. Because of the size of this region and the economic dominance exerted by the Hill lines, Hill became known during his lifetime as The Empire Builder. Hill (and his B.L.F.)undertook to establish a monopoly of the steamboat business; he was monopolizing coal, socializing with bankers, and buying other businesses at the same time. Hill noted that the secret to success was, "Work, hard work, intelligent work, and then more work." He was part of the original syndicate that went on to create the Canadian Pacific Railway

With all of that buying and selling and merging and litigation.......just remember it most likely was the K.G.C. spreading out their funds among different buyers and shuffling the deck to keep from being recognized as a single unit (Secret Brotherhood with the same goal...."create an Empire" and rule it).

L.C. Baker

Nah... O.A.K.!

Which became Order of American Knights... going WEST!

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Which became Order of American Knights...

At the same time they were part of the same governing body, they were all considered to be different organisations...BUT, in essence they were just different limbs of the same bush......and it multiplied like a thicket.


At the same time they were part of the same governing body, they were all considered to be different organisations...BUT, in essence they were just different limbs of the same bush......and it multiplied like a thicket.


Kinda "WEEDY", eh...?

Well....some of them were hemp growers, but they were making rope with it not smoking it!:laughing7:


During WWII that is how Grand Dad feed the family by growing hemp to sell to the government to make rope for the war effort. Think Grand Dad grew more garden stuff to feed the family and Chickens, Hogs, Beef and Sheep. Traded and bartered to get what he wanted. The only thing Grand Dad wanted was his family around him when he Passed and all but my Dad , my Mother , His Wife, and me were there. Sad that the rest of them forgot what he had done. BTW he never went on welfare during the Depression and paid the poll tax by grading the road for two days a month.

L.C. Down here Hemp ( weed) is know as Cash Crop. Find it in the woods leave it alone. You stay alive a lot longer.


During WWII that is how Grand Dad feed the family by growing hemp to sell to the government to make rope for the war effort. Think Grand Dad grew more garden stuff to feed the family and Chickens, Hogs, Beef and Sheep. Traded and bartered to get what he wanted. The only thing Grand Dad wanted was his family around him when he Passed and all but my Dad , my Mother , His Wife, and me were there. Sad that the rest of them forgot what he had done. BTW he never went on welfare during the Depression and paid the poll tax by grading the road for two days a month.

L.C. Down here Hemp ( weed) is know as Cash Crop. Find it in the woods leave it alone. You stay alive a lot longer.


Senior Deacon, DITTO for most during reconstruction and up until about the end of ww2.. Too many folks today know NOTHING about all that. no schooling=== dumbing down America./ that is, todays schools/

10 claw Spot on. We the people of the United States have become a urban society. Back in the 1860's to 1940's we were agrarian. We feed ourselves and families and took care of some of the neighbors that had less the us. Now the Government wants to do the job and they are not capable of it. I lived here when Katrina hit and wiped out New Orleans. Most people that got out came north to our neck of the woods and wanted the Government to take care of them . About all they got was a Two hundred dollar Wal-Mart card and and a good luck from FEMA. I knew at that time it was time to start taking care of my own needs and take care of those who were productive in society. We grow big gardens and fish and hunt Preserve by any way necessary to put as much good food on the table as we are able. If you ain't got ready by now you are about out of luck. Us Southern country boys will survive. As the old song goes "Save your Confederate Money Boys the South Will Rise Again".


He was telling people what he had reached in his own Intellect:

Intellect is to the people and the people's Force, what the slender needle of the compass is to the ship — its soul, always counselling the huge mass of wood and iron, and always pointing to the north. To attack the citadels built up on all sides against the human race by superstitions, despotisms, and prejudices, the Force must have a brain and a law. Then its deeds of daring produce permanent results, and there is real progress. Then there are sublime conquests. Thought is a force, and philosophy should be an energy, finding its aim and its effects in the amelioration of mankind. The two great motors are Truth and Love. When all these Forces are combined, and guided by the Intellect, and regulated by the Rule of Right, and Justice, and of combined and systematic movement and effort, the great revolution prepared for by the ages will begin to march. The Power of the Deity Himself is in equilibrium with His Wisdom. Hence only results HARMONY.

Look at us now....perfect harmony U.S.A./C.S.A. making decisions that effect the WORLD. We move closer and closer towards harmony....we are as good as we are evil...."Less glory is more liberty. When the drum is silent, reason sometimes speaks." A.P. Which is usually followed by the excrement connecting with the rotary oscillator. We get closer to the "NEW WORLD ORDER" everyday. We used to have trouble policing Dodge City, but now we are policing the world. Back then it was "turn over your side arms at the entrance to it's put down your nuclear weapons and satellites.:thumbsup:

We are living in Harmony, L.C.

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He was telling people what he had reached in his own Intellect:

Intellect is to the people and the people's Force, what the slender needle of the compass is to the ship — its soul, always counselling the huge mass of wood and iron, and always pointing to the north. To attack the citadels built up on all sides against the human race by superstitions, despotisms, and prejudices, the Force must have a brain and a law. Then its deeds of daring produce permanent results, and there is real progress. Then there are sublime conquests. Thought is a force, and philosophy should be an energy, finding its aim and its effects in the amelioration of mankind. The two great motors are Truth and Love. When all these Forces are combined, and guided by the Intellect, and regulated by the Rule of Right, and Justice, and of combined and systematic movement and effort, the great revolution prepared for by the ages will begin to march. The Power of the Deity Himself is in equilibrium with His Wisdom. Hence only results HARMONY.

Look at us now....perfect harmony U.S.A./C.S.A. making decisions that effect the WORLD. We move closer and closer towards harmony....we are as good as we are evil...."Less glory is more liberty. When the drum is silent, reason sometimes speaks." A.P. Which is usually followed by the excrement connecting with the rotary oscillator. We get closer to the "NEW WORLD ORDER" everyday. We used to have trouble policing Dodge City, but now we are policing the world. Back then it was "turn over your side arms at the entrance to it's put down your nuclear weapons and satellites.:thumbsup:

We are living in Harmony, L.C.

In USA, "State-Righters" are not putting down their guns, etc.

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