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I believe it is short hand but I don't know how to read it! :dontknow:

Thanks, L.C.:thumbsup:

How about that for weeding out the uneducated and unworthy? LOL!:laughing7: I don't think it is regular short hand, but it might be. I found this, and it looks more like what it is, but I could be wrong, it might just be because it is done with a quill. :dontknow: If anyone gets it deciphered I would love to know what it says. I am working on it myself also.

Thanks in advance, L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

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What is important here I think is the certainty that a secret society called the Order of American Knights had just entered the white house (ironically after another assassination) and the K.G.C. forefathers that guided the O.A.K. to that moment in time were mighty proud.:thumbsup: Why did J.S. Morton take the time to code the second page of this letter even if it was just in short hand? That intrigues me, knowing that he is a Knight of the Golden Circle it could just be the first code and the message could mean a little more inside, after all, he did take the time to do it in some kind of short hand so just everyone could not read it.


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When one brother gets inside then the old spoils system kicks in and the money makers (B.L.F.) slip in one by one to attach to a teat of the U.S. Government and get those cash kickbacks flowing into the coffers. The letter below from Teddy to Paul Morton might as well say... (" We did it without being noticed and everyone is fooled, now we can meet later secretly behind closed doors and talk about what else we want to get away with. I can handle Moody") Put on your O.A.K. thinking cap and think Navy=rebuilt = government allotment after allotment after allotment to pinch from and they had monopolies on the steel and fuel and about everything else that made big money from the U.S. Government. It was during this time that the Federal Trades commission was being formed to do battle with the O.A.K.'s monopolies and also try to shake them out of the communications market but they were already in too deep to expel. Through a process of take overs and planned mergers.... and then ENTER the" TRUST BUSTER" to take out any competition or break them to be bought up and absorbed by the O.A.K..


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Keep this in mind. Pesident Teddy Roosevelt was a : cattle rancher, deputy sheriff, historian, naturalist, explorer, author of 35 books, police commissioner, assistant Secretary of the Navy, governor of New York, war hero, and lawyer... but from 1889 until 1895 he was the United States Civil Service Commissioner. Because historians often overlook this period of Roosevelt's public career, several interrelated questions remain unanswered..... Put that O.A.K. thinking cap on and answer the ones not asked in the history books!

L.C. Baker:thumbsup: Morton civil service 1889&f=false

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Just trying to get your attention better....
Look closely at the names on this list$t1912.htm

Membership - 1912 Money Trust*

Name Particulars:

A. Iselin & Co. M$T
F.H. Prince & Co. M$T
Francis Henshaw & Co. M$T
Higginson & Co. M$T
J.P. Morgan & Co. M$T
Kidder, Peabody & Co. M$T
P.J. Goodhart & Co. M$T
Robert Winthrop & Co. M$T
S.B. Chapin & Co. M$T
Zeiler, Fairman & Co. M$T
United States Trust Co. (NY) M$T
James Strange Alexander M$T1912 (2)
Charles Herbert Allen M$T1912 (3)
Charles Wesley Allen M$T
Nathan Topliff Allen M$T
Samuel Waters Allerton M$T1912 (2)
L. E. Anderson M$T
Jonathan Ogden Armour M$T1912 (5)
William Waldorf Astor M$T MC
Mary Williamson Averell M$T
Frederick Ayer M$T
Robert Ogden Bacon M$T UC 1918
George Fisher Baker M$T1912 (20) MC
George Fisher Baker, Jr. M$T1912 (4)
Stephen Baker M$T1912 (3) UC
William Barbour M$T
Catherine Barker M$T
Adolphus Clay Barlett M$T1912 (2)
James C. Bell M$T
Grace C. Berquist M$T
Edward Julis Berwind M$T1912 (5) MC
John Charles Black M$T1912 (2)
Clinton Ledyard Blair M$T1912 (2)
Henry Augustus Blair M$T1912 (4)
James A. Blair M$T1912 (2)
Emilie K. Boisot M$T1912 (2)
O. T. Boyton M$T1912 (3)
George Warren Brown M$T
Paul Brown M$T
William Liston Brown M$T1912 (3)
Edwin Muhlenberg Bulkley M$T1912 (1)
Daniel Hudson Burnham M$T
James Gay Butler M$T
James Campbell M$T
Henry White Cannon M$T
James Graham Cannon M$T1912 (2)
Augustus A. Carpenter M$T1912 (2)
William Thorton Carter M$T
George Bowen Case M$T1912 (4)
William James Chalmers M$T1912 (2)
Henry B. Clarke M$T
Springfield Fire and Marine Ins. Co M$T
Thomas Frederick Cole M$T
James Colby Colgate M$T1912 (3)
Illinois Life Insurance Company M$T
Mutual Life Insurance Company M$T
Edmund Cogswell Converse M$T1912 (6)
Northern Finance Corporation M$T
Alfred Cowles II M$T
Robert E. Craig, Jr. M$T
W.R. Craig M$T
David Mark Cummings M$T1912 (2)
D.M. Cummins M$T
Thomas De Witt Cuyler M$T1912 (10)
Henry Pomeroy Davison M$T1903
Henry Pomeroy Davison M$T1912 (5)
Robert Weeks de Forest M$T1912 (2)
Charles Henry Deere M$T
J. B. Dennis M$T1912 (1)
Cleveland Hoadley Dodge M$T1912 (1)
James Mackie Donald M$T
Lewis David Dozier M$T
George A. Draper M$T
R. J. Dunham M$T1912 (2)
Albert John Earling M$T1912 (4)
Bernard Albert Eckhart M$T1912 (2)
David Eiseman M$T
Louisine Waldron Elder M$T
Rudolph Ellis M$T1912 (4)
William Endicott, Jr. M$T1912 (1)
Harris Charles Fahnestock M$T1912 (2) UC
Charles Stebbins Fairchild M$T
E. Hayward Ferry M$T1912 (1)
Joseph N. Field M$T
James Berwick Forgan M$T1912 (3)
James M. Fowler M$T
Arnold Fox M$T
Walter Edwin Frew M$T1912 (1)
Henry Clay Frick M$T1912 (8)
Mary G.Thompson M$T
Sarah T. Gardiner M$T
Charles T. Garland M$T
James A. Garland M$T
Elbert Henry Gary M$T1912 (11)
Robert Walton Goelet, Jr. M$T'12 (7) MC
George Jay Gould M$T1912 (5)
Joseph Peter Grace M$T1912 (1)
Henry Griesedieck, Jr. M$T
Daniel Guggenheim M$T1912 (5)
B.S. Guinness M$T1912 (4)
William Pierson Hamilton M$T1912 (1)
Charles William Harkness M$T1912 (3)
Edward Stephen Harkness M$T
John F. Harris M$T
Mrs. Eleanor S. Harris M$T
Benjamin Hart M$T
Deering Harvester Co. M$T
Frederick Tudor Haskell M$T1912 (1)
Henry Osborne Havemeyer M$T
Augustus Hemenway M$T
Alexander Julian Hemphill M$T1912 (2) MC
Alonzo Barton Hepburn M$T1912 (4) MC
Henry Lee Higginson M$T1912 (3)
James Jerome Hill M$T1912 (6)
Francis Lyman Hine M$T1912 (11)
Henry H. Hitchcock M$T1912 (2)
Henry Hornblower M$T
Horace F. Howland M$T
Marvin Hughitt M$T1912 (6)
Frank W. Hunt M$T
Bessemer Investment Co. M$T
Arthur Curtiss James M$T1912 (5) MC
James M. Jarvie M$T
Edward Turner Jeffrey M$T1912 (7)
Frederick Beach Jennings M$T1912 (3)
Walter Jennings M$T1912 (2)
W. A. Johnston M$T1912 (1)
Kate Allerton Johnstone M$T
Curtis J. Judd M$T
Augustus D. Julliard M$T1912 (5) MC
Otto Hermann Kahn M$T1912 (3)
John Grenville Kane M$T
Chauncey Keep M$T1912 (6)
William Vallandigham Kelley M$T1912 (2)
Sidney A. Kent M$T
R.C. Kerens M$T
Charles B. King M$T
Darwin Pearl Kingsley M$T1912 (3)
W.J. Kinsella M$T
Gardiner Martin Lane M$T1912 (6)
Livi Z. Leiter M$T
Frederick E. Lewis M$T
Percy P. Lewis M$T
John Crerar Library M$T
Robert Todd Lincoln M$T1912 (4)
H. G. Lloyd M$T1912 (2)
Timber Loan Co. M$T
William Logan M$T1903
William J. Louderback M$T1912 (3)
George D. Markham M$T
Edgar L. Marston M$T1912 (4)
John D. Marston M$T
J. B. Martindale M$T1912 (3)
Levy Mayer M$T
Harold H. McCormick M$T1912 (3)
Henry F. McCormick M$T1912 (3)
R. W. McElves M$T1912 (2)
Mrs. Elizabeth S. McElwee M$T
Robert H. McElwee M$T
Gates White McGarrah M$T1912 (2)
Walter McKittrick M$T
C.M. McMillam M$T
Samuel McRoberts M$T1912 (6)
Emily Eames McVeagh M$T
Franklin McVeagh M$T
Darius Miller M$T1912 (2)
Jennie M. Mitchell M$T
John James Mitchell M$T1912 (7)
Mary A. I. Mitchell M$T
William Hamilton Mitchell M$T
William Moffitt M$T
William Henry Moore M$T1912 (6)
John Pierpont Morgan M$T1912 (5) MC UC
John Pierpont Morgan, Jr. M$T1912 (4) MC
Edward Morris M$T1912 (2)
Ira N. Morris M$T
John Reynolds Morron M$T1912 (2)
Charles Hosmer Morse, Jr. M$T1912 (2)
Joy Morton M$T1912 (3)
Levi Parsons Morton M$T12 (2) MC UC
Catherine T. Moulton M$T
A. E. Newbold M$T1912 (1)
Edward T. Nichols M$T
Samuel Nickerson M$T
Charles Dyer Norton M$T1912 (2)
Malvina Belle Ogden M$T
Washington Irving Osborne M$T1912 (2)
Stephen Squires Palmer M$T1912 (4)
James A. Patten M$T
Charles Augustus Peabody M$T1912 (10)
Frank Everett Peabody M$T1912 (1)
George Walbridge Perkins M$T1912
William Walter Phelps M$T
Eugene S. Pike M$T1912 (2)
D. E. Pomeroy M$T1912 (3)
Henry H. Porter, Jr. M$T1912 (2)
William H. Porter M$T1912 (5)
Edwin A. Potter M$T1912 (2)
Andrew W. Preston M$T
Frederick Henry Prince M$T
J. S. Prippe M$T 1912 (3)
Seward Prosser M$T1912 (2)
Moses Taylor Pyne M$T1912 (4) MC
Epes D. Randolph M$T1912 (2)
Samuel Roberson Read M$T1912 (7)
Norman Bruce Ream M$T1912 (13)
Daniel Gray Reid M$T1912 (8)
George M. Reynolds M$T1912 (2)
Thomas A. Reynolds M$T
Edward Payson Ripley M$T1912 (2)
Alexander Martin Robertson M$T1912 (2) ?
John Davison Rockefeller M$T
William D. Rockefeller M$T1912 (10) MC
J. B. Rogan M$T
R. W. Roloson M$T
Gusta Morris Rothschild M$T
Frank A. Ruf M$T
Albertina T. Russell M$T
Edward Perry Russell M$T1912 (2)
John D. Ryan M$T1912 (4)
Thomas Fortune Ryan M$T MC
Charles Hamilton Sabin M$T1912 (5)
J. Sanford Saltus M$T
A.H. Sanford M$T
Jacob Henry Schiff M$T1912 (1)
Mortimer L. Schiff M$T1912 (4)
Grant Barney Schley M$T1912 (6)
Maud Morris Schwab M$T
Harry Scullin M$T
John Scullin M$T
Sussex Securities Co. M$T
John Graves Shedd M$T1912 (7)
William A. Simonson M$T1912 (1)
Charles Sleele M$T1912 (11)
Samuel Sloane M$T1912 (3)
William Douglas Sloane M$T1912 (1) MC
J. J. Slocum M$T1912 (2)
Harry O. Smith M$T
Valentine P. Snyder M$T1912 (3)
Elizabeth Clarke Spaulding M$T
James Joseph Speyer M$T1912 (8)
John Alden Spoor M$T1912 (3)
Equitable Life Assurance of United State M$T
National Life Ins. Co. of United States M$T
E.S. Steinam M$T
John William Sterling M$T1912 (3)
James W. Stevens M$T1912 (2)
Charles Chauncey Stillman M$T
Ernest G. Stillman M$T
James Stillman M$T1912 (6)
James Alexander Stillman M$T1912 (1)
Webster & Stone M$T
James Jackson Storrow M$T1912 (2)
Edward Townsend Stotesbury M$T1912 (8) MC
Benjamin Strong, Jr. M$T1912 (8)
John S. Sullivan M$T
Bernard Edward Sunny M$T1912 (3)
Edward Fletcher Swinney M$T1912 (2)
J. T. Talbert M$T1912 (2)
Henry A. Colt Taylor M$T1912 (2) MC
Katherine W. Taylor M$T
Moses Taylor M$T1912 (2) MC
Egbert E. Thomas M$T
Charles G. Thompson M$T
Elizabeth Thompson M$T
Ferris S. Thompson M$T
J. F. Thompson M$T1903
Mary Clark Thompson M$T
Charles Hedges Thorne M$T1912 (2)
William Van Schoonhoven Thorne M$T1912 (4)
Frederick Thornley, Jr. M$T
Mercantile Trust Co. M$T
Merchants Loan & Trust Co. M$T
Edward Tuck M$T
H. McKinley Twombley M$T
Patrick Anderson Valentine M$T1912 (2)
Ralph Van Vechtem M$T1912 (2)
William Kissam Vanderbilt M$T (3) MC
Frank Arthur Vanderlip M$T1912 (11)
Festus John Wade M$T
J. S. Walker M$T
Mrs. Jessie S. Walker M$T
Paul Mortiz Warburg M$T1912 (6)
John Isaac Waterbury M$T1912 (4)
Emily A. Watson M$T
William James Watson M$T1912 (2)
Frank G. Webster M$T1912 (1)
Hornblower & Weeks M$T
John Wingate Weeks M$T
Frank O. Wetmore M$T1912 (2)
Frederick Edward Weyerhaeuser M$T1912 (3)
Justin Du Pratt White M$T1903
Harry Payne Whitney M$T1912 (1) MC
George Whittell M$T
Albert H. Wiggin M$T1912 (12)
George West Wilson M$T UC
Myron Henry Wilson M$T
Daniel Gould Wing M$T
Sidney Wilmot Winslow M$T
Robert Winsor M$T1912 (5)
Hans Winterfeldt M$T1912 (2)
G.G. Woodin M$T
William Herrick Woodward M$T
William Woodworth M$T
Clarence Mott Woolley M$T1912 (2)
Samuel Woolverton M$T1903
Howard A. Wrenn M$T
Mutual Life of New York M$T
Edward Faitoute Condit Young M$T1903
Otto Young M$T
Source: Money Trust Investigation: Investigation of the Financial
and Monetary Conditions in the United States Under House Resolutions
NOS. 429 and 504 Before A Subcommittee of the Committee on Banking
and Currency (1913) (Y4.B22/1:M74/2/pt. 20-26) Exhibit 134-A
(December 18, 1912).
M$T1912=Listed on 1912 interlocking directorate wall chart. Number in parenthesis is number of directorships.
M$T=Listed in hearings as stockholder in a Money Trust bank.
MC=Metropolitan Club member (incomplete)
UC=Union Club member (incomplete)



Did you notice research is spelled wrong? :laughing7:

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Keep this in mind. Pesident Teddy Roosevelt was a : cattle rancher, deputy sheriff, historian, naturalist, explorer, author of 35 books, police commissioner, assistant Secretary of the Navy, governor of New York, war hero, and lawyer... but from 1889 until 1895 he was the United States Civil Service Commissioner. Because historians often overlook this period of Roosevelt's public career, several interrelated questions remain unanswered..... Put that O.A.K. thinking cap on and answer the ones not asked in the history books!

L.C. Baker:thumbsup: Morton civil service 1889&f=false


The THIRD Degree of the Knights of the Golden Circle was HQ'ed in NYC, when TR was Police "commish"; HE had ACCESS to their files, sites, etc. Then O.A.K. was formed (like Scottish Rite of Freemasonry from the "Blue Lodge", of York Rite). REMEMBER 357... THIRD Degree, composed of 5-7 WEALTHY (Filthy Rich MEN... open to YANKS)! Purpose of O.A.K. was to unite the US via steel for cities, railroads for TRANSPORTATION. HOW...? Create INSURANCE COMPANIES! GREAT investments; don't we ALL...? HEH.

Rebel during this time the only one that Roosevelt couldn't get along with was John D. Rockefeller. They meaning O.A.K. couldn't see that oil was the coming big thing. They seem to bank their hopes on the railroads. The only connection between Rockefeller and O.A.K. was the Mining operations in Colorado. That as you will remember ended in disaster at Ludlow, Colorado.

I think the main reason that they couldn't get along was that Rockefeller already had a monopoly sewed up and he wasn't about to let go of his great holdings for anyone or any cause. When the railroads wouldn't play nice with him he shipped his oil thru pipelines thus no longer needing the railroads.

Senior Deacon

True... the Title of the this "Thread" should be about O.A.K. & the U.S. government... SAME "goal"; UNITE the country & make some MONEY! The Original KGC went after BOTH! Of course, it was after the Confederate War; they were known as OUTLAWS!

True... the Title of the this "Thread" should be about O.A.K. & the U.S. government... SAME "goal"; UNITE the country & make some MONEY! The Original KGC went after BOTH! Of course, it was after the Confederate War; they were known as OUTLAWS!

The O.A.K. is the K.G.C. Rebel it is just the next generations. Where did the K.G.C. come from? History is so censored by the U.S. Government to protect the guilty and some other bleeding hearts who are afraid that the truth might hurt someones feelings so they change it for their own malevolent purposes. Then the generations after that swallow the candy coated B.S. and never question their teachers. CASE AND POINT The reason that history has been changed is simple to figure out when you see the truth for the first time. Your mind is blown by the sharp edges of it and the searing of it as it burns into your brain and sticks to it forever just like the cattleman's branding iron on the calf. Here is an example of true history. If it hurts anyones feelings or offends them, then they will have experienced the truth and felt that branding iron on their brain. I hope it sticks forever and they can build a new foundation of American History that is based on "100% Truth". This is your first new brick. Page 151 and 152 of "The Ones That Got Away"

On page 34 of Nebraska Historical Society Transactions and Reports Nebraska I State Historical Society Vol. #1 "During the same year (1855) Honorable Julius S. Morton became interested in the Nebraska City News. Upon his first arrival with his estimable wife, they visited the printing office, then in the second story of the old block house in company with the writer, finding Shack Grayson the sole person in charge, who afterwards---owing to his early associations--became a distinguished member of the Mississippi Legislature.
Now this is the recollection of that same day and same person (Shack Grayson) in the January 22nd 1868 Nebraska City News Press entitled " A DISTINGUISHED ******" Written and edited by Julius Sterling Morton himself who was the editor of the paper from Aug. 25th 1865 to Aug. 20th 1877.jsm news press.webp After reading the History of Nebraska's version did you even have any idea that Shack Gayson was a man of color? A Slave owned by S.F. Nuckolls? That he used S.F. Nuckolls name in the Mississippi Legislature because Grayson was the county in Virginia he was sold to the Nuckolls family in Virginia? That his so called association with the high rollers was as their slave? Pretty big difference in what they are teaching as history and the real true history of the United States.

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Rebel during this time the only one that Roosevelt couldn't get along with was John D. Rockefeller. They meaning O.A.K. couldn't see that oil was the coming big thing. They seem to bank their hopes on the railroads. The only connection between Rockefeller and O.A.K. was the Mining operations in Colorado. That as you will remember ended in disaster at Ludlow, Colorado.

I think the main reason that they couldn't get along was that Rockefeller already had a monopoly sewed up and he wasn't about to let go of his great holdings for anyone or any cause. When the railroads wouldn't play nice with him he shipped his oil thru pipelines thus no longer needing the railroads.

Senior Deacon

The K.G.C. were some of the first to start drilling for oil and some of their wells are still producing S.D. oil&f=false

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L.C. I guess that I was thinking of the time the he was police commissioner of New York. Rockefeller retired before Teddy Roosevelt resigned? From the office. The issue of oil became more lucrative with the advent of the internal combustion engine. At the time of the 1880's and 1890's it was kerosene to light homes. Fast forward to Thomas Edison and Henry Ford the use of oil had change from lighting homes to transportation. Rockefeller needed them both to fueling the funds to build his many charitable builds.

Maybe that's when TR was brought in to the O.A.K. while in New York. Maybe that was when he was tagged to lead the nation. The best laid plans of mice an men.

The animosity between Eugene Debs and Roosevelt were wide known. This was after TR had become president. Debs was as lowly union hack when TR was police commissioner and fighting in the Spanish American War.

Senior Deacon

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