The Treasure of El Pensamiento (including Ruminahuis stash)

Hello IPIK

Going back a little on cave Hardluck and kanacki rediscovered.

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There was a newspaper article that gives a figure of 280 skeletons in the cave Sanders found in 1928. Its tallies up the cave that Kanacki and hardluck found saying there was about 300. Was if the same cave or even related to the alleged events at Sacambaya?

That is of course open for conjecture.

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Would you mind telling us the story about Hardluck & Kanacki "rediscovering" this cave and what they were looking for/doing in this land? What "treasure trail" were they on, if any, and time period was this hunt going on? Were they on the hunt for something related to Sacambaya or simply exploring on a whim for sake of adventure/exhilaration? Anything you're able to share would be greatly appreciated. I'm just curious what the guys were after during this time since we only ever seem to get bits and pieces of their past "yarns"! My apologies if you've already posted this story elsewhere on Tnet and I just missed it.

All the best-

P.S. I've been greatly enjoying you, IPUK and others continuing this thread. DON'T STOP! I've got a few pieces to add myself once I (hopefully) verify their provenance.

One of the officers that became a captain on one of these captured ships wrote an very interesting account of events, that was passed down through his family.

Six of the sailors from the Harrington who was crewing on the captured ships stole a long boat and fled as they become aware that they was not covered by the letter of marque and would be wanted for piracy. Their fate is unknown? However the ghost of these real events was latter repeated by a strange convoluted story of treasure from Peru on coast of Australia at a place called Queenscliff.

The story given there is silly story based on hearsay and no real evidence. However the alleged story was based around an old sailor known as Kerosene jack who was searching for treasure at Queenscliff. His father was an alleged pirate.

Was his father a survivor of one of 6 sailors that fled in the longboat?

However the story of Queenscliff treasure was manipulated by local business men to promote tourism erroneously connecting the Cocos and Benito Bonito treasure stories to the area thus muddying the real story behind the myth. Adding to the mystery some coins from south America was found and in cave some swords and firearms was found. Which started Australia's own proverbial oak island rush of would be treasure hunters digging up the place.


Thank you Amy,

In discussions with hardluck, I mentioned I interviewed people in the Queenscliff area, one elderly lady mentioned at the time that she remembered reading an article which featured the swords and the old school.
Seeing and reading the article above accounts to what i have been told.

Byron wrote of a "Stingaree Jack", I was later told in interviews that his name was actually "Kerosene Jack".
see below Kerosene jack.....


Please mention to hardluck to keep an eye on his "Folder".


Thank you Amy,

In discussions with hardluck, I mentioned I interviewed people in the Queenscliff area, one elderly lady mentioned at the time that she remembered reading an article which featured the swords and the old school.
Seeing and reading the article above accounts to what i have been told.

Byron wrote of a "Stingaree Jack", I was later told in interviews that his name was actually "Kerosene Jack".
see below Kerosene jack.....

View attachment 1294102

Please mention to hardluck to keep an eye on his "Folder".


Hello InAustralia.Jones pleased to meet you.

A friend of hardluck? Sadly I do not get to see him much these days as he is very tied up with non disclosure agreements.

Yes you are correct that there is two versions of the name given. "kerosene jack or stingaree Jack are nick names, And the alleged name given as John Karisimo supposedly the real name of the alleged pirate. The problem I have is there is no independent Archival record of this mans existence other than the claims of this alleged women. Other than the newspaper story.

But there might be some thing else to consider? More so the conflict of interest from the original person who was the source of the whole Queenscliff loot of Lima story. More so suspicious is it not, that he suggested " that it would bring money into town of Queenscliff with day trippers from Melbourne on the ferry". The very person who was a hair dresser, and business owner of the only hotel in Queenscliff.

And I am sure if you look in an earlier post I made here you can see pictures of swords allegedly found under the school post here and more of the story. Just one version as you alluded to of the many versions.


Would you mind telling us the story about Hardluck & Kanacki "rediscovering" this cave and what they were looking for/doing in this land? What "treasure trail" were they on, if any, and time period was this hunt going on? Were they on the hunt for something related to Sacambaya or simply exploring on a whim for sake of adventure/exhilaration? Anything you're able to share would be greatly appreciated. I'm just curious what the guys were after during this time since we only ever seem to get bits and pieces of their past "yarns"! My apologies if you've already posted this story elsewhere on Tnet and I just missed it.

All the best-

P.S. I've been greatly enjoying you, IPUK and others continuing this thread. DON'T STOP! I've got a few pieces to add myself once I (hopefully) verify their provenance.

Hello J.J.A

Their trip Sacamabaya was arranged in 1998 or there abouts? It was one of few time Trios rosters line up from their job at the time while working in Bolivia. However Crow got sick either salmonella as he claims or from a wicked night on Town with women of lose morals as kanacki tells it with a wink. Hardluck and kanacki made a trip to the site as it was once in life time chance to see the site. they was technically unprepared to do much at the site, only explore look a little. But they did manage to find the alleged cave? Perhaps the one from the story? For them it just did not quite meet the criteria they look for. even though Crow felt it could of had a little more research into the source of the legend.

As for what they are doing now? Hell you might have better knowledge what they are doing? Legalities and non disclosure agreement impinge on them being able to post on forums anymore. But must be Good as I was sent a very big bonus...


Hello J.J.A

Their trip Sacamabaya was arranged in 1998 or there abouts? It was one of few time Trios rosters line up from their job at the time while working in Bolivia. However Crow got sick either salmonella as he claims or from a wicked night on Town with women of lose morals as kanacki tells it with a wink. Hardluck and kanacki made a trip to the site as it was once in life time chance to see the site. they was technically unprepared to do much at the site, only explore look a little. But they did manage to find the alleged cave? Perhaps the one from the story? For them it just did not quite meet the criteria they look for. even though Crow felt it could of had a little more research into the source of the legend.

As for what they are doing now? Hell you might have better knowledge what they are doing? Legalities and non disclosure agreement impinge on them being able to post on forums anymore. But must be Good as I was sent a very big bonus...


I gotta admit, it's just too bad that most of us will never get to know what the trio has been through and seen in their lives. I totally understand the need for privacy (aka security & piece of mind) but based on their writing on this website as well as the two others they used to post on, they've live the life (dream) that most of us spend a lifetime planning for and never get to! I wish they could just write a book and put as much in it as they were comfortable in doing, obviously leaving names, organizations (or dare I say governments entities), and amounts out of it. After all the trials and tribulations they must've gone through to get to this point in life (doubling their net worth with the stroke of a pen as you mentioned), it's just a total shame the world will never know anything about even a small piece of it!!

Have you ever discussed helping them write ANYTHING down and putting it out to the masses (or at least all of us friends and interested parties here on Tnet)??

I understand they're not in it necessarily for the glory but I'd love to find out certain paths they took to accomplish their goals if for nothing more than a learning experience. They places they've been, sites they've seen, things that have been found/almost found, potential disasters along the way and how they were diverted, etc... I'm also aware that they've got to also think about the privacy & safety of their loved ones ones the trio is long gone.

In the Treasure hunting community, I bet they've got THE book of all books that could be written but unfortunately never will.

Put it to you this way, could you imagine if all Neil Armstrong & Buzz Aldrin ever did was just quietly post little anecdotes on small websites from time to time while keeping the detailed events hush-hush and NEVER told the world about what actually happened??...we'd all be at a great loss today.

I fully (if not begrudgingly) respect their need for privacy. I just feel like something could be written that tells the tales yet still leaves out the information that could/would harm any of the players, families, governments, and private entities involved!

I've read probably every post the trio has written on the 3 main THunting websites and for as tantalizing as each one is, I feel like I've been teased (that's NOT a complaint, I mean that in a GREAT way!!). Especially since in quite a few of them, they'll end the post with some sort of hint as to the treasure of topic "maybe being already found"!! (Kanacki in particular has a habit of doing this on another site!!). They're like that girl who flirts with you all night long at the bar, asks you to drive her home even though she's perfectly fine to drive herself, invites you up for "a nightcap", turns on some Marvin Gaye and dims the lights while you pour her a drink, then when you get back with a cocktail for both of you, is sound asleep and snoring like a locomotive!! [emoji12]

No matter, I wish the trio and you Amy nothing but health, happiness, and prosperity in life.

All the best-

PS. I've been thinking about printing out a portfolio of all of the trios anecdotes/yarns/pics/clippings/etc. from the THunting websites just to have for's the closest we'll ever get to a "book" anyway so why not. Let's be wound be an incredible WEALTH of knowledge and insight!

I gotta admit, it's just too bad that most of us will never get to know what the trio has been through and seen in their lives. I totally understand the need for privacy (aka security & piece of mind) but based on their writing on this website as well as the two others they used to post on, they've live the life (dream) that most of us spend a lifetime planning for and never get to! I wish they could just write a book and put as much in it as they were comfortable in doing, obviously leaving names, organizations (or dare I say governments entities), and amounts out of it. After all the trials and tribulations they must've gone through to get to this point in life (doubling their net worth with the stroke of a pen as you mentioned), it's just a total shame the world will never know anything about even a small piece of it!!

Have you ever discussed helping them write ANYTHING down and putting it out to the masses (or at least all of us friends and interested parties here on Tnet)??

I understand they're not in it necessarily for the glory but I'd love to find out certain paths they took to accomplish their goals if for nothing more than a learning experience. They places they've been, sites they've seen, things that have been found/almost found, potential disasters along the way and how they were diverted, etc... I'm also aware that they've got to also think about the privacy & safety of their loved ones ones the trio is long gone.

In the Treasure hunting community, I bet they've got THE book of all books that could be written but unfortunately never will.

Put it to you this way, could you imagine if all Neil Armstrong & Buzz Aldrin ever did was just quietly post little anecdotes on small websites from time to time while keeping the detailed events hush-hush and NEVER told the world about what actually happened??...we'd all be at a great loss today.

I fully (if not begrudgingly) respect their need for privacy. I just feel like something could be written that tells the tales yet still leaves out the information that could/would harm any of the players, families, governments, and private entities involved!

I've read probably every post the trio has written on the 3 main THunting websites and for as tantalizing as each one is, I feel like I've been teased (that's NOT a complaint, I mean that in a GREAT way!!). Especially since in quite a few of them, they'll end the post with some sort of hint as to the treasure of topic "maybe being already found"!! (Kanacki in particular has a habit of doing this on another site!!). They're like that girl who flirts with you all night long at the bar, asks you to drive her home even though she's perfectly fine to drive herself, invites you up for "a nightcap", turns on some Marvin Gaye and dims the lights while you pour her a drink, then when you get back with a cocktail for both of you, is sound asleep and snoring like a locomotive!! [emoji12]

No matter, I wish the trio and you Amy nothing but health, happiness, and prosperity in life.

All the best-

PS. I've been thinking about printing out a portfolio of all of the trios anecdotes/yarns/pics/clippings/etc. from the THunting websites just to have for's the closest we'll ever get to a "book" anyway so why not. Let's be wound be an incredible WEALTH of knowledge and insight!

I also encouraged Crow to consider a sizable book of the trio's adventure,,,

Hello J.J.A and TT

That's just one of magic attractions of the trio. They just keep you guessing and you never know for sure even when they claim they found nothing....with a wink.

I suppose all of us get admiration for the cockiness of it all brazenly flying in face of establishments with a 1 finger salute to officialdom waltzing in and out of countries..... with innocent shrug "what who me!" act?

Even in high places there is little soft spot for them. The innuendo absolutely torments the crap out of officials and the elites....

Sadly there is to too many other people in their best interests that they do not publish book.


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I have no such restraints, just inertia and a lack of Grick dancing girls. Me lazy, but then you already know that.

No, they will never write a book -- sadly..

Hello InAustralia.Jones pleased to meet you.

Likewise, in conversation hardluck mentioned this site and also gave me a clue! hardluck quote " The most beautiful women I have set eyes on! If only I was 20 years younger!"

A friend of hardluck? Sadly I do not get to see him much these days as he is very tied up with non disclosure agreements.

yes non disclosure and much more as hardluck "G" mentioned to me, yes it's very sad, I'm sure it will eventually sort itself out! I miss reading hardluck's stories as they're many.

Yes you are correct that there is two versions of the name given. "kerosene jack or stingaree Jack are nick names, And the alleged name given as John Karisimo supposedly the real name of the alleged pirate. The problem I have is there is no independent Archival record of this mans existence other than the claims of this alleged women. Other than the newspaper story.

But there might be some thing else to consider? More so the conflict of interest from the original person who was the source of the whole Queenscliff loot of Lima story. More so suspicious is it not, that he suggested " that it would bring money into town of Queenscliff with day trippers from Melbourne on the ferry". The very person who was a hair dresser, and business owner of the only hotel in Queenscliff.

And I am sure if you look in an earlier post I made here you can see pictures of swords allegedly found under the school post here and more of the story. Just one version as you alluded to of the many versions.


Yes Yes and Yes, many stories on the subject and lack of documentation in relation to people mentioned in the stories, it made a great tourist story though. There was, many years ago a sign mounted on two post near the famous location at Queenscliff, I can't quite remember the Title, but it explained the pirate loot buried here somewhere. What caught my eye about the sign was on the very top left side an image of the all seeing eye with pyramid.

if anyone is interested here is a larger image of the mentioned swords and guns.

benito bonito wepons.webp

thanks Amy


Hello InAustralia Jones

Aw ya made me blush. as always he was a perfect gentlemen around me. Its hard not for anyone to become infatuated in him.

As you probably know Hardluck has his hands tied up with things beyond our wildest dreams.

Thanks for the Kudos, I am sure he has you already hunting things down.....He has that effect on people. As others are discovering here.


I have no such restraints, just inertia and a lack of Grick dancing girls. Me lazy, but then you already know that.

No, they will never write a book -- sadly..

Don Jose

In the lesson of endurance and perseverance?

There is now one in your league to have persevered for so long. Not even the trio can match you for that.

Even myself and that unholy trio tip their hats off to you for that.


Hello InAustralia Jones

Aw ya made me blush. as always he was a perfect gentlemen around me.

Everything hardluck mentioned, hardluck mentioned as a true gentleman.

Thanks for the Kudos

Thank hardluck! hardluck only gave me a clue who to look for, for me, honestly, here goes, i hope your husband won't hunt me down, Oh well! yes i'd have to agree with hardluck, damn did i say that!!!!


Hello InAustralia Jones

Thank you, flattery you know gets you on the right side of any girl. I am flattered:-[

Have you been workings with hardluck or any other of the trio?


Amy, unfortunately, ? there is no solid evidence on Tayopa since the Jesuits were very good at hiding their illegal activities, but enough rumors,stories, etc existed and they all pointed to it's common location. It was just a simple matter to locate it, but I have to admit that they were a long time coming.

My problem then was, "what do I do with it now "? since the entry was covered with fall of ruble from the cliff, and the Indians had destroyed the Mission on top of it, which connected with the workings - an escpe tunnel - over the area was / still known as the Cero de la Templo.

AS time passed, due to NP lil map, it explained the connection with the Caballo's in new Mexico and later infomation connected it to Maximilan's aborted efforts to take over Mexico and well the the Jesuit's plot to take over North America from Spain, for which they were expelled in 1767, not for mining as was comonly put out as the reason.
for their expulsion.

It has been a long trip, with just unconfirmed - until they fit - pieces of data that Tayopa atually existed and it's location.
Here is where I made the same common mistake that many other tresure hunters make, "What do I do with it now?"

This is where the unholy trio out classed me, they 'were' ready.

Gracias AMY.

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Amy, so you are of Finnish stock, -- Which explains both Hardluck's and Crows description of your beauty -- I have noticed for some time that you have a slight European accent in otherwse perfect English. This explains your interest in Russian history, but not Crows. :laughing7:

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Amy, so you are of Finnish stock, -- Which explains both Hardluck's and Crows description of your beauty -- I have noticed for some time that you have a slight European accent in otherwse perfect English. This explains your interest in Russian history, but not Crows. :laughing7:

Hello Don Jose

While Jones is handy with his brush strokes indeed he should to take that as a high compliment from master eh Don Jose?


Amy, so you are of Finnish stock, -- Which explains both Hardluck's and Crows description of your beauty -- I have noticed for some time that you have a slight European accent in otherwse perfect English. This explains your interest in Russian history, but not Crows. :laughing7:

Hello Don Jose you just about some it up. I can speak English, Finnish, Russian, French and Spanish. Some times words get mixed up.


Hello Don Jose

While Jones is handy with his brush strokes indeed he should to take that as a high compliment from master eh Don Jose?


Me and my big Mouth!

In our Italian culture, any person with "Don" before their name is Highly Respected!


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