Hello IPUK
If we look deeper into the history of Bolivian president Manuel Mariano Melgarejo Valencia.
(Cochabamba, 1818 - Lima, 1871) Military and political Bolivian president between 1864 and 1871. emblematic leader of the "barbaric caudillo" has been considered by some historians as the most disastrous president in the history of Bolivia.
It probably abandoned by his parents, he entered at an early age in the army, only training institution attended. He fought in the wars of the Confederation and in the battle of Ingavi, and participated in numerous rebellions. Being second sergeant Oruro rebelled against the government of Velasco, a fact that earned him down and banishment to the regions of Huanay. In 1853 she revolted again in Santa Cruz; He was arrested and sentenced to death, and Belzú spared his life at the behest of Cochabamba ladies, but not before warning that someday would repent of it; the warning proved prescient, as the Belzú own die at the hands of Melgarejo.
In 1858 he rebelled against Linares, who, instead of running, confined him to San Matias, on the border with Brazil. During the government of Acha, Melgarejo, with the courage that gave her almost constant state of intoxication, he began the attack against the armies of Gregorio Perez (who wanted to overthrow President Acha), and won a victory that allowed Achá continue in the power.
In return, despite his reprehensible past, Melgarejo was elevated to the rank of general. With the support of the oligarchy Mariano Melgarejo overthrew President Acha and took office on December 28, 1864, when it began an administration of dictatorial regime that was one of the most ominous that has Bolivia in its history . Shortly thereafter, General Melgarejo toured the interior of the country, which was used by Manuel Isidoro Belzú to take the city of La Paz and hold office. Melgarejo returned to the city and, accompanied by a small escort, entered the Government Palace, where Belzú performed a party to celebrate his triumph. Wordlessly, as some witnesses reported, he fired a pistol shot that ended his life.
During his rule the use of the postmark and the metric system was decreed (although this would not apply until fifty years later). He established steam for minting in Potosi and irresponsibly increased circulation feble. During this period simultaneously they increased international prices of guano and saltpeter, which meant a true economic revolution for the country, revolution a system of order and honest could have leverage with magnificent results. But it was as bad management of those interests that concessions were made to foreign companies, with catastrophic consequences for Bolivia.
The government of Melgarejo was devastating for Bolivia. He plundered the public treasury, centralizing public funds in a single box that drove him to his discretion; He suppressed municipalities and decreed forced loans that were made effective with death threats. Soon he realized the country that a drunken whimsical controlled everything "with the constitution in his pocket," as he used to say. Protests erupted everywhere, but they were crushed one to one by the force of an army that all excesses were permitted. The Melgarejo himself executed in the battle of Cantería, the poet Nestor Galindo and other prominent intellectuals. Human life does not deserve any respect for him.
Melgarejo lived and drunk orgy orgy with his closest collaborators and his favorite concubine, Juana Sanchez, whose family took advantage of the funds in the country. He stripped the indigenous communities of their land for their own benefit and their friends by denigrating wiles. On May 20, 1866 issued a decree in which owners of their land declaring the Indians, provided they follow a legal process and pay twenty pesos. Since the Indians were not aware of the decree, and, if you came to learn, could not meet the conditions imposed, their properties were awarded by auction, which could obtain in exchange for paltry sums favorites tyrant. During the robbery, which took effect the national army, true Indian massacres occurred.
There is the possibility the story of murdered peons in the cave was not from the Jesuits but from the atrocities of president Manuel Mariano Melgarejo Valencia in his war to suppress the natives. Thus over time that story became connected with the Jesuits?