The Robert and Sarah Morriss Story

The article or the BPP/JP...?

The article you referenced was to do with the Beale papers. Remember?

Your posts:
LOL! CHARLIE BUTTON, Editor & OWNER of the L'burg newspaper at that time, said that his SUB-EDITOR (John William Sherman), wrote the BEALE PAPERS PAMPHLET; it was in an article on Charlie & I will "post" the "addy" AGAIN for YOU... BBL!

Charles William Button (1822-1894): Lynchburg Daily Virginian. "Addy" not working... BUT! "Google" For good and bad Civil War editor was man of his times. The ORIGINAL newspaper article, News & Advance - Sunday, April 19, 2015 stated: "He (Button) ended his newspaper career with a bizarre interlude in which he sold the Daily Virginian to one of his sub-editors (John W. Sherman) who had earlier written a DIME NOVEL that may have sparked the BEALE TREASURE legend about a hoard of GOLD buried in Bedford. Button bought the paper back." (p. B3).

Joe must have had "actual documents" as proof for the statement of Charles W Button. :thumbsup:
Joe Stinnett is a respected journalist and I seriously doubt that his mention of Button's comment about Sherman having "written a dime novel that may have sparked the Beale treasure" was an idle punctilio statement.

Let's see... BPP/JP started out at 50 cents a pamphlet; dropped down to 10 cents a pamphlet... YEP, a DIME NOVEL! Heh...

Let's see... BPP/JP started out at 50 cents a pamphlet; dropped down to 10 cents a pamphlet... YEP, a DIME NOVEL! Heh...

If it was originally written to sell for 50 cents, then how could it have been written as a dime novel? Wouldn't that have been a 50 cent novel? :laughing7:

ANYWAY, back to "OP"; Robert & Sarah Morris... or was it Morriss...?

One did mention of having "actual documents", not something compiled by other researchers- the answer must lie with him.

...or maybe that statement was an idle punctilio. :laughing7:
Whole lot of idle punctilio going ' round.

"...I beg that you will not let any false or idle punctilio to prevent your recieving..."
Authentic statement from THE BEALE PAPERS

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i found 2 docs yesterday that has me wondering about our RM and the doi RM

Robert Morris to George Washington, August 17, 1782, Cipher
View attachment 1448631

Robert Morris to George Washington, October 16, 1782, Cipher
View attachment 1448632
This is the WE001 code created by George Washington's spymaster, Benjamin Tallmadge, and used throughout the Revolutionary War.

The Culper Code Book*·*George Washington's Mount Vernon
Here is the we001 code if one wants to give the C1 & C3 Beale codes a go using it.:icon_thumright:

found the pdf this morn

doi morris used........
Morris used code WE011 to explain the critical financial situation. WE011 had 660 elements,
which was less than older WE001, but WE011 was a two-part code. Further, single letters and
syllables were included in the list, thus eliminating the need of a supplemental substitution table.
Codes and Ciphers between Washington and Rochambeau and the Yorktown Campaign

havent had time today to work on it, i just want to see how it works
figuring it out should be fun
here is code and translation, if anyone wants to work it too

i found 2 docs yesterday that has me wondering about our RM and the doi RM

Robert Morris to George Washington, August 17, 1782, Cipher
Robert Morris to George Washington, October 16, 1782, Cipher
NOTE: This is Robert Morris Jr, a Declaration Of Independence signer, and NOT the Robert Morriss character of the 1885 Beale Papers.

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