My, my. Over 5 years of posts and things certainly do get a bit heated around here. Sigh. IDK if these have been thrown up for comment yet but the Gugenheimer residence "at the head of Main St." is shown on the 1877 map attached here. It shows up (Partially at first) on the Sanborn Maps from 1885 onward. Also, City Directories ( exist for 1875 and 1885. 1875 shows Max at the "Head of Main St." residence. By 1885 he was at Grace St. The Sanborn maps are especially interesting as the name of the former "Washington House" changes at least 3 times between 1885 and 1907...but is the same building. The 1875 City Directory still has it listed as "Washington House" including an upper-page ad later in the book. The Sanborn pics are too large to upload here but can but found at the Library of Congress site.
Here the link to the 1895 Sanborn Map page, the first time the entire brick row is shown. #s 416 - 426.,0.859,0.6,0.297,0
416 and 418 are still there today beside the ramp. An older (1920s I think) gas station-turned-restaurant occupies what WAS 426, 424 and 422.
I don't/cant find access to the 1860 map of Lynchburg. If anyone can hook me up with a link or e-mailed pic I would be VERY much obliged.
If you don't yet have the 2011 Matyas books head over to EBAY, both volumes on sale together for 29.95. Can't speak to their accuracy but it's a mountain of info nonetheless.
Glad to be here. Cheers!
Sean P McCracken