The Beale Papers state that Morriss "in 1803, he married Miss Sarah Mitchell"....
I have searched the roots of Robert Morris. I found his father and mother and his three sisters and their children and some of the children's children. I have found Sarah Mitchell's father and mother and some of her brothers and sisters and scores of nieces and nephews of both of them. I have found no wedding certificate from Loudoun County, Virginia but I do believe they were married between 1812 and 1814 that is when they showed up in Lynchburg, Virginia and started buying up everything in site. Robert Morris was quite a wealthy man being left money from a Will of Robert Morris that signed the DOI. Robert Morris of Lynchburg being his half nephew. I have copies and verification documents of all this information...
Even if the Beale story Robert Morriss was the half nephew of DOI signer Robert Morris Jr ( genealogy sites do not show this), what has that to do with the Beale story in Ward's 1885 Beale Papers?
Nothing at all.