Digging the Roots


I have searched the roots of Robert Morris. I found his father and mother and his three sisters and their children and some of the children's children. I have found Sarah Mitchell's father and mother and some of her brothers and sisters and scores of nieces and nephews of both of them. I have found no wedding certificate from Loudoun County, Virginia but I do believe they were married between 1812 and 1814 that is when they showed up in Lynchburg, Virginia and started buying up everything in site. Robert Morris was quite a wealthy man being left money from a Will of Robert Morris that signed the DOI. Robert Morris of Lynchburg being his half nephew. I have copies and verification documents of all this information...
The Beale Papers state that Morriss "in 1803, he married Miss Sarah Mitchell".
Even if the Beale story Robert Morriss was the half nephew of DOI signer Robert Morris Jr ( genealogy sites do not show this), what has that to do with the Beale story in Ward's 1885 Beale Papers?
Nothing at all.

The Beale Papers state that Morriss "in 1803, he married Miss Sarah Mitchell".
Even if the Beale story Robert Morriss was the half nephew of DOI signer Robert Morris Jr ( genealogy sites do not show this), what has that to do with the Beale story in Ward's 1885 Beale Papers?
Nothing at all.

Sure it has everything to do with the 1885 Beale Papers. If you do not find out all the information about the history behind the story then you can never say whether it happened this way or whether it did not happen. Research is the "KEY" to finding any treasure. You can keep reading the 1885 Beale Papers and all you will have is questions and more questions but if you can answer some of those questions then eventually you can have hind site into the full story. See I found a Deed today after three hours of going over the Deeds that Robert Morriss was a trustee on a Deed in 1806. Which proves he was in Lynchburg three years after he was married or before. That is tidbits of information that we would never know if we did not research to find it. Posting the 1885 Beale Papers is fine and dandy but we need to look behind every word, every character, every Deed and every Will sooner or later the light will shine.

...Robert Morris was quite a wealthy man being left money from a Will of Robert Morris that signed the DOI. Robert Morris of Lynchburg being his half nephew. I have copies and verification documents of all this information...
After spending years in debtors prison, Robert Morris Jr, never regained his wealth. Gouverneur Morris (no relation) of New York, a fellow founding father who signed the ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION, provided an annuity for the last five years of Robert Morris Jr life.


Robert Morris Jr had no money to leave his own children, so how did you come to have "verification documents" that state he left money to the Robert Morriss of the Beale Papers story, which all genealogy sites on Robert Morris Jr show no relation, be it half-nephew or whatever, at all.

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Try reading the Will of Robert Morris Jr. There are other sources such as wikepedia if you would like to check. Or you could go to the County Clerk's Office or your local DAR Records. Don't believe everything you read from one source try hundreds of them.

Try reading the Will of Robert Morris Jr...
The Will of Robert Morris Jr is midway down on this site.
What is listed is a gold watch to son Robert, gold headed cane to son Thomas, a copying press to son Henry, daughter Hetty a silver vase, daughter Maria a silver boiler, friend Gouverneur Morris a telescope spyglass, the rest to Mary Morris, wife and executrix of his will.
There is NO mention of a half nephew Robert Morris of Lynchburg, because they were NOT related.
I do not know where you came upon this notion that the Robert Morriss of the Beale story was related to the Declaration of Independence signer, but all the information in the links I posted, including the WILL you mention as evidence, show they were not related.
This is similar to the claim that Thomas J Beale was the half brother of James Purcell, both having the same mother.
What is the source of this information, or is this more fill in the blanks speculation forcing partial facts to fit a pet theory?

Cry all your want, I will not post the definite information you seek. I have it and I am not going to share it yet. But what I have posted is backed up by several witnesses and documents.

You think Thomas J. Beall is not related to James Pursley then get out there and find it. You may start with the DAR records, then the wedding records of Bedford County and the marriage records of Bealltown, Pa. Find out from your sources to whom Stephen Cooper nephew of Benjamin Cooper married then go to the Journals of Jacob Fowler and see what party Jacob Fowler and party meet around the July 3, 1822 or July 4, 1822 heading West? If you can not work for the answers then you are not worthy of the answers. I searched four days over Deeds of Lynchburg City for over ten hours what did I find for my labor absolutely nothing. A person never knows how much work goes into finding information until they try to find it themselves. Find it and get off the drums. I am not listening.

None of this proves that the Beale perilous adventure and treasure as written in the Beale Papers ever actually ever happened.
Are you now claiming that Jacob Fowler's Journal mentions Thomas J Beale and Party by name?
Or are you still claiming that Robert Morris of Lynchburg was mentioned in DOI signer, Robert Morris's Will because he was a half nephew?

Sick. I am tired of throwing good information to someone that keeps trampling it into the ground. ECS you need help more than I can give.

Well, I at least post links as support for what I post, you, do not.
The reason appears to be obvious by the constant evasive replies.

They are not evasive replies, I simply am not going to give you information that took years to find. If you want a copy to check out find one of my CD Books. They are not for sale now but maybe someone out there has one that may share the information with you. I won't.

There is only one name that ties Sante Fe, Beardstown, Ky., Buford's, New Orleans and TJB and that is Keziah Offutt Pritchard Purcell Beall. Now try to find out all you can about her and just maybe the scales will lift from your eyes.

Well, by 1863, RM is DEAD! WHERE is he buried, folks...?

Well, by 1863, RM is DEAD! WHERE is he buried, folks...?

Still looking Rebel-KGC. Don't you think it strange that the Job Print Pamphlet never mentioned who Robert Morriss leased the Washington Hotel from--not a hint no where. I looked through every Deed from 1805 to 1813 no mention of the Lot it was built on nor of it ever being built. I was going to look through 1822 but it just takes too much time. I have also searched for the Risque Plantation Deed. No luck there either. I searched 1805 to 1823. I am going to look from 1823 to 1843 the time of JBR's death. Some where out there the answers lie but they are hard to find.

I did find a deed where JBR purchased Lot #69. He later gave it to F. Risque Hutter. I have a few more leads that need checked out to find proof of something on the Job Print Pamphlet. I have a lady's name that donated Morriss and Dunnington Business Records. I will contact her and see if she has anything else. Also I am going to check with the grand children and great grandchildren of Robert Morriss and see if they have anything. It will take a few years but may be worth it.

Well, I read that James Beverly Risque became a Real Estate Lawyer, buying up land all around Lynchburg, Va. & read that he owned several townhouses in L'burg; one or two near 12th Street, up towards 15th Street, where Roslin Place is... It goes up to Grace Street, where JBR is buried in the same cemetery as "CSA Max G".

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