THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Are we not supposed to quote posts here to save space???


This appears to be a case of "The pot calling the kettle black". These are "your" posts you quoted just this month on this thread: < .....SNNNNNIP!.....>

Quarantining sure does make for *LOTS* of time...don't it. :tongue3:

Mornin' Cap'n, crew fellas and mateys.:coffee2:

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Good morning, everyone.
Miserable sleep last night. Stupid ticks!

Are we not supposed to quote posts here to save space???

Bart , WD...
If that hinge looking piece has flex/memory as in spring , it could be a buggy spring . Or a broken one. (Not sure if they made slipper type ends on them opposite an eye....)

IF a spring , more knife making material.:hello2: Or a knife and a very small tomahawk both.

If it bends , but don't spring back , ooops. Then it's a bent hinge.:laughing7:

It doesn't spring. Ooops! LOL!

I was thinking a the old time hinge that went on a wooden door, but I didn't know the proper name of it. Bart taught me something.

Good morning fellas!

In a few minutes, I'll be leaving to go brick hunting. (yes, I collect bricks, strange hobbyI know)

Did you watch my video? A brick hunters dream. I'm telling ya! ROFL!

OK I am off, I gotta catch me another tick.


We have most of the plants in....just holding off on the hot weather items such as tomatoes, basil, cukes and peppers.

Also got a good shot of rain overnight so the plants are perking up also.

We got a good rain on the garden yesterday. I'm hoping things start reaching for the sky in a day or two.

Are we not supposed to quote posts here to save space???


RC, if I have done something to offend you, it would have been by accident and I apologize for whatever it may have been. By responding to my comment with your comment has me extremely puzzled. :icon_scratch: This appears to be a case of "The pot calling the kettle black". These are "your" posts you quoted just this month on this thread:
May 13, 2020
May 12, 2020
May 12, 2020
May 12, 2020
May 10, 2020
May 7, 2020
May 4, 2020
May 4, 2020
May 1, 2020

Oh Simon! No. Nothing to do with you quoting anyone....
Rather I actually thought before I posted that I should not quote W.D.'s hinge find when replying to it .
Faint memory had kicked in of the thread getting loaded up by something.
Probably jarred (finally) from the other thread of gifs ect. looked at prior and the why it exists getting digested by my delayed subconscious..

For me to post in response to a post without quoting it seems odd. More so long after it was posted. But it's obviously doable if it helps not load up the thread.

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Gardens in ?

I paid for dirt. Don't tell my associates , they'll drum me out of the po-boy union...

Wrestled the old Cub tractor with the loader on it and started three mounds to plant a "three sisters" type garden in about a 12X12 partially fenced area.
Sweet corn , pole beans ,acorn squash. Today will be getting the dirt limed and a touch of fertilizer then shaped , kinda like mounds ,l.o.l.. And hopefully the corn in.
I'll finish the open end with more fence and a door after planting. Then run a hose and sprinkler out to it.

In the front yard where the dirt was delivered I'll put in a row of potatoes. I have some super market potatoes cut up and scabbing over cuts in the sun. Not sure how well they'll sprout...One started to in the house , but fell off when put out in the sun.
A bush type bean and carrots will likely flank the potatoes ,at risk of the odd rabbit.

Been scraping crude compost from below my oldest big leafpile. I plow snow onto /in front of the pile so there's stone and dirt mixed in it.
Less volume than anticipated ,but decent looking stuff.
IF I plant carrots for fall maturity (better odds of better carrots ) leaves can bury them come winter. Maybe leave a couple for seed too.

Tobacco has not sprouted yet.
Feels like I'm running late but enough days should exist still. Just the "be patient" thing is all...
By next year when things need rotated , I hope to have a better idea of what was forgotten from growing stuff years ago...
But hey , scratchin in the dirt is still good therapy regardless.


How do you start potatoes?

Should buy quality seed potatoes....They are around golfball sized , big eyed (where sprouts will emerge from) and of types that sprout cheerfully.

You know how some taters will sprout in a warm kitchen with light getting to them?
I've taken those and had real good results.
Just cut the potato so it has a good growing/sprouted "eye" on it , a piece about golfball sized so that it can feed. If multiple eyes sprouting they will compete , so one good eye per chunk is good. (Vs. multiple sprouting eyes.)

Letting them set out in the sun to air after cutting allows the cut areas to dry/harden/scab. Not a colored scab , but a dry tough surface. That helps prevent them from rotting when planted.

I'm gambling on the potatoes I cut yesterday by not having sprouted eyes on them , and their already planted now. (Another day of cut edges/sides drying would have been better , but rain is forecast.)
Some commercial potatoes are treated so they don't sprout. Lets hope those are not what I planted. (We had a couple starting to sprout , but two bags got mixed.)
If so , no matter. I'll plant known seed quality (or well sprouted proven pieces) next time and eat young potatoes if season gets too short.

I planted these unsprouted ones shallower than they should be. Trying to get them sprouted faster (?) but will need to keep a better eye on moisture more now.
They are in a shallow trench with plenty of soil near to "hill" them with as they grow. That helped me not have to turn soil as deep before planting too.
Ya , lazy stuff here.


I've been planting store bought potatoes the last couple of years with mixed results. They tend to be dusted with anti sprouting compound which is why they recommend seed potatoes.

Maybe I'll try some organic potatoes if I can find some.


I've been planting store bought potatoes the last couple of years with mixed results. They tend to be dusted with anti sprouting compound which is why they recommend seed potatoes.

Maybe I'll try some organic potatoes if I can find some.

Ya know....I've never had an inorganic potato. :tongue3:

Okay here’s my site part 2. I started at the top of the cellar hole where the last video cut off. You will see this is where I thought for sure I would find coins or a key, anything good. Alas, only nails! I got the scraper for Mother’s Day.

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