I had a feeling of foreboding this morning about an hour ago... and now I know why. A heating oil truck was in front of my house about to fill the oil tank...we have a wood burning stove. That would have not gone well. Whew! Dodged that one!
Well Msbeeps, I got caught!
As I stated earlier, I had to work on the garden before the rain came. So, I get all muddy and decided I needed food. Came in and fixed breakfast and went back out about 9 or 9:30. I am out there on hands and knees, total muddy mess and these 3 guys come walking up from the trees by the cemetery.

Scared the living beejeebies out of me!

I was so embarrassed too, due to the position I was in and , well , let's just say I was not expecting to be seen by anyone. They were there to trim trees for the electric lines. All 3 of them couldn't stifle their giggles. They knew they got a show from ole granny! So I say to them,"OK hurry up it is going to rain (supposed to have started at 11 am)." I tried to act like ♪♪nothing going on here.♪♪ So I scramble to get done, put my 4 wheeler away and high tail it to the house. It didn't rain. noonish, I look out the window and there's 4 guys having a push-up contest in my yard, and wait, there's another walking over, and another.... I counted 9 guys horsing around and laughing with each other, apparently taking their lunch break, in my yard! I thought there were only 3!!! They were right across the driveway from my cellar hole! ARGH! Get away from my spot! They kept looking up and down the creek. I'm thinking what am I gonna do if they pull out a bottle? I was way too embarrassed to go out. I couldn't do anything but clean the house. I have been holed up in the house until 3:00 keeping my on them. Finally, they left and I got to detect my spot for about 45 minutes and then.... It rained.
At least I didn't have to water the garden.