I had another cup this afternoon. 2 big cups today is enough for meCoffee by the pot...
Coffee by the pod...
You drink too much coffee and ....Oh My God!!
View attachment 2175755
I had another cup this afternoon. 2 big cups today is enough for meCoffee by the pot...
Coffee by the pod...
You drink too much coffee and ....Oh My God!!
View attachment 2175755
Disagree, I think they gladly forfeit $ for pushing their b.s. agenda.The only thing Disney is interested in is $$$.
Ahh.. But I make mine the night before (this is the 21st century..) has a timer ya see. Get up.. Coffees made man!!! And I set it earlier then i will be up. What I mean is when my wife gets up coffee better be made! Or I'll wake up dead!
You are aware of Murphy's other law in which anything that can go wrong, eventually will?Ahh.. But I make mine the night before (this is the 21st century..) has a timer ya see. Get up.. Coffees made man!!! And I set it earlier then i will be up. What I mean is when my wife gets up coffee better be made! Or I'll wake up dead!
Best of luck, hope you get a few keepers.Heading off to yet another old Nevada ghost town today with #Conito@55. It's over3 1/2 hours drive each way. Hopefully something worth while is out there.
Leaf blowers blow the microorganisms away-so they say.Mornin all.
neighbors who's leaves I've turned for compost prior obtained a permit and are burning this years leaves piled with vegetation from landscaping so far.
I didn't ask why. Maybe they didn't like the prior compost pile or something.
lots of smoke though.
Wind in my favor still.