The biggest road block is Disney....hard to approach them as a nobody....but....I have Hollywood types with great Disney relationships. There were many bars and treasure buried on the island, and a substantial amount still in the shallow water. Permits are probably attainable for us if the Disney part can be worked out !!
Because I hunt, there is conflict in some Disney aspects.
But old Walt and his vision I have long applauded. And Florida's W.D.W..
I did see Californias Disneyland.
Tented in Fort Wilderness . Had an incredible visit the last time.
But studied it well prior too. Unlike previous visits as a youth.
Then too there was an acquaintance (culinary) that worked underground there. Underground meaning , underground literally.
In my studies of rates , I encountered bass fishing. What? Oh boy! That had me wanting to apply for a job , almost.
But today that suggests a resource being utilized . Before visitors (I interpret as witnesses) are swarming. Waterways the park created and used for transportation and fence like definitions of borders of sorts.
But everything was where it was for a reason.
The logistics of that are great. So too the maintenance there of. And it has been and is being maintained.
But the visioning....
IF there are still minds like Walts involved in seeing what isn't and turning that into solid value, that's who I'd want to be negotiating with about a section of shoreline and beyond it at a time.
With concepts beyond initial salvage.