I picked this particular coin to mount and ware as a good luck piece with the thought that I would more than likely loose it one day. It's an undated piece with a poor strike, but still has pretty good marks. I put red garnets around it to represent the spilled blood of the Spaniards who lost there lives in the disaster, and honor the dead. I ware it cross side out to honor the lord, and I normally tuck it in during combat with these fish....or so I think....I often notice it outside my shirt in the photos ! I except I'll lose it sometime, but I try to protect it. I have retired the big milled 1733 pillar dollar to the safe, and will ware the cobb most of the time now !!
I had found a piece of eight, so the next morning I got up in the dark, and ran down to the spot in the pouring rain. It was story and windy, and I got a hit at the dune foot in the fresh cut....the sand was different and very ancient, and as I dug I felt like I knew it was treasure, and boy was it ever !! This was the first of many to come that day along with jewelry, buckles, and religious medallions. It was dark when I dug the hole, and after sitting in awe in the light of my pickup I decided I should recheck the hole, and that was the beginning of a cache of 1733 treasure that I dug a bit at a time for many years. That morning I dug a dozen or more small coins, but the first hole had 2 pieces of eight in it, and when I rechecked the hole out popped a 1733 pillar dollar !!
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