Yeah... i am not sure if ole neoprene booties would / could deflect a direct poke of that BARB.
My luck i would have a barb AND a Bootie STUCK in and on me.
Cant pull the barb out..... not from experience.... just know.... my "run in" with one was VERY minor.
But enough to say.... holy sh!t thats totally NOT what i thought it would be like.
I had very minor cut / slice to side of right foot.... 1 inch back from pinkie toe... perhaps 1/8th of an inch deep.
When i first lifted foot out of water and looked at it and saw a small little trickle of blood... i thought...
"oh good... damn that was close"
And less than 5 minutes later as i labored to exit the water and having trouble catching my breath and stumbled to help... and paramedics.
I then thought....
"F-ck !!! not close enough"