THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Geez RC I went to the city to do some Xmas shopping.
That was the extent of my day-I'm sure glad to be back in my world.
Frig that world is tad nuts/crazy/weird.

Cat grass for the cats
Tried to sneak Max's gift in, the mrs hid it way up in the cupboard.
That nose had to reinspect me, the bags, 3 times over again-he still wasn't convinced that there wasn't a treat. :laughing7:
I need to go out again shopping. I been telling myself that despite not caring to.
Had a year though , Didn't I?
A haircut might not hurt either. It's only been a few months but hey , It's a holiday approaching too.

Groceries need getting too!
I see "Christmas sides" on the grocery list. That's what it says. Must be my choice? Or am I supposed to know after umpteen years (I'll wager yes... But what the heck are Christmas sides?)
One may hazard a guess how that's going to go.
Ah well. I need to get out and go shopping.
Oh , dog food.
Specifically no salt green beans.
Opened the last can tonight.
How we burned through my stash means I didn't buy any the last grocery shopping trips.
Maybe that's been the subconscious nagging to go shopping?
I better grab some eggnog if I can remember too. With rum!

I need to go out again shopping. I been telling myself that despite not caring to.
Had a year though , Didn't I?
A haircut might not hurt either. It's only been a few months but hey , It's a holiday approaching too.

Groceries need getting too!
I see "Christmas sides" on the grocery list. That's what it says. Must be my choice? Or am I supposed to know after umpteen years (I'll wager yes... But what the heck are Christmas sides?)
One may hazard a guess how that's going to go.
Ah well. I need to get out and go shopping.
Oh , dog food.
Specifically no salt green beans.
Opened the last can tonight.
How we burned through my stash means I didn't buy any the last grocery shopping trips.
Maybe that's been the subconscious nagging to go shopping?
I better grab some eggnog if I can remember too. With rum!
There wasn't any eggnog in the cooler at the store, then again the milk section looked a little sparse.
Probably get the orders in on later day of the week.
Local organic creamery, products in real glass bottles.:headbang:
Did you get my Kefir?"
Wasn't on the list-actually I didn't see any-your trip in-you can get some.
Traffic was probably 50% heavier, and they seemed pretty aggressive when it came to a parking spot.
Oh I had a few verbal mumbles happening as "You daft ----".
But back in the hallow safe and sound, that's the main thing.

You must be my mother's sister, she was famous for the Achilles heel bumps.:laughing7:
True story..
Christmas last minute near type shopping years ago ; an old gal was giving the glare of death wishes to everyone!

Unfortunately I was looking at the glowing embers in her eye sockets where her eyes should be more than I was listening to her (I've been preconditioned to females stating opinions loudly and vigorously and warningly and threateningly since an early age; no offence ladies) and accidently bumped ever so slightly her grossly oversized size 14ish flippers or ankles with cart. I didn't look to survey the exact position or extent of the damage to her baggy stockings because my prior inability to moonwalk had become quite suddenly and effectively cured!
I don't recall if I brought that cart with me ; or just levitated all by myself while distancing myself farther and farther away from her and the rapidly expanding cracking and groaning fissure of molten lava and burning sulphur sloping towards the now evolving voracious crater forming where she had been standing just seconds earlier.

Suffice it to say her bad vibe I had kind of picked up on earlier was , (and I could sense this ,) beginning to intensify!

I was thinking she probably shouldn't have been shopping last minute in a crowd.
But knew that after her announcing her displeasure with getting bonked by shopping carts that I shouldn't have bonked her with a cart.
A question could have been raised too as to why I was even wielding ;I mean using , a cart.
It turns out though that the average elderly lady's reach (translated swing) is shorter that the length of a cart held vigorously at arms length towards the elderly lady at a right angle.

May I suggest pinning her against a firm object or shelf or hapless toddler ect. if possible once your have bumped her fire and brimstone curse infliction trigger ; long enough to launch yourself the direction of your retreat path.
And that a cart may be better than a shopping basket which is certainly better than being Unarmed.

Be cautious around scarves for sale. Or socks. Or anything with another end other than the end you are holding!
It may be being held by (and worse being claimed the possession of by) an ol gal.
In which case you will lose the ensuing tug of war if you are not properly prepared and careful. Because if you do succeed in wresting it from her after she goes gravity drop trick fetal on the floor with it after biting you...Public support after she starts to wail will usually insist you surrender your honest won prize.
The trick then is to either bonk her in the ankles or over a foot with a cart . (Carts are often conveniently located at store entrances. But if you don't have one when needed don't despair, Just grab one from any nearby distracted shopper. You won't need it long and if they squawk , just point at your opponent. They'll understand. Same rule applies to shopping baskets ; but be ready to dodge and be nimble when the haymaker swing arrives, it will)

watch now for "the tell" when you make cart/basket to ankle/foot contact. The eyes will flare in unmistakable anger even before the pain signal reaches her brain. But you must act instantly upon contact because of the micro delay in your reflexes; and snap or viciously tug on your end of the scarf , sock , or loaf of bread so quickly and powerfully efficient while she is absorbing the cart sensation that you win.
Your success is only a hope still at this point because you now have to duck or dodge the first swing of hers while you present the cart or basket against her ,break away running and beat her through a cash register or self checkout.. And she knows where they are!

IF you hear a sliding sound approaching your direction from the direction of your recent triumph when you pause for payment delay; simply place the object anywhere convenient quickly but out of your hands and again take flight.
Don't look back or ask why. You encountered a force beyond your ability to shop without it's/her consent.
Odds are slim you'll ever encounter an ankle bonked senior catching up with you if you do it right (yes I know we're not all that young either) but once in a while strange things can happen while last minute shopping. Like how didn't I notice the penguin.

( Disclaimer.No offence to penguins. Or Nuns. Or Ol Gals. Carts. Ankles. Feet. Shopping baskets . Self check outs. Innocent fellow last minute shoppers. Stores. rum . Egg nog.
Christmas sides. Whatever the heck they are.
No salt beans . Ect. )


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This was my dangerous song.
Many times I would have it cranked, driving down the road.
Problem was I would just keep driving a long ways from home.

Quite right bloody well right....


Good morning one and all… so glad that my hatred for shopping nd crowds is shared by others….it goes to prove Himself’s constant sunny disposition to everyone is quite frankly weird and not proper pirate behaviour 😆 xx enjoy ur Wednesday… this time next week it will all be over .. which in itself is cause for celebration!!! 😆 xx 🤗

Good morning one and all… so glad that my hatred for shopping nd crowds is shared by others….it goes to prove Himself’s constant sunny disposition to everyone is quite frankly weird and not proper pirate behaviour 😆 xx enjoy ur Wednesday… this time next week it will all be over .. which in itself is cause for celebration!!! 😆 xx 🤗
I'm 100% with ya blossom 🌸....Bahhhh Humbug !! Its almost over....thank god....its almost killed me this year. After new years eve.....its smooth sailing into spring!!

Good morning, I've managed to catch a miserable cold. Hard to get moving.
I had planned on walking to the beach for a sunrise pic, not today. 😪 🤧
Well if it's anything like the one running around here, my sympathies go out to you.


Un cleaned 1699 marevidi....found at the big dig a couple years ago. Time to start some research on all the restrikes, and all the little details on this rare keys copper marevidi. To think that this coin was lost in the sands of the keys many years before we were even a country.....🤔😯😁 there could be another date of 163? On it also. Very hard to photograph, and could use some cleaning to get some more detail out of it.

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