THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Good Saturday morning, all!

I did a bit more digging yesterday and found a decent bottle fragment and some iron whatsits.

Also, remember my miserable attempt a moon photo with my phone? Well apparently phones like stars better than moons. Here's the Big Dipper over the trees this morning.


Looks calm this am.
It's a put away day, hoses, dock stuff, misc.
Going down tonight to a -8C/ 17F so goodbye to most of the bugs and weeds.

Good morning everyone. Woke up with a headache at 4:00am never went back to sleep so up and grumpy. What a fun start for me lol

Good morning everyone. Woke up with a headache at 4:00am never went back to sleep so up and grumpy. What a fun start for me lol
Sorry to hear that you woke up with a headache.
This morning was the first morning in the last 5 days I haven't had one.
It must of been from looking up-neck related, as it was in the back of the head.

Sorry to hear that you woke up with a headache.
This morning was the first morning in the last 5 days I haven't had one.
It must of been from looking up-neck related, as it was in the back of the head.
I hardly ever get headaches so the first I've had in ages. Glad you got a break from yours. I'll be fine I neglected to get enough water yesterday is all I think

I hardly ever get headaches so the first I've had in ages. Glad you got a break from yours. I'll be fine I neglected to get enough water yesterday is all I think
That could be it as I don't like drinking cold water/weather is now in the 30/40sF so hydration is low on the list of priorities it seems. Though hot beef broth has been a welcomed addition to the daily fluid intake.

That could be it as I don't like drinking cold water/weather is now in the 30/40sF so hydration is low on the list of priorities it seems. Though hot beef broth has been a welcomed addition to the daily fluid intake.
I get hyper focused on detecting and will be out for hours and always forget water

I get hyper focused on detecting and will be out for hours and always forget water
Oh been there done that many times, for me is I look at the truck being parked way over there, dry as a popcorn fart, wishing I had remembered the water. Though it's a pain lugging the glass bottle around while detecting.
If I'm planning on an extended hunt at the site I take the backpack then just leave it on the ground while I detect.
(Not near the edge of the field as the ticks would love a free ride on my back)

Oh been there done that many times, for me is I look at the truck being parked way over there, dry as a popcorn fart, wishing I had remembered the water. Though it's a pain lugging the glass bottle around while detecting.
If I'm planning on an extended hunt at the site I take the backpack then just leave it on the ground while I detect.
(Not near the edge of the field as the ticks would love a free ride on my back)
Dumb thing is I always bring a backpack with me. It has 3 pin pointers, a box to store good finds in, bags for trash, all kinds of things and I always forget my water or Gatorade mix(I bought specifically for metal detecting outings).

We had a veteran at my work can't say names and such work policy. But he was 103. The day before veterans day he was honored at work by some younger military folks. On veterans day he passed suddenly. He got honored early then I guess was ready to go.

Dumb thing is I always bring a backpack with me. It has 3 pin pointers, a box to store good finds in, bags for trash, all kinds of things and I always forget my water or Gatorade mix(I bought specifically for metal detecting outings).
Make a list.

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