I notice you never give warning ahead of timePeyton Manning
Now why would I do that?I notice you never give warning ahead of time
Best of luck digging in the sands today.Mornin everybody
Great Bart👋👋 hi....how yall doing !!
Excellent....sounds like a busy day, but yes .... I think I remember you talking shop build 2 years ago ?? You were at one point doing the batten boards with the linseed treatment. And I remember you talking window installation. It's a curse pepper....the photographic memory....I sometimes remember more about other people's lives than I do my own. Good luck with all the work !! Pet the max for me !!Great Bart
Having a feeding of Raspberry spelt pancakes, with almond butter/apple butter
Putting in some fuel to put in another day of wood chipping up the brush.
Had all the board and batons done this past week with pine tar/Linseed oil.
Installing the 9 windows and another door, and getting the shop completed over the next couple of weeks.
Really time to put that project to rest-crazy how long things drag on for in life.
I am the grinch WD.....I enjoy playing the grinch role in life.....bahhh humbug....even though that's the scrooge's quote....I think the grinch is ahead of his time, and can easily use the scrooges quotes !! The grinch has great style !!