Blak bart
Platinum Member
Sharks, barracuda, stingy, scorpion fish, man o war, moon jellys, moray eel, and now killer whales !! Welcome to keylargo!!
Seen them a few times off Vancouver Island when I lived out there.Sharks, barracuda, stingy, scorpion fish, man o war, moon jellys, moray eel, and now killer whales !! Welcome to keylargo!!
Aw geeeze!! "A day as *lovely* as I am!?!?"Good morning all, ahh Wednesday dawns bright and sunny, hope You all have a day that is as lovely as you are! Xx 🤗
for your morning coffee viewing pleasure the results of our Tuesday evening hunt are as follows xx Your welcome! 😆 xx
Thread 'Tuesday evening treasures! xx'
Oh...Good morning. It’s supposed to be excruciatingly hot today. With all the business of summer, my garden is pretty fried already. I’m going to try and save what I can. You all keep treasure hunting!
Hey!Getting close to applying finish, on my art gallery debut piece !! I can't believe we will skip all the flea market, and art show scene, and go straight to sothebys art gallery !! Its an honor for sure to be asked to be part of it.....we may get a corner gallery/studio of our own at the "morada way" art district also.....that would be a year or 2 off though. This opportunity with southebys art gallery is the absolute top priority !!
That's a tragic incidence to happen.Mini season dead so far I'm pretty sure.
St. Pete woman dies in Keys yacht fire; 2 others hurt
A St. Petersrbug woman is missing after a yacht caught fire early Wednesday in the Florida
Cancelation opened a spot up for the Pepper at the chiropractor.
Hit the road got there on time as I wasn't going to miss this appt.
Been trying to get in, but fully booked till next Monday PM at the earliest.
He asked-I told
He felt
I jumped
He then said: I'm not touching you Pepper (Pepper tilted head (sniff)nope pits don't stink)
I think you probably have at least one compound fracture/possible something going on in the neck region also.
Go to the urgent care unit at the hospital-xray, possible CT scan, then call me.
I'll do some laser treatment on the area, but nothing else.
So the Pepper is home doing the usual things, will do some tree cutting this afternoon.
Picked some pees, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, tomatoes.
Filled in the tunnel that the ground hog dug under the fence line.
Industrious feller it seems just to eat my beet tops, one bite out of the each tomato. Now when I mention dug, the steel ground cloth is buried 1.5 ft down, but that didn't seem to matter.
I will be watching Caddy shack for some ideas-
The knee is bending better-lovely shades of violets/purples/blushed reds, headache gone today, so on the mend.
It's forecasting to be rainy tomorrow morning-so I'll go to the city to get tended to.
Had the receptioniston Monday when I was booking an appointment.
Asked me what happened-I told.
Query: Did you go to the hospital Pepper?
No(pepper heard a little nose snort)
How do spell the last name again?
I grew up with the past down wisdom from my father.I hardly dare mention a trap for the woodchuck.
Visions of P.J.'s fingers bent up sticking out of trap jaws....
Conibear 220 comes to mind first.
However it will NOT discriminate. So a fenced in area around it. And should the area above be covered too? And a wooden or other box to cover all but an entrance and exit cubby.
Conibears are designed to fit over a hole. Obviously anything else using the hole is going to be at risk of death.
Dang it man.
You're too bruised to ignore it. Mainly due to age. Secondarily to heath status.
Thirdly to chores depending on you.
Snow removal ect. .
You croak , and the ol lady can just sell the chickens and move south!
My god Peps!!! Altho i chuckle at ur writing my head and heart for u… please get urself off for scans etc asap! U r indeet an idiot… but u are our idiot!!! Ur lucky im not nearby otherwise ud be bound gagged and already deposited at A&E !!! xx 🤗I grew up with the past down wisdom from my father.
"Don't pass on from this life owing anybody anything. Then they have no reason to spit upon your grave"
My Mrs is tad spitting already RC from just getting hurt a tad.
I can't imagine what she'd do if I passed away.
I'm thinking a squat over my resting spot.
Just about finished 2 trees this PM.My god Peps!!! Altho i chuckle at ur writing my head and heart for u… please get urself off for scans etc asap! U r indeet an idiot… but u are our idiot!!! Ur lucky im not nearby otherwise ud be bound gagged and already deposited at A&E !!! xx 🤗