THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Well Happy July 4th everyone.

Today is go off, and get bit by some blood sucking creatures while exploring the wilds for hidden treasures.
A total off the cuff exploration of cellar holes, that are truly hard to map as it's just pretty remote, and hardly and development for the past 100 years.
No cell reception so it's very hard to gps map using the phone, so just a seat of the pants type hunting.

I missed my May 24 hunt this year on my drug anniversary.
Today is my 38th year of no rum drinking. (or any other booze)
Well earned break from the chores, gardens, and life.

So to all the pirates that are celebrating the holiday-please enjoy-be safe.
To the rest of the crew that have work or play to do-the same to you.

Well Happy July 4th everyone.

Today is go off, and get bit by some blood sucking creatures while exploring the wilds for hidden treasures.
A total off the cuff exploration of cellar holes, that are truly hard to map as it's just pretty remote, and hardly and development for the past 100 years.
No cell reception so it's very hard to gps map using the phone, so just a seat of the pants type hunting.

I missed my May 24 hunt this year on my drug anniversary.
Today is my 38th year of no rum drinking. (or any other booze)
Well earned break from the chores, gardens, and life.

So to all the pirates that are celebrating the holiday-please enjoy-be safe.
To the rest of the crew that have work or play to do-the same to you.
Congratulations on 38 yrs. Have a great 4th of July.

Gonna be a big one for me today......ill be running with the youtube crowd !! Filming a treasure episode for my friends channel. We will do a brief overview of some treasure finds....some of my recent finds. Then we will be off to the spot to film all the madness.......drone shots, walk through, and boat shots. Then tomorrow morning we get up and hunt the spot with the excal, and the nox 700. Good thing we have our own boat ramp at the family compound, because it is absolutely crazy out there right sure the boat ramp is already we go folks.....let the party begin !! Woooo hoooo !!
Sounds like an AWESOME day!!!! Party on Bart!!!!

Yes... Happy 4th to all you scallywags.

I am recouping from a long weekend and 4th party to boot.
I envy you!!! Having to watch the fireworks thru the window this year just didn't feel the same. I'll make up for it next year lol!!!!

Wow....all done with the first half of this shoot. Now for the fun stuff....all the boat shots and drone stuff. Bever tail boats is sponsoring us !! And probably crooked palm distillery!!

Wishing all a festive 4th of July !! 💥 🎺 🥁

I'm a naturalized U.S. Citizen 🇺🇸 , emigrated from England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 when I was a boy along with my sister and parents in the early 1980's, and proud to be an American (i do miss those castles, though!!)

Special salute to France 🇫🇷 on this holiday, who helped secure Independence from the Empire 🇬🇧 .

Mornin all.
A happy and reasonably safe fourth to you's.

Flag is out.
Parade in a village near at 1 p.m. at around 90 F. and humid.
Might stay here with the dogs.
They did good in the noise last night. Most are old enough to have hearing loss but not all. And most hear well enough outside!
1:30 A.M. there were still fireworks booming.

Bart's on it! Go Bart!
Another layer of new crop being added during another party-fest. Plus what's there from prior under the boats.
After reading your description of layers and sand movement I'm no longer surprised old stuff remains in such well hunted sites there.
Kinda like the new sidewalk install that added a foot to my detectors range , by lowering the ground level a foot!

P.J. congrats. Inching back from that cliff edge added decades to your life.
Enjoy scratching in the dirt in and around a cellar hole or three.
Scratching in the dirt might be one of life's secrets to survival. Doesn't really matter though. You're here still! Functioning liver and kidneys... Heart. Points plugs and condenser all working.
Don't overheat your coil radiator or head gasket and you'll putt back home again all right.


Wishing all a festive 4th of July !! 💥 🎺 🥁

I'm a naturalized U.S. Citizen 🇺🇸 , emigrated from England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 when I was a boy along with my sister and parents in the early 1980's, and proud to be an American (i do miss those castles, though!!)

Special salute to France 🇫🇷 on this holiday, who helped secure Independence from the Empire 🇬🇧 .
We have castles here, white ones

Good morning and happy forth everyone. Be safe and have a good one. I had a miserable night. My grandpa's decided to drink too much apple pie whiskey and smoke weed. He was so drunk I got stuck watching him til 3am to make sure he'd be okay. Didn't sleep much so I'm tired. Ugh the Van Alst side of my family is too rowdy well and the Vietnam vet marine he is he's extra rowdy.

Good morning and happy forth everyone. Be safe and have a good one. I had a miserable night. My grandpa's decided to drink too much apple pie whiskey and smoke weed. He was so drunk I got stuck watching him til 3am to make sure he'd be okay. Didn't sleep much so I'm tired. Ugh the Van Alst side of my family is too rowdy well and the Vietnam vet marine he is he's extra rowdy.

Call him a F-N drunk azz stoner all day!
From a distance of course.

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