Good morning my ❤️-ies! (Understand, Sir WHADI?😘)
Please pull all your mojo together so I catch a really big fish! Last weekend for the derby. Need it on a new Reef Runner too. New owner so we have to re-establish our preferred customer status. I think this derby still has a women’s division and a veteran’s division so I got chances for $$$. It’s going to be a tough bite since the mayflies are hatching.
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If walleye are coughing up mayflies , are they catching them as they emerge from the mud or all over the water column?
Comfort (temp and oxygen level and as ever amount of light) might factor too in suspended fish.
Not anything I'd be good at but a slight current in a spot to hold and clobber bait even in a neutral mood spot might produce. A friends temp and depth equipment cold not temp changes....But current no.
And sometimes eyes like a bit or more current. As you know.
A guy used to sneak them out of channels where people cruised through far more than they fished. (I'd hazard he knew a couple current moving spots in those channels.)
But , you'll probably be out in the big basin.
Leaving you the wind or breeze to consider as moving bait ,including mayflys.
Weather coming in means a weather eye in case of a run to port needed quick. But upwind in a decent wind should have less flies in the water?
It'll storm here Sun. Not sure what's going on prior besides humidity going up.
Erie gets churned up it'll likely mean visibility drops. Not sure how it will affect the lies. Seems hatch should be tapering off before long. Been a while since nights on a motorbike keeping track inland. l.o.l.. (Beware certain river bridges during a hatch..)
Good luck!
Or good fishing instead.
Mind your ReefRunner color options.
Eyes been gorging on flies if they want. Maybe they want to sample what else is nabbing flies. What type baitfish involved...From small perch to who knows?
Fish digests differently that bugs too (says I). An eye can inhale one now and then just because it's an opportunity. It won't hurt the digestion. Well , a hook might!
Get em W.D.'s!
(Watch the weather though. As always.)