THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Apparently nothing is cheap on MTU engines, and I am razing the question of if we should replace both before the other fails ?? Same hours on both parts !! Labor added to that price could get us up around 5000$

There is a new spelling in the yachting goes like this.

BOATT Break out another ten thousand !!

Working in this industry is deceiving.....people say, your just a fisherman. There is so much more to it than that. Learning about Vulcan couplers is just the tip of the iceberg. This is a state of the art industry, and often times we are forced to learn new tech, or be left behind. These boats are as complex and specialized as anything the military puts out, and often times it's this industry driving the technology and developing it even more !!

We learn about tech sometimes years before the general public. High tech cutting edge electronics are learned on the fly and can sometimes take years to understand fully. Things like F.L.I.R., A.I.S., and cutting edge sonar, and G.P.S. chart plotting are common for us to use. Gyro stabilized binoculars, sea keeper gyros to keep the boat stable, niad stabilizers, and air-conditioning chill water towers. We even have osmotic watermakers that are as complex as the space shuttle !! Just remember that fishing is just the culmination of learning and maintaining many different ships systems !! Its not just bait and hooks anymore!!

Working in this industry is deceiving.....people say, your just a fisherman. There is so much more to it than that. Learning about Vulcan couplers is just the tip of the iceberg. This is a state of the art industry, and often times we are forced to learn new tech, or be left behind. These boats are as complex and specialized as anything the military puts out, and often times it's this industry driving the technology and developing it even more !!

We learn about tech sometimes years before the general public. High tech cutting edge electronics are learned on the fly and can sometimes take years to understand fully. Things like F.L.I.R., A.I.S., and cutting edge sonar, and G.P.S. chart plotting are common for us to use. Gyro stabilized binoculars, sea keeper gyros to keep the boat stable, niad stabilizers, and air-conditioning chill water towers. We even have osmotic watermakers that are as complex as the space shuttle !! Just remember that fishing is just the culmination of learning and maintaining many different ships systems !! Its not just bait and hooks anymore!!
Sometimes a little simpler works the best in life.

The key to success is K.I.S.S......keep it simple stupid !!

Yesterday there was a short moment of panic from everyone except captain, me, and the navy seals. Navy seal was like....moniter the situation and be prepared. I was like let me go check engine room....and cap was maintaing control and waiting for damage report. It only took me 5 seconds to figure that I'm 90%Sure it's Vulcan coupler failure. I tell cap shut it down !! Now guests are all riled up and ready to quit and go home......cap shuts one down, and I run back up deck and drop the bottom rods down. No need to cancel anything.....we have another engine !! Let's just fish !! 🐟

Speaking of tech....just got this little sucker for surface drive computer. This baby reads everything from S.D.s, to zip sticks. Ill be going through years of gopro footage !! Game changer for getting good video production.

Looking at old long-lining footage of shark footage....some big boy sharks coming up on this old forgotten video !!

Spotty rain today, weekend totals 3" of moisture, tomorrow rain-and on Thursday. Clearing and sunny on Friday as there's a detecting club meet up on Saturday.
Now it's a seeded hunt for the newbies 10-12 noon (I'm going to attend/pretend that I'm a newbie) :laughing7:
Then a plowed field hunt for the pm 12-4pm.
Just going to get a feel if this new club is worth the salt.
I do like the rule if ever caught sneaking on another permission/trespassing on any property-goodbye membership.

I believe the Vulcan coupler is much like a harmonic damper, or torque converter....never have been sure about just exactly its purpose, but as a boater this is probably the 4th or 5th time I've burnt one up.....they have a finite amount of time before they fail. Continuous full load hole shots over a long period of time will wear them out. They are a weak link in the power train on these monster high speed diesel engines!!
Ya , something has to give. A controlled weak spot beats power transferred higher into more critical components and damaging them.

Shear pins vs slip hubs in outboards.
Shear pins vs slip clutches with tractor implements.

"Continuous full load hole shots....." (L.o.l..)
Kinda hard to predict average lifespan of a coupler without that work applied in testing.
(I'd be getting red flagged for suggesting they need a better warranty against shear anyways.)


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