THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

I'm in California where you can get into trouble for saying,.....

"Merry Christmas"

Because it may offend someone.

I have watched this one every night since Thanksgiving......its my son's favorite...and daddy's too !!

Morning gang...its gonna be in the 60s...for the next full week :):occasion14:

Been blowing and raining for days now down here.

Morning bart, RTR, WD

Sure like ta come down one day a hit a few 1700's coins with my new go to Deus machine. I was really surprised and pleased with the Wet Beach program.

Keep the noise down I had a rough night :) 2010_0113Mttohuntdeer4th0007.webp

Good morning ARC, Bill, WD, RR, Bart, RTR, Rook, and the rest of our wagging scaly ...scaly wagging ....what ever you're wagging crew!

WD if towel snapping technic is too tedious we can get you one of those electrified fly swatters. That will get his attention.

"Jacked", depending on what part of the woods your from, has a whole new meaning. Here it means your car is in the parking lot up on blocks (if your lucky) minus all four tires & rims...and maybe interior electronic devices & air bags. This is what greets you at the end of your work day.

RR you can add "burning man" to your resume.

I got everything done (I thought) by 3:20 p. m. Party wasn't supposed to start until 4:30 ish. I thought, "Power Nap!" Set my alarm for 20 minutes, laid down. Five minutes later my sis-in-law and bro-in-law walk through the door. Had to make them come over to my house because they live in the CWAZ and Jeffy calls NSA every time I go there. :tongue3: They got settled in when I remembered I forgot to clean the powder room. Oh well, better late than never. My pop-in-law got there and we ate and had our little Christmas. My gift from sis & bro was a bottle of wine :occasion14: and a book titled Civil War Witness Mathew Brady's Photos Reveal The Horrors Of War.:hello2:

Mr WD's dad gave him a point from his (MR WD) aunt's collection found in her back yard in western KY; a straight razor that I believe is from the late 1800's to early 1900's and an awl that survived a fire, also from the same period, both personal items from MR WD's great grandfather. When presenting the items, he stood in front of me and looked me in the eyes and said, "I am directing this story to you so that you can remember it and write it down later." Dude has way more confidence in my secretarial skills than I. LOL!

All in all a good Christmas from MR WD's side of the family.

20191222_092412.webp been chipping on an anchor this morning. Cant learn to carve unless you practice. Perfect for a grey, overcast, windy, rainy day.

"Jacked" = In some dialects, "jacked" or "jacked up" means "to have some injury or incapacity".

If that's the case, then I think I'm so jacked that I'm jilted! Goofy-Toothy smiley (small).webp

Bart, some day your handy work will be decorating some billionaire's wall with a hefty price tag.

WD, just quietly turn on a recording device. It's there in it's entirety and in his own voice.

2 days before the invasion of the hoard...get'n antsy. Uh...I may need to borrow that electric fly swatter.

Walmart. Yeck. It's done now, anyway.

There may be a arrowhead hunt in the near, aka this afternoon, future! Wish me luck.

Morning guys,.......

I was just waking up, clearing my eyes,.....when a woman with a huge rear end walked by,........

It was very "active",....... looked like two bulldogs fighting over a piece of ham.

Merry Christmas,....... damit

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