Good morning folks! Just checking in quick.
Wow! What a day already! We got up early to do last minute Christmas shopping. I only got one cup of coffee rations before I was ordered to get cleaned up to head out. Well, that was the sign I missed. We went to the shop first to check on a delivery of bar stools. I was ordered out of the truck to go look for them. My foot got tangled up in my purse strap. I went head first out of the truck while my brain was thinking it was going feet first. Strap broke at last minute and feet got underneath me before my face hit the concrete. My right leg is jacked, my lower back is jacked, and my neck is jacked. Then on to that place where you go to "Save Big Money," bought stuff. Was loading the truck when I picked up this shelving unit by the straps. Straps broke, plastic legs went rolling everywhere. Ugh. give me food. We went to that place "down on the farm." Not so good anymore. We went to mega store to buy food and a couple more presents. In the check out, I picked up the carton of sweet tea and the dern thing broke and tea bottles went every where! On the way out to the truck, Mr WD was complaining at how clutzy I am. Then he starts rattling off the events in order and when he got to the tea I said, "the tea was bull ____! I picked it up by the handle!" I guess the way it came out really tickled his funny bone and we laughed. Got home (mind you he picked on me the whole way) unloading the truck, when I heard a thump. I sweetly and softly asked, "Did you drop something?" LOL! Anyways I have about 4 hours before peeps arrive and I still have thanksgiving decorations up and presents to wrap. So you all won't be hearing from me for a spell. Have a Blessed Day!