Morning crew.
Hope everyone is having a productive day today.
Got a call at 7am, the 5.5ton excavator was loaded and headed my way.
By 8am I was on the tear, sorted out a log/beam/firewood pile.
Excavated a slope for future black berry patch.
I'll certainly detect it first. Took off the Sumac forest and old Sod.
Moved a couple of compost piles mixed them up well. (2 dump truck worth) 2 yrs of chicken 🐔 poo mixed well in.
The stinging nettles were already 5ft tall.
Moved some stumps, graded out some sugar bush lane.
4 hours is amazing what can be accomplished when one is playing.
Oh I can think of a few old garbage piles that are going to get a digging over this next month.
Toys for boys.

Hope everyone is having a productive day today.
Got a call at 7am, the 5.5ton excavator was loaded and headed my way.
By 8am I was on the tear, sorted out a log/beam/firewood pile.
Excavated a slope for future black berry patch.
I'll certainly detect it first. Took off the Sumac forest and old Sod.
Moved a couple of compost piles mixed them up well. (2 dump truck worth) 2 yrs of chicken 🐔 poo mixed well in.
The stinging nettles were already 5ft tall.
Moved some stumps, graded out some sugar bush lane.
4 hours is amazing what can be accomplished when one is playing.
Oh I can think of a few old garbage piles that are going to get a digging over this next month.
Toys for boys.