THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

I'd say so, a little wet.
Correction: Rain barrel runneth over type storm

View attachment 2030351
Looks like my rain guage got washed away. So much rain that it broke....says 0 inches.....we've had to have 4 inches, we have been right under the training phenomenon.....the storms have been most consistent and have formed right over keylargo for close to 24 hours now. Only breaks have been light sprinkles every few hours......the last hour we have had a slight break.....just windy and sprinkling !! Lightning flashing kept waking me up all night....its been quite an event !!

Looks like my rain guage got washed away. So much rain that it broke....says 0 inches.....we've had to have 4 inches, we have been right under the training phenomenon.....the storms have been most consistent and have formed right over keylargo for close to 24 hours now. Only breaks have been light sprinkles every few hours......the last hour we have had a slight break.....just windy and sprinkling !! Lightning flashing kept waking me up all night....its been quite an event !!
Where is the DJ ?
Que up I love a rainy night by Eddie Rabbit!

looks like we might finally get a break for a while !! Key west was lucky with only half the weather the upper keys are getting !!

Where is the DJ ?
Que up I love a rainy night by Eddie Rabbit!
All I can hear is wind and rain right of mother nature....good old infrastructure is tough down here in the keys....A.C. and TV..... still blaring at full blast !! It looks like its about 7pm right now....very dark out....street lights are still on !!

I could lie and say everything is fine.
Its not fine.
I've paid three different people over two years to help get dad's old well going.
My lack of whatever is keeping me from accomplishing this task is about to make my 25th wedding anniversary really dismal.
I know why people didn't like me before and that is the negative cloud that tries following me around.
So I am trying to not be a negative nancy that needs attention.

Well some of us have a pretty good memory, and im one of them. I knew about the time you made your third post that you were back mike....welcome back and keep your chin up brother !! Give my best to the viking !!

I could lie and say everything is fine.
Its not fine.
I've paid three different people over two years to help get dad's old well going.
My lack of whatever is keeping me from accomplishing this task is about to make my 25th wedding anniversary really dismal.
I know why people didn't like me before and that is the negative cloud that tries following me around.
So I am trying to not be a negative nancy that needs attention.
Welcome back
My sister said this to me once: "Stop-count to ten-stop count to ten again, now a little slower"
Funny I still remember that from so many years ago, and it has saved the bacon a few times, and the times the water got too hot, I wish I had actually done it.

I was at wits end.
I have no outlet other than my wife and my mom who doesn't remember what we talked about five minutes ago.
Bottling it all up is bad.

That is good advice that your sister gave!

I live by what Chris said to me on many occasions, "Control your emotions or someone else will"
Thank God for allowing me to tap into my inner wisdom that allowed me to see his.

All I can hear is wind and rain right of mother nature....good old infrastructure is tough down here in the keys....A.C. and TV..... still blaring at full blast !! It looks like its about 7pm right now....very dark out....street lights are still on !!
Weather on t.v. news mentioned it.
I was thinking Bart might get his sand movement.
Heck , everything else just about was/is up for movement!

Anyone want to trade some saw logs or firewood for a working riding mower ?
My mower got squished by a falling tree.
I have probably 700 cord of hardwood.
That's 2100 Ricks or face cords.
Try a self serve wood sign at the road with so little wood a theft won't wipe you out. Some things are easier to sell than give away.
You lack the means to deliver volume , or there may be a profitable niche market around.

When you had well drillers / service out did you get a depth of expected well in good aquifer below mandatory 36 feet or whatever it is today based on others in the area? Maybe 90 feet in your sandy area...?
Did they suspect a fouled well point? Not uncommon to see a crust on them like something that's been on a coral reef awhile. Calcium or lime scale , iron ect..

Sometimes an area allows a stab well by it's water table. Not legal for potable water at short depth though.

Should you bite the bullet after somehow getting the funds , go with a four inch well.
Then you can grow something for market with less concern of stressing your well prematurely.. I still like the idea of lavender.

I know a spot I can be at peace.
It's not the spot though , is it? As much as it is I am there and in my element alone while being still in mind and nerve , yet still being aware.

Oh , and I don't prefer having my name posted.
Don't need no vans roun he-ya .

Try a self serve wood sign at the road with so little wood a theft won't wipe you out. Some things are easier to sell than give away.
You lack the means to deliver volume , or there may be a profitable niche market around.

When you had well drillers / service out did you get a depth of expected well in good aquifer below mandatory 36 feet or whatever it is today based on others in the area? Maybe 90 feet in your sandy area...?
Did they suspect a fouled well point? Not uncommon to see a crust on them like something that's been on a coral reef awhile. Calcium or lime scale , iron ect..

Sometimes an area allows a stab well by it's water table. Not legal for potable water at short depth though.

Should you bite the bullet after somehow getting the funds , go with a four inch well.
Then you can grow something for market with less concern of stressing your well prematurely.. I still like the idea of lavender.

I know a spot I can be at peace.
It's not the spot though , is it? As much as it is I am there and in my element alone while being still in mind and nerve , yet still being aware.

Oh , and I don't prefer having my name posted.
Don't need no vans roun he-ya .
Sorry about the name. Roger that.
Ill edit it.
I can't safely start burning the tornado debris without water.
The DNR would have a fit.
The well is fine.
I can't figure out the pump issues.
The people I hired were from facebrook.
I can't find a well company that works on the old style wells.
Me and my dad did the well when I was a kid.
Vans schmans!
I have nothing to hide from anyone.
Watch away.

Sorry about the name. Roger that.
Ill edit it.
I can't safely start burning the tornado debris without water.
The DNR would have a fit.
The well is fine.
I can't figure out the pump issues.
The people I hired were from facebrook.
I can't find a well company that works on the old style wells.
Me and my dad did the well when I was a kid.
Vans schmans!
I have nothing to hide from anyone.
Watch away.

I'll try to help you find ideas to research.

Shallow well pumps differ from deep well pumps.
You're facebutt hires should have given you intel on it.
But deepwell has an extra pipe that sends water down into the well.
A shallow well can run a jet pump.
Either depth can run a submersible.

In your case I envision a well pit a deepwell pump in the pit, a holding tank (pressuretank) , a pressure switch with rough looking contacts on it.
A smell of old dirt mold and decay , and spider senses on full power.

If the point at the bottom of the well is good and the aquifer is not played out ,and water is in the pipe down below it should be usable.

You may have a pit valve. Or a pitless converter if it was a well pit but now is not. There's more options over the years....
A one way check valve has to be in your pipe somewhere. Likely nearer the well (before your pump). That valve fails and things don't go right as your (if above ground) pump loses it's prime. Let alone possible health risks from backwash.

I'd like to have interviewed your facebutt outfit.

Local well drillers of long standing have always been my best source of info.
In two cases they knew my wells.
And in another , the guy was not much help , or a well guy but a plumber that thought he knew what he was doing ; and it took another outfit to prove that.
And previous owners (one the half assed self builder interrupted by a prison stint) And another knowing less than I about wells.
How water came out of that well was more like an artesian well. Till aquifer volume lowered.
I was siphoning water off the top of the pipe more than drawing up the pipe.
Parts were missing!!!! For years and years.

Ooo Z.K. your well is buggin me now.

What isn't your pump doing?
It runs but no water comes out a faucet? Meaning no pressure after , or no water at the pump?
Or it don't run at all?

Old tanks used a pressure control . A thing that looks like a gas regulator almost.
Think those went with a metal tank with no diaphragm.
Diaphragm tanks /bladder tanks can have a bladder (diaphragm inside between air and water) that affect a pump being able to build pressure after it and then shut off until you draw down that pressure by using water.
On/ off run time changes (increases) as a leak in the bladder or anywhere else increases.
But on/off time can also be adjusted by adjusting the contactor(s)on the pressure switch. By watching and adjusting to maximum pressure. (Around fifty pounds for residential well older systems. City pressure might be a hundred. But don't raise your pressure that high or you'll likely find self induced leaks.)
I once had three(?) gauges after a pump that all read differently. Split the difference. l.o.l.. Adjust for pump to kick on around 25- 30 lbs. and off at 50.
And fine rubber residue can be found on faucet screens usually. Along with other indications of what is in your water, Iron chunks , rust , scale deposits ect..

Great morning to all my TNet friends. I wish you all a wonderful and amazing day along with a great weekend. Hope you're all doing well.

Great morning to all my TNet friends. I wish you all a wonderful and amazing day along with a great weekend. Hope you're all doing well.

Seeing you post , I'll do well.

As a former acquaintance used to say despite his cancer fight when told to have a good day , "Got to!"

Not get to. "Got to."

Seeing you post , I'll do well.

As a former acquaintance used to say despite his cancer fight when told to have a good day , "Got to!"

Not get to. "Got to."
Always "got to" try to have a good day in many cases. Never know when you aren't going to get to anymore or when you ve stuck in bad ones for a long time. I live for the good day because there's days I don't have good ones due to my generalized anxiety disorder being so unpredictable and making my mind a mess and me a mess. So the times I feel good I take those in and cherish them because things often don't feel good. That say "got to" makes so much sense for so many reasons. So simple but so meaningful I do say so myself. Got to try to make a day good for so many reasons.

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