Early 1900s - mid. And I am thinking it is a private property now. But, this is going to be investigated further. If it is owned by who I think, I may be able to get permission. Man, All this information for $1.00. Whodathunk?
Mornin all.
WD : Jump in with both feet and tell the land owner why you should allow them to have you detect!
My default is just to say I'm a detectorist by hobby and I'm always looking for something older than myself. With a slight chuckle at the end.
Why a given site can be expected to be broached by reluctant owners.
Layers of time are history , makes for an answer on old used sites.
Even if I knew an old park existed it would be more , I think there was a park around here somewhere or a picnic area or something.
If I'm wrong there won't be any evidence.
One old guy granted permission on the phone who was the informal caretaker of an old non lived in/on house/property that was built on top of an even older homestead that had burned.
He demanded half if I found a chest (or was it jar?) of gold coins .
I told him it's a deal. But I get to keep the container too!
He laughed and wished me well.
Now I had been eyeing that site a long time and no one was ever there.
Till I was detecting awhile .
A former occupant showed up (elderly gal who lived there as a youth and inherited it with a sister)and a guy with her.
She didn't know I'd had permission and once that was cleared up she showed me around and gave me a bit of history about the site. ( The outhouse spot had some concrete remaining and detecting around there turned up , nothing. (!) )
I was interested of course of her youth and the goins ons there back when, including a fire in that second house , but the nostalgia on her part was as could be expected , bittersweet.
Managed to refrain from detecting while she was there. Which wasn't hard.
Ask! But don't beg.
Mentally it's similar to as if a person where you want to detect has an old bottle on a tree limb out front. You're both interested in stuff from the past. Just that you use a detector sometimes. And the level of interest is higher when you're searching. Maybe it's the old house that you can compliment them on.
I don't like asking permission, And there's folks don't like being asked.
My goal is to put them at ease about it.
Something like ,You're welcome to join me a few minutes if there's any concern about what I'm up to . I understand a stranger wanting to poke around is not what you expected to meet today. I'd feel the same way at my place. And will respect your place the same.