THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

I hope you realize that everything you say can-and will be used against you Dave.
Under the STATE EMERGENCY nothing is off the table.
Supporting the current peaceful/loving/protest in even simple words can lead to being charged.
But that's what we all want it seems-just be told how to live our lives.
I know you are a good member of the flock.
The OPP are knocking at doors in Peterborough handing out leaflets to homeowners that have posted on Facebook.
Monitored/followed online-then showing up doing the knock/knock that's so F'd.
I was asked by family if we had a visit yet?
Let me see your papers-history slowly knocking at reality.

Hope you have a great week in the Capital.
Don't honk or you can be charged.
Don't fly a flag-or you can be charged.
Leave your gerry can at home-you can be charged-
Please don't spit-you will be charged.
Just trying to prevent any harm that might be lurking around the corner.
Goot mornink citizen,ve haf informazion that you haf been Facebook supporting the insurrection in Ottawa.Ve also haf informazion that you haf a Canadian flag in ze home and a Jerry can full of gas in ze garage.That is dangerous behavior citizen.Ze neighbors alzo say you haf honked ze horn and spit on ze driveway dis mornink. You must to come vith us for your own protection citizen,you see?

I only weight 135 and drank half a bottle of tequila and a bit of whiskey so I very well may have nearly alcohol poisoned myself. I'm not feeling mentally okay at all. I've never felt so much panic. This really makes me not want to drink anymore the amount of terror I'm feeling is more than I can handle. I know this is embarrassing and that people make fun of me because I panic over stuff a lot but it happens with my anxiety disorder and I just need to talk with people to try to bring it down. I never mean to be like this.
I,m a little late but,I don,t think anyone here laughs at you or makes fun of you,maybe some place else but not here.I,ve told you of my GrandDaughter who has the same anxiety disorder as you,you,re not alone even though it seems like it.She can go into an attack from anything at anytime,not fun but nothing to be ashamed of. The mental fog will pass,I know all too well that feeling along with the fuzzy vision too,swear I once saw talking squirrels one morning after,when I made the mistake of going hunting before coffee. Ain,t no laughing at you from me buddy,hang in there!

I,m a little late but,I don,t think anyone here laughs at you or makes fun of you,maybe some place else but not here.I,ve told you of my GrandDaughter who has the same anxiety disorder as you,you,re not alone even though it seems like it.She can go into an attack from anything at anytime,not fun but nothing to be ashamed of. The mental fog will pass,I know all too well that feeling along with the fuzzy vision too,swear I once saw talking squirrels one morning after,when I made the mistake of going hunting before coffee. Ain,t no laughing at you from me buddy,hang in there!
I just have so many people get tired of my freak outs. People don't understand how it is so it's easy to make fun of me or call me weak and all that stuff. All while having no idea how terrible this disorder is to deal with. I hate it with a passion and it's just so tough to deal with at times

Thank you all by the way for dealing with my many panic issues. I do appreciate it a lot. Most people never bother to reach out but on this forum everyone is always so nice and tries to help. So I really appreciate you all.
I,m late,as I said,but I know what it,s like through my GrandDaughter.I hope I,ve helped!

I,m late,as I said,but I know what it,s like through my GrandDaughter.I hope I,ve helped!
It does help when someone listens and tries to give advice. Thank you very much I do appreciate it more than you know..

A social gather at the bird feeder.

Screenshot from 2022-02-14 11-26-34.png

The mainstream media feeds you, one sided journalism coming out of 3 main feeds. They are controlled and bought off by the powers to be. So when the agency is buttering your bread do you kick them or KowTow?

Please don't confuse freedom and mandated freedom please.

This is how the mainstream crowd views it:

"A neighbourhood Facebook shoutout from the previous night called for the community to block vehicles from a so-called "blue collar convoy" from heading downtown."

That's how they are viewed "Low working class" those farmers and truck drivers.
But don't be a hypocrite and pretend to be thanking them-while bashing them too.
Just think about that one please. View attachment 2010140
Truck Driver citizen,please to move ze truck to ze approved mandated location to be able to continue ze protest,please to follow ze approved safety car.Tank you for ze co-operation.

It doesn't feel as bad today. I was in straight up panic attack mode a few times yesterday and my watch kept warning me my bpm were at times up to 104 to 108. I felt so miserable yesterday. Still feeling mentally off today and my brain was being funky when I was trying to sleep last night so that wasn't fun either. I just made a huge dumb mistake and drank way too much. I only weigh 135 and drank half a bottle of tequila and like 3 shots of whiskey and never threw it up. I'm sure it took a tole on me. But in my anxiety mind it's always you did permanent damage or you're dying. Oh the joys of this f'd up disorder
Had to physically stop my Grand from bashing her head into the kitchen cabinets once. She was 16 and on the wrestling team at school,she,s not a petite girl.We ended up in the floor with a full Nelson on her.Once I got her to stop I had to patch her up. Yeah,I can dig where you,re coming from brother! You,re not dying,you didn,t do permanent damage,It,s only your mind telling you that.Talk back to it!!!!:laughing7: I do!

The Mr WD is like the Giuseppe of wood creations.
She's in good hands I think.
Let me think about that last line a little more.😅
What I was thinking of was a double L shaped bracket sawn out of Oak,stained and finished to match the case. Top leg fastens to a stud in the wall,lower leg hooks over the top of the case,no holes in the case that way. Two of these should work. If you get my drift?

JVA... ever think that alcohol consumption could be the root of many of the problems ?

IF you drink more than once a week and to excess you are on the LONG road to alcoholism.

Which carries all the symptoms you describe... particularly depression,

Its a vicious cycle... but realize... drinking makes all problems temporarily go away but creates long term ones.
I've always had generalized anxiety disorder but I'm sure alcohol definitely doesn't help. I had stopped drinking for awhile probably will stop again because I really don't like feeling this way at all.

Had to physically stop my Grand from bashing her head into the kitchen cabinets once. She was 16 and on the wrestling team at school,she,s not a petite girl.We ended up in the floor with a full Nelson on her.Once I got her to stop I had to patch her up. Yeah,I can dig where you,re coming from brother! You,re not dying,you didn,t do permanent damage,It,s only your mind telling you that.Talk back to it!!!!:laughing7: I do!
To question the reflection is the hardest.
I fired the reflection twice-and twice it's thanked me.

I've questioned it too many times-that Y in the road has reared it's ugly, where I had to choose.
It's not fun to say no/deny the grey matter what it urges.

I'm being honest here, and it might be easy for many to say no to the reflection.
But from sticking the needle in the vein-to drinking, and drugging till the last dime is spent, it's a hard one to wake up, and tell that reflection-no you can't, it's time to smarten up.

The reflection rebells, and shuts it down, the fear of facing society is one of the weirdest things to experience in life.
To be find comfort with only the reflection, and to face the world brings the inner most fear.
Some probably have no sense in what it would even feel like to wake up, and have a fear.
To go to the store, to talk to another human, while maintaining the outer crust hardened against the flowing core of what is happening.
Time takes over, as the hours create days, that turn into seasons it heals.
Then another fear sets in, and what would they think of the reflection if it was to reflect, on the fear.

Little poster stated one time: Everyone seems normal till you get to know them.

I've always had generalized anxiety disorder but I'm sure alcohol definitely doesn't help. I had stopped drinking for awhile probably will stop again because I really don't like feeling this way at all.
I'm getting a sense that you may have found a solution to the problem.

There's a pause, stopping, quitting, abstaining, lots of ways of saying it.
I'm going to take a break from it-basically say one will go back to it.

I never really used any of those terms-because there was no desire to quit.
When I had no desire to drink, or use any longer, the road of sobriety became a whole lot shorter.

Then there's the dry drunk-and that's a whole lot harder to overcome also.
There's no easy solution to any problem.
But I look at the reflection, and reflect, that if I can do it-anybody can do it.

I'm getting a sense that you may have found a solution to the problem.

There's a pause, stopping, quitting, abstaining, lots of ways of saying it.
I'm going to take a break from it-basically say one will go back to it.

I never really used any of those terms-because there was no desire to quit.
When I had no desire to drink, or use any longer, the road of sobriety became a whole lot shorter.

Then there's the dry drunk-and that's a whole lot harder to overcome also.
There's no easy solution to any problem.
But I look at the reflection, and reflect, that if I can do it-anybody can do it.
I just can't cope with the severe anxiety from it and how bad it mentally has thrown me off way too stressful for my anxiety mind.

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