Yes, I am very concerned about the Rookster and his bride. We have been hit hard in this area and lost a few . Have several still in the hospital. My son, his woman and my granddaughter just came down with it. The older boy had it about 2 weeks ago. He came home from school complaining of headache and very tired. His temp got to 104.5 and my son took him to the hospital. He tested positive for Covid. That’s all he really got from it. He was fine and playing the next day. I’m not sure why it took so long for the others to come down with it. And there’s another grandson who hasn’t shown any signs of being sick yet.
One of my Grandson,s schoolmates was tested positive a week ago,My Grandson was home all last week isolating and not a sign of even a cold. The wife,daughter and I are all OK,no symptoms, again not even a cold.We,ve all been vaxed,boosted,and flued,so. My sister in San Francisco tested positive and so far has mild symptoms,she was fully vaxed and boosted.My wife,s uncle is positive,no vax, very mild symptoms,so go figure.Earlier,I lost a 1st cousin to the original Covid,40ish,strapping young man,all vaxed up too,again,go figure! His Mom and Dad were exposed the same time and had mild symptoms, they,re both 70,fair health,somewhat over weight.This thing just doesn,t have any rhyme or reason. A very good friend lost his wife to the original too,before the vax. Very few who haven,t been affected one way or another. I sure would like to hear from rook and his wife,got me kind of spooked!