THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

RTR.. make sure you look for the "AM" ones.

Lincoln Memorial cents feature the word AMERICA on the reverse. The Close or Wide AM refers to the distance between the A and the M in AMERICA on struck coins. When the A and the M are a normal distance apart as compared to the other letters in AMERICA this is known as a Wide AM.
Never heard of this AM thing but then again I've been out of the game for decades.

I lost a huge collection of not only these but every coin i had that was stashed at my folks house since i was a kid... i always took a few and added and added... and added....

When my folks passed away abruptly... other family members and who knows who went through the house before i could get there... and... "no one saw any coins".

Needless to say... along with a ton of other valuable stuff... they were gone.

That was over 10 years ago now... these mostly all have been aquired in that time.

My pathetic wheat penny collection


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liked this alot RTR
Not only did i enjoy this alot... i learned a ton i did not know.... i was really surprised how much i did not know about them.

I can safely say after watching that that i offocially dont really know jack sh*t enough.

Um... BUT... in my defense... i am not really a coin collector... yes i collected them as to one day learn about what i had held back on all this time... now that day has finally come and i am begining the process....

up until this point i only held the knowledges obtained in various forms and ways of just lisening and reading and watching others etc etc.

I would do searches on some here and there as well from time to time.

Just remember some of the old wise sayings as you go through the day, and it will help you keep everything in perspective:

"A horse in the hand is worth two birds in a bush".
"You can lead a camel to water, but you cannot make him thread a needle".

I hope this gives your day some clarity and peace.

For example... do you know how mant "steel cents" i passed on over the years.. in fact i never even would look at the dates.... i saw they wqere steel and passed because i had so many.

I did not look at the dates back then because i thought they were all worthless unless perfect.

Sheesh i could have even had a 44 in my hands and tossed it back thinking this... so... :/

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