Apparently not, also have this one.
A Furgy!
Ford vs Furguson.
Former allies. Fergusons revolutionary three point hitch was a big improvement.
After Ford and Ferguson split up , Ford kept running the three point. Which led to lawsuit. And Ford having to recompense Furgy.
And here you are with an example of the evolution of both mens work....
Tractors interest me. Partly for thier mechanicals , but also history.
Steam engines blowing up from too much soot in the flues would have kept me using horses and mules. But the inevitable change was on the horizon.
Following WW2 , engines were proven to be able to replace draft animals.
My interests kind of peak around the era when single or team small farms were targeted for the tractor market.
The last hold outs so to speak.
1947. Following the 1936 Rural Electrification act , there was a grid. Sort of.
New York for example had a lot of T.V.'s.. Then in 47 the world series was broadcast and folks went crazy for t.v.'s.
Just as draft animals were being replaced , radios' , those former near hearth accessories and near replacement for family hearth gatherings as entertainment and news; began to gather dust.
47 Farmall Cubs were (as would competitive manufacturers downsized units) began to challenge the former champs of the small farms single or team of horses/mules.
Yesterday while adjusting shaft collars and set screws to hold the shaft in place I told the youth working with/for me the early 47's had metal peened against bearings on the p.t.o. shaft to stake them in place. Change followed.
All to say , those old lamp winders and burners found detecting (why here away from the house? Think heat source , food warming , or a dropped lamp in the dark ,or fallen off a buckboard ect.) ...The old broken radio tube in the dump site.
A horse shoe. Tack ring or collar terret .
A blade guard off an old sickle bar...
All tell of history. Industrial evolution/ revolution..
Depression era in which folks struggled and scrimped and starved....To an era when recreation could be afforded. As could conspicuous consumption of manufactured goods.
And the latest and greatest were eagerly sought by those who were not haunted by the meager past.
Though there were folks lagging behind decades. By locale , or by choice. And some , by necessity brought about by thin purses.
The evidence is there.
In layers ; in the soil.
Soil worked by hand.
By animal and human labor.
Soil worked by machines with a human operating them.
A hoe made of native materials.
A shoe that once pulled a plow made of iron with precious steel in wear areas.
A piece of jagged steel still holding a couple hand peened rivets after a boiler blew.
A wrench liberated from a tractor.
A button.
And oh what an evolution buttons have seen.