THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

This is the one media outlet I have followers lol. Lame me that has trouble being social doesn't do so great with being interesting to people. I am now complete lol. Oh man I'm very awkward but not afraid to poke fun at myself lol.
Don't sweat it just be yourself it takes all kinds of people in the world. Some people are extroverts and others are introverts it would be boring if we were all the same.

This is the one media outlet I have followers lol. Lame me that has trouble being social doesn't do so great with being interesting to people. I am now complete lol. Oh man I'm very awkward but not afraid to poke fun at myself lol.
I used to be excruciatingly shy and had anxiety attacks. One of the first things that help me overcome my social awkwardness was a job as a hostess for long John silvers. I had to talk to people, no choice. I still had bad anxiety, but my life path has enabled me to overcome it. But every once in a while, that anxiety rears up and hits me like a brick. I just wait for the storm to pass.

Just click on the youtube link and you can watch it there. Odds are the video owner set it up that way to get viewer credits.
So, that’s what is inside those things? I need to be a little more adventurous.

This is the one media outlet I have followers lol. Lame me that has trouble being social doesn't do so great with being interesting to people. I am now complete lol. Oh man I'm very awkward but not afraid to pok

I used to be excruciatingly shy and had anxiety attacks. One of the first things that help me overcome my social awkwardness was a job as a hostess for long John silvers. I had to talk to people, no choice. I still had bad anxiety, but my life path has enabled me to overcome it. But every once in a while, that anxiety rears up and hits me like a brick. I just wait for the storm to pass.
My daughter has anxiety... bad at times. I tell her.. Just relax! Have a drink! I now know it's not that easy. She carries... Learning MMA type fighting...Wheres a "let's go Brandon" shirt ( that's the PG version.. it says...well..)
So I never understood where the anxiety came from. I'm loud, have been in lots of trouble.. have been known to take chances and do things people just should not do!

I still don't understand it but I try to help as much as I can. She has been known to fly the bird and voice her opinion loudly... anxiety should make that a non starter??

Anxiety is frustrating, generalized anxiety disorder which I have has different levels of how active it is and so many different things it can do. I think it frustrates me most that many don't understand how awful it can be or see how much one can suffer with this. I've had many bad times where I'm just flipping out and it just frustrates people. Though I also can't blame those that don't go through it because how could they possibly understand. Just not fun. Not sure if it's ever something that really gets better but you learn to cope and not let it get out of hand and snowball horribly. It is what it is.

Many thanks to everyone 😂. But back to business tomorrow.Old age is something you never outgrow. Don’t know why I thought of that. I guess it’s time for a rum toast


I used to be excruciatingly shy and had anxiety attacks. One of the first things that help me overcome my social awkwardness was a job as a hostess for long John silvers. I had to talk to people, no choice. I still had bad anxiety, but my life path has enabled me to overcome it. But every once in a while, that anxiety rears up and hits me like a brick. I just wait for the storm to pass.
Um Yes... Mam.... i would like some more hush puppies please.


Why certainly, Sir. Would you like crumblies with them?
EXTRA crumbles please.... and ketchup.... oh.... and one more thing..... can i please just get a littlle itsy bitsy teenie weenie bit o Rum with that.... i like to dip them :)

Anxiety is frustrating, generalized anxiety disorder which I have has different levels of how active it is and so many different things it can do. I think it frustrates me most that many don't understand how awful it can be or see how much one can suffer with this. I've had many bad times where I'm just flipping out and it just frustrates people. Though I also can't blame those that don't go through it because how could they possibly understand. Just not fun. Not sure if it's ever something that really gets better but you learn to cope and not let it get out of hand and snowball horribly. It is what it is.
Our daughter also suffers from anxiety, facial ticks, ADHD and possibly Tourettes. She's currently studying Physiology at university, as she wants to be able to council people with similar ailments due to the lack of understanding in today's society surrounding mental health challenges. She say's, "The only way you'll be able to start to better, is if you admit that you have a problem and face it head on." She's a smart girl... thankfully she gets that from her Mom, she gets her sense of humor and attitude from me. :laughing7:

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