I was beaten out of a patent that was stolen from me by patent attorneys !! 22,000 dollars and 3 years of work !! Invention was was marine related, and government regulations along with the clean water act made my invention a requirement on all commercial shipping vessels !! I started with the design in a high-school science class contest with a close childhood friend. We were encouraged and helped by school teachers to pursue patents after blanking all the competition in this national contest. When we did our patent test with the attorneys our idea was the highest scoring invention in the history of these patent attorneys.....we were assured we would be wealthy and successful. In the end we were taken advantage of by this company.....through relentless billing and fees we were eventually worn down until we defaulted and missed a 2000 dollar payment.....by the time we raised the money they already had control of our patent !! Our first big offer was for 300,000$ we were told that we should get 3,000,000$ offer before considering selling. The attorneys robbed us and sold that patent a year later, and now its a mega million dollar industry. We had a global year round market with replaceable parts.....a gold mine !! I've never been so deceived and robbed !!