“What do you call a thousand lawyers chained together at the bottom of the ocean?” “A good start.”
Had some good ones, and had some real leaches throughout life.
Had a bad purchase of cable wire when running the scrap company.
The guy had ID-walked the walk-talked the talk
The problem was PCB (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
50 parts per million it is deemed safe to transport/handle
This product ran 15,000-42,000 parts per million
Long story short:
Got a visit by the cops/hydro
Ministry shut me down
Lawyers-big hammer-we got decontaminated-back up running-5days
I sued the hydro and the police
$125,000 later I got a call no case
After being led down the garden path of litigation
Got to love those suites and ties, they'll sell ya out over a dime at the 19th hole every time.