THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

“What do you call a thousand lawyers chained together at the bottom of the ocean?” “A good start.”

Had some good ones, and had some real leaches throughout life.

Had a bad purchase of cable wire when running the scrap company.
The guy had ID-walked the walk-talked the talk
The problem was PCB (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
50 parts per million it is deemed safe to transport/handle
This product ran 15,000-42,000 parts per million
Long story short:
Got a visit by the cops/hydro
Ministry shut me down
Lawyers-big hammer-we got decontaminated-back up running-5days
I sued the hydro and the police
$125,000 later I got a call no case
After being led down the garden path of litigation
Got to love those suites and ties, they'll sell ya out over a dime at the 19th hole every time.
Ya know the difference between a lawyer, and a catfish ? One is a scum sucking bottom dweller, and the other is just a fish !!

Just looking at that fiberglass work makes me itch View attachment 1990411
Just a marathon of glassing....the whole interior was gutted and refabricated in foam and glass....just finished the transom glass work, and still have a handful of small glass jobs !! Really was a lot more than I ever dreamed.....they were not glassed well to begin with.....went back over alot of the factory glass work for added stiffness !!

Just a marathon of glassing....the whole interior was gutted and refabricated in foam and glass....just finished the transom glass work, and still have a handful of small glass jobs !! Really was a lot more than I ever dreamed.....they were not glassed well to begin with.....went back over alot of the factory glass work for added stiffness !!
Hey whats the deal with fiberglass ? Does it get harder/stronger over time ? I tried to drill a hole in our latest boat to mount something and different drill bits could not drill thru it ???

Hey whats the deal with fiberglass ? Does it get harder/stronger over time ? I tried to drill a hole in our latest boat to mount something and different drill bits could not drill thru it ???
Are you accidentally using a left hand bit?

Hey whats the deal with fiberglass ? Does it get harder/stronger over time ? I tried to drill a hole in our latest boat to mount something and different drill bits could not drill thru it ???
Over the years I have ran into drilling things and go :icon_scratch:
The drill bit options
Regular, coated, hardened long list of options.
The ones that actually I have found to do the drilling job is cobalt drill bits.

"Cobalt bits are made of HSS with cobalt blended into the alloy mix whereas carbide bits are made of sintered tungsten carbide. Carbide drill bits are generally more expensive than cobalt but can withstand higher temperatures and have greater wear resistance."

You might try drilling a pilot hole also.
Had it happen where the bit will just start then spin in the hole, polishing the surface-not cutting.
Even though I thought the bit was sharp-it didn't cut it.
Changed to the cobalt-it just grabbed-and drilled right through.
Speed/lubrication is a factor as well many times

Its tough stuff....once it hardens thats it !! You should be able to drill it though ? Check for backing behind the glass....could be an aluminum plate or something similar behind the glass !!

Had it happen where the bit will just start then spin in the hole, polishing the surface-not cutting.
Even though I thought the bit was sharp-it didn't cut it.
Changed to the cobalt-it just grabbed-and drilled right through.
Speed/lubrication is a factor as well many times
Your right pepper. I was in industrial sales for over 40 years and sold all sorts bits. The cobalt were by far the favorite. Also easier to brake. I had customers use ‘‘em as reamers. Warranty didn’t cover that. And ours would drill fiberglass.


In the marine industry my biggest challenge is drilling broken stainless hardware, or drilling through backing plates !! Cobalt is the go to.....high speed steel dosent seem to last long against stainless steel !!

Yesterday I finally got the last of the stainless hard ware out of that boat took a cut off wheel on a dremel tool to finally be hardware free !!

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