I think the further behind thing, is a fall thing, to just be behind in many things.
Had great plans on doing things today, and I have not done the things I thought of doing.
Tractor went over the edge of the garden bank (my fault)playing bulldozer.
Got the big tractor in, and killed the battery winching it out.
Couldn't reach the big tractor with the jumpers as the bucket is dow.,
So I ended up ripping down the garden fencing to drive through the Sumac stumpage into the garden to jump and charge the 5000 up.
Have to get ready to do another hay load up, so I hope I get it going.
The 24 old roosters are fighting-separating was the only option as it was getting bloody.
I need to put them in the freezer right quick.
We might be related.... I forgot brakes are weak on the plow truck. Didn't hit anything , this time..
Rain stopped briefly just recently. I couldn't remember what I needed to do right away outside. L.o.l..
(A convenience by forgetting thing probably. Besides , it's dark.)
The F-250 plow truck has a high tech battery in it as of last replacement. Big mistake. Sets a couple /few days and doesn't want to start.
Had it tested and it's supposed to be fine.
No parasitic draw I know of...
So , I put the snow plow on and parked it out back. That'll take a heck of a power cord to reach it now but it's out of the driveway anyways. After switching the cargo carrier , ramp , heater, ect. for hunting from it.
Kubota driveshaft is in at the parts place , per the young guy who I bought the tractor from. (He started an equipment sales business a while back, great guy).
He'll be out next week when I calm down from hunting.
We need to figure out how to wire the snowblower/ which key switch wire is power by key on.
I was just going to wire it direct to battery with a fuse.