THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

That looks good, especially dipping the french cries! Do you think I could use the jowls instead of bacon? We have plenty of that and the MR didn't like the recipe that I got them for to begin with. June will be a year since we started getting our freezer meat. I was told I not to keep the frozen meats over a year. I have lots to cook up, if that is the case.

Somewhat true, but if it's wrapped properly in the first place, it will last more than the 1yr mark.
It's like everything you buy from paint and cement and so forth. 28days is the magic number for curing everything it seems.
Found a moose roast in the bottom of the freezer once, had to be going on 2.5 yrs old, it was a lovely piece of meat.

Somewhat true, but if it's wrapped properly in the first place, it will last more than the 1yr mark.
It's like everything you buy from paint and cement and so forth. 28days is the magic number for curing everything it seems.
Found a moose roast in the bottom of the freezer once, had to be going on 2.5 yrs old, it was a lovely piece of meat.

The pork is all wrapped tightly in plastic and then wrapped in paper. I bet it lasts longer than a year. We freeze our fish in water. It lasts for a few years that way.

I don't trust banks. I worked in one for 6 years and when I quit they seemed to have lost the retirement money. I asked about it everytime I was there and they just shook their head with a blank look on their face. Then 2 or 3 years later I got a phone call to come in next time I was in town. They gave me my check as the auditors had found it.
I rented a safety deposit box probably a couple years ago. The last time I was in it the bank officer couldn't get her key to work. I'm standing there thinking that my box was above that one. Then she tried a different key with the wrong # on it and it worked. I questioned her about it and she told me they change the fronts ( I believe she said) every so often. I think Covid may be calmed down enough that I can go clean it out. See what I got left.... Do you ever feel like you can't trust anybody?

I subscribe to Finley Peter Dunne's , "Trust everybody , but cut the cards."

Never rented a safety deposit box.
Not sure what I'd squirrel in one I couldn't elsewhere , but if I had a pile of jumbo top notch diamonds to secure a while that other folks knew I had , I might rent a box till getting rid of them? But I'd reserve a few for my own version of security too.

Mornin all!
Used car shopping with the ladyfriend. A vehicle for her to switch to.

Today I'll be trying to stand back and see where yesterdays more focused interest's lands regarding a particular vehicle.
She has a different process in negotiating than I , Which is fine. Long as I can stay out of it as it evolves ...l.o.l...

Good morning, RC. Well, I hope your lady friend gets what she wants for a decent price. When it comes to car negotiations, MR WD is the bomb. Wheeling and dealing is his thing. My attitude is, if I think it is a fair price, I'll buy it. If it is too much, I walk.

I have been meaning to ask how is it going with the new prosthetics? I know you were getting the ball rolling again.


Sure why not I'm sure it would work with the jowls.


Another thing about the long term storage of meat...worse case scenario it might get some freezer burn.

However if you're making a stew or casserole with a fair amount of liquid it shouldn't really matter much.

Good morning, RC. Well, I hope your lady friend gets what she wants for a decent price. When it comes to car negotiations, MR WD is the bomb. Wheeling and dealing is his thing. My attitude is, if I think it is a fair price, I'll buy it. If it is too much, I walk.

I have been meaning to ask how is it going with the new prosthetics? I know you were getting the ball rolling again.

It's getting interesting.
We have an appointment to bring her trade to a dealer.
Dealer sales gal called me to say the vehicle we were dealing on was sold.... L.o.l..
Now , it was not a vehicle for me , but still.
Politely (my version) had her upset. While acknowledging it is the dealers lack of good faith.(They don't take deposits either , so what commitment exists?)
Went round and said I'd let the ladyfriend deal with the dealer. (While envisioning myself test driving a new truck in the mud on my hunting property in the near future...)
After I hung up a call came back shortly after saying the deal fell through.
Ladyfriend got up and I hadn't told her what's been going on.
I hear her on the phone though....Probably good I can't hear what is being discussed.
She didn't actually tell me she was going to set on acquiring that vehicle yet either. (Trade in value , final costs ect. not negotiated yet..) Which makes it more interesting.

I should be fishing or something probably.

Sounds like a sales ploy. Make the would be buyer not want to let it slip through the fingers again and end up paying what the dealer wants. Tell her to put her best poker face on.


Sounds like that sleazy salesman was just trying to close the deal with the already sold ploy tactic.

Sounds like a sales ploy. Make the would be buyer not want to let it slip through the fingers again and end up paying what the dealer wants. Tell her to put her best poker face on.

Boy oh boy!
So much for standing back.
The sales manager is probably still breathing heavy.

He got to promising a bit much and bragging up his crews conduct. Not knowing the prior events of the morning.
When he apologized profusely after being asked what I get out of loyalty , I asked what I get out of loyalty on my end out of his lack of loyalty? (This is my most recent dealer I bought new from . Really a good local-ish place believe it or not).
And where does he expect my next upgrade to come from? When he said I hope here , I asked , what do I get out of that? Does apologizing restore loyalty ?
He tried to say folks don't always carry out commitments. I asked for any example of my ever not doing so at his dealership. Any appointment...Anything. That is my reputation to be loyal too , in exchange for his...L.o.l.. And who's the one not commiting? Poor guy stalled out.

He gave hear a good price offer on her trade. Better than she would have demanded. The market is crazy enough apparently.
I'm no stranger to horse trading , but trading a used vehicle in on a used vehicle as a salesperson....I'd not be too enthused about.
Working out on our end though.

She about wore them out with her notebook of umpteen vehicles for sale.
Yes the market fluctuates. Not as much as she does though....
I'll be seeing mileage, models of vehicles , and trim levels , and price figures in my sleep now.
The sales manager will probably be seeing a certain angry customer not worth arguing with.
I don't remember how much he came down , but it stopped at a certain point. She'd told me before he showed up to say that was as low as he could go after prior figures.
I suggested she demand an air freshener to seal the deal but she didn't.
She'll get lots of goodies tomorrow though. (IF we're not barred from the dealership.)

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This tune pretty much applies to negotiating also.


Off... G night T net Crew.

20210505_200148.webp big Bahamian/english....penny


Always enjoyed the image of Britannia seated with the trident!


This tune pretty much applies to negotiating also.

Ahh yes Uncle.

When horse trading , consideration must be given the horse. Watch and ask the horse....Why would someone be willing to trade this horse?
Price matters little if you don't know the whole of the sum of the horse.

Soon , either I'll be cussed (probably yet again) when a certain horse gets studied like it should have been.
I studied the horse being traded for....And know well the horse being offered toward it.

A couple old sayings come to mind.
One being a former sales manager I worked under who stated , "Everyone who comes in that door does so for a reason."
In time con artists and others did so. No problem for me. I was there to provide a service. And not too unfamiliar with behaviors that were not in the companies interest.
The question then is , why me at the same dealership again? There's plenty of others. Plus private sellers.

The other saying is , "Who's got the cookie?" When on the selling end that should never be a question.
Was it today? l.o.l..

We'll see how it pans out.
I'm curious if I'll hear anything from the manager down the road about it, or if he'll grit his teeth and look for a way to even things up. (Yikes! Who's got the cookie?)
He should be alright. But maybe not getting the profit he expected. Part of the business of horse trading sometimes.
But then , I may have missed something only time will reveal with the new horse. That's horse trading. It's up to me to catch it yet before warranty falls off it. But major expense won't be on me if caught soon enough. The other horse is as is. And good as it has been , it's time to part ways for multiple reasons.

An interesting video about the benefits of exercise.


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