THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Morning OV, ARC

Morning Pepp.

Morning OV.... just realized your post was from this morning... not last night... heh.

Morning ARC, OV and pepper

Morning Rook
I see your alive and kicking so your road trip must of went off ok with the bride yesterday.


Here's a beef stew to try. We skip the fennel seeds and nutmeg though.


Morning Rook
I see your alive and kicking so your road trip must of went off ok with the bride yesterday.

Yep we finally made it. Dodged a few storms along the way.

Mornin all.

Dad had his in a metal ammo box. (Tupperware for men.)
70 plus years of accumulation , though he parted with much more in the past.
He sorted change while running a till when the backing was taken off our money and clad replaced silver. A distinct advantage....
That ammo can was behind the wall of a cupboard , between it and the wall beyond.
Safe from anything but tornado or fire. And available from home.

I have a can hidden in junk. L.o.l..
I'd like to get another outbuilding. Maybe with a drain in the concrete floor. A false bottom of plywood with debris like you'd see through a drain grate secured to it. But now that I've mentioned it , that is no longer secret enough..
One of many ways to hide something durable though..

If you already have a safe deposit box , a portion of your valuables will be secure there. Not readily accessible , but secure.
I didn't ask about access during the early Covid shut down. And in history , banks have closed briefly. And we still have to get to the bank. Get in and out without raising interest in why we are there. (The bank will know for sure. But it's other customers or watchers to watch for immediately.)
Given a large amount , maybe diversifying it's storage makes sense.

Short term disruption in societal means of exchange could involve things like booze. Or butane lighters. Or tobacco. Or rice are a good value. And bags or bottles to divide it up into fractions.
If it is something you use , stock can be rotated when a surplus is stored. That way it gets used. And can be a hedge against inflation.
Vs silver just setting there. That does not change silvers value for multiple uses or reasons.

I watch a weekly online auction. Participate at times.
I have not acquired ammunition to resell. Rather for an inflation hedge ,noted disruptions in supply due to demand over the decades, usability for my recreational use and for putting food on the table , defense of my meager silver stash if need be , ect..
But folks are selling ammo at four times what I paid for some types. That's pretty crazy. Guns have not only held thier value ,, but of late have seen great increase in value, and demand. Thus another time in history ammo can be scarce or inflated or both..
No , I'm not recommending someone acquire ammo to sell. But for me it could be bartered easier than silver.
And , I can use it eventually. Vs. it just setting there.
Yet...It can set there hundreds of years and remain intact and useable. That adds another value.

Precious metals for my family ,though never a lot on hand , has been a long term thing. Not looking to gain a profit as much as having some available.
A wood stove for heat and pipe for a chimney is on my to do list. Come winter if isolated from fuel supply lines , that could be worth more than looking at a stack of cold silver.
Just to have on hand , not looking to install it unless I was desperate for heat after other portable heat sources fuels were exhausted.
But once a fire is going , then a stack of silver would be more enjoyable. For down the road after recovery/reset/more stable societal norms.
Internationally , precious metals have held a value for centuries. Till synthetics can replace them , that value can /might remain.


I don't trust banks. I worked in one for 6 years and when I quit they seemed to have lost the retirement money. I asked about it everytime I was there and they just shook their head with a blank look on their face. Then 2 or 3 years later I got a phone call to come in next time I was in town. They gave me my check as the auditors had found it.
I rented a safety deposit box probably a couple years ago. The last time I was in it the bank officer couldn't get her key to work. I'm standing there thinking that my box was above that one. Then she tried a different key with the wrong # on it and it worked. I questioned her about it and she told me they change the fronts ( I believe she said) every so often. I think Covid may be calmed down enough that I can go clean it out. See what I got left.... Do you ever feel like you can't trust anybody?

I don't trust banks. I worked in one for 6 years and when I quit they seemed to have lost the retirement money. I asked about it everytime I was there and they just shook their head with a blank look on their face. Then 2 or 3 years later I got a phone call to come in next time I was in town. They gave me my check as the auditors had found it.
I rented a safety deposit box probably a couple years ago. The last time I was in it the bank officer couldn't get her key to work. I'm standing there thinking that my box was above that one. Then she tried a different key with the wrong # on it and it worked. I questioned her about it and she told me they change the fronts ( I believe she said) every so often. I think Covid may be calmed down enough that I can go clean it out. See what I got left.... Do you ever feel like you can't trust anybody?

Had a SDB in a bank-went there and they said there was a slight leak and to come back again. Well that was a big leak and they let us get the contents out of the box weeks later. So it was a waste water leak from the main during construction of the street renew.

They had security there and 1 person was let in at a time to the vault area downstairs. They were wearing masks and we had to put them on also as they said there was some mold in the area. No we got back this slimy/black/gooey mess out of our box. Dumped into a plastic bag, no apologies, here you go-now you have to go. Nope the buck didn't stop there with that stinking $hit. I took it to the top of the corporation and we had them clean it through a special process.
Bank stated they did that out of "Good Will gesture on their part" Sir: The contents of the boxes are the responsibility of the renter not the bank.......
I hate banks....truly do.....greedy barsteds all of them.......

Good morning pirates and piratesses!


Here's a beef stew to try. We skip the fennel seeds and nutmeg though.

That looks good, especially dipping the french cries! Do you think I could use the jowls instead of bacon? We have plenty of that and the MR didn't like the recipe that I got them for to begin with. June will be a year since we started getting our freezer meat. I was told I not to keep the frozen meats over a year. I have lots to cook up, if that is the case.

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