THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

You explained that quite well! Thank you! Now I have another question. Is it safe in the banks safety deposit box ? Or should it be home hidden amongst my junk?

Mornin all.

Dad had his in a metal ammo box. (Tupperware for men.)
70 plus years of accumulation , though he parted with much more in the past.
He sorted change while running a till when the backing was taken off our money and clad replaced silver. A distinct advantage....
That ammo can was behind the wall of a cupboard , between it and the wall beyond.
Safe from anything but tornado or fire. And available from home.

I have a can hidden in junk. L.o.l..
I'd like to get another outbuilding. Maybe with a drain in the concrete floor. A false bottom of plywood with debris like you'd see through a drain grate secured to it. But now that I've mentioned it , that is no longer secret enough..
One of many ways to hide something durable though..

If you already have a safe deposit box , a portion of your valuables will be secure there. Not readily accessible , but secure.
I didn't ask about access during the early Covid shut down. And in history , banks have closed briefly. And we still have to get to the bank. Get in and out without raising interest in why we are there. (The bank will know for sure. But it's other customers or watchers to watch for immediately.)
Given a large amount , maybe diversifying it's storage makes sense.

Short term disruption in societal means of exchange could involve things like booze. Or butane lighters. Or tobacco. Or rice are a good value. And bags or bottles to divide it up into fractions.
If it is something you use , stock can be rotated when a surplus is stored. That way it gets used. And can be a hedge against inflation.
Vs silver just setting there. That does not change silvers value for multiple uses or reasons.

I watch a weekly online auction. Participate at times.
I have not acquired ammunition to resell. Rather for an inflation hedge ,noted disruptions in supply due to demand over the decades, usability for my recreational use and for putting food on the table , defense of my meager silver stash if need be , ect..
But folks are selling ammo at four times what I paid for some types. That's pretty crazy. Guns have not only held thier value ,, but of late have seen great increase in value, and demand. Thus another time in history ammo can be scarce or inflated or both..
No , I'm not recommending someone acquire ammo to sell. But for me it could be bartered easier than silver.
And , I can use it eventually. Vs. it just setting there.
Yet...It can set there hundreds of years and remain intact and useable. That adds another value.

Precious metals for my family ,though never a lot on hand , has been a long term thing. Not looking to gain a profit as much as having some available.
A wood stove for heat and pipe for a chimney is on my to do list. Come winter if isolated from fuel supply lines , that could be worth more than looking at a stack of cold silver.
Just to have on hand , not looking to install it unless I was desperate for heat after other portable heat sources fuels were exhausted.
But once a fire is going , then a stack of silver would be more enjoyable. For down the road after recovery/reset/more stable societal norms.
Internationally , precious metals have held a value for centuries. Till synthetics can replace them , that value can /might remain.


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In piratical fashion, I have been holding back. I found a tip about buried treasure. A small hoard, but still, it is a hoard. Not pirate, but, old $$$. It is right close to a place I have permission already to hunt. I have been stirring this pot on the back burner for a couple weeks, and doubt would creep in. So, I have been trying to research the events that would have lead up to this treasure getting buried. I was really getting frustrated. I don't know how to do this research. I have been racking my pea brain to try and figure out how to ask you all for help with out giving up details of location, and just can't. I don't know how this happened, but when researching for Pepper, I stumbled across some info. Really, it only made me more frustrated and side-tracked. On a whim, I pulled up the county auditor's page to view current property owners. You ain't going to believe this! The same people I have permission from own a lot, I mean a lot of the area in question. I have no clues as to how many paces, which tree, how deep, or an "X" marking the spot. It is just a legend. I think I am going to clue the land owner's in on the legend, if they don't know already, and seek their permission for the other lots in the area. What do you think? Could I possibly? Is this for real happening? Ooh and here comes the doubt. I wanna be a rockstar, but I ain't got what it takes.


In piratical fashion, I have been holding back. I found a tip about buried treasure. A small hoard, but still, it is a hoard. Not pirate, but, old $$$. It is right close to a place I have permission already to hunt. I have been stirring this pot on the back burner for a couple weeks, and doubt would creep in. So, I have been trying to research the events that would have lead up to this treasure getting buried. I was really getting frustrated. I don't know how to do this research. I have been racking my pea brain to try and figure out how to ask you all for help with out giving up details of location, and just can't. I don't know how this happened, but when researching for Pepper, I stumbled across some info. Really, it only made me more frustrated and side-tracked. On a whim, I pulled up the county auditor's page to view current property owners. You ain't going to believe this! The same people I have permission from own a lot, I mean a lot of the area in question. I have no clues as to how many paces, which tree, how deep, or an "X" marking the spot. It is just a legend. I think I am going to clue the land owner's in on the legend, if they don't know already, and seek their permission for the other lots in the area. What do you think? Could I possibly? Is this for real happening? Ooh and here comes the doubt. I wanna be a rockstar, but I ain't got what it takes.

You got what it takes.

Fleshing out leads can be frustrating. If you let the process be. You're retired. Keep it fun.
And if you're anything like me , walk away from a lead before it gets frustrating. Then return to it later.
Your brain sorts and turns it while you walked away. It can be a day , 72 hours , a week or more. Then something else comes up that fits.

Not all leads pan out. Many won't turn into "solid" leads.
Keep notes! Keep digging into research. Local library been browsed for related topics of the subject yet?
You have a site. A story. You've been staring (not starring, well maybe..) online and elsewhere for the who why how when and where.

Trees on site hold interest? Did you hear about the goat farmer /healer guy? (I think that was the story.)
He took silver coins as a medium of exchange. And buried many under trees. Like down at a slant under them. Over a vast wooded area.
Was it true?
Was it accessible?
What tree(s)?

Ah , here it is. One account anyways.

With all that leisure time on your hand...(l.o.l.) Have you studied "probes" for locating/confirming old outhouses?
Bottle diggers with practice can feel the "squeak" of glass and feel other items like brick. Or metal maybe.
Maybe Mr. W.D. can build you one. The point on the end matters. More study.
You can with practice feel softer areas in firm ground.
All that for me to envision you feeling around under stumps and under the corners of concrete or stone floors and foundations and then shaking your fist my direction....(North).
But it can save digging and not look too intrusive.

I used one (unsuccessfully) of too big a diameter and without a handle in my yard looking for something I buried. It didn't slide well. But did eliminate some suspected spots. I think....

I have a probe. Got it for Xmas one year. The following New Year’s Day it was in the upper 70’s. Fluke. BuckIdgr and I set out to find the privy. 50-100 yards in every direction from the foundation. Smelling the dirt each and every time. LOL we were so hungover! It was a fun miserable day. Sweated out all the rum, or maybe it was wine. Don’t remember. Then went to Dayton diggers meeting and met a bottle digger. He said since I was out in the country, chances are there is no privy to be found. So I quit using the probe. I have found lots of charred stuff and I am fairly certain the place burnt to the ground. Pretty much everything does around here still in this day and age. Everything seems to have flowed down hill from the site towards and into the creek. True story: one day I was scratching away at the creek bank, finding nothing. I got out and walked on the bank and stopped and said aloud to myself, “There’s a bottle right here.” I dug and sure enough I got a bottle. I just felt it. I can tell when I hit rock, brick, iron, or glass. That came early for me.

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I have a probe. Got it for Xmas one year. The following New Year’s Day it was in the upper 70’s. Fluke. BuckIdgr and I set out to find the privy. 50-100 yards in every direction from the foundation. Smelling the dirt each and every time. LOL we were so hungover! It was a fun miserable day. Sweated out all the rum, or maybe it was wine. Don’t remember. Then went to Dayton diggers meeting and met a bottle digger. He said since I was out in the country, chances are there is no privy to be found. So I quit using the probe. I have found lots of charred stuff and I am fairly certain the place burnt to the ground. Pretty much everything does around here still in this day and age. Everything seems to have flowed down hill from the site towards and into the creek. True story: one day I was scratching away at the creek bank, finding nothing. I got out and walked on the bank and stopped and said aloud to myself, “There’s a bottle right here.” I dug and sure enough I got a bottle. I just felt it. I can tell when I hit rock, brick, iron, or glass. That came early for me.

Remember corners. Down under concrete corners. Foundation corners. Former building interior and exterior corners.
When cached at an angle under such corners it can be dryer.
Straight down it can be easy to access. But regardless , corners are easy to remember when caching something. No pacing. No getting disturbed by normal traffic or activities or parked on or distant from a homestead. Easy to find in the dark.
Without a probe to feel/check , anything under or near a corner can be easy to miss. And where rebar is in concrete in modern floors , a detector can miss a cache under a corner.

Lots of empty corners. But I know of one that isn't...
A corner can even be used as a sightline to a distant spot/target/X.
For more fun , two other lines from landmarks (choose more permanent landmarks when possible) added to a corner can allow use of triangulation , to a spot without a landmark on it. (Probe here).
A cache can be where obvious from a dwelling. Easy to keep an eye on. A "feel" from the dwelling or it's previous siting when searching blind can sometimes reveal obvious landmarks.
They can be subtle.
Under the former cement birdbath could be fine for one person. The barn threshold for another.
One guy figured out it was underneath feed bins in one barn at another site.
Kind of an individual thing.
But simple is often best. A surefire spot you can get to without causing notice if you were making a deposit or withdrawal.
Where would you hide your card playing money from the family?
In the dark on your way out or returning home can you reach it without a light or getting noticed? But still keep an eye on it in it's spot out of traffic/eyes/hands when others are out and about?

Can you see where I might hide something under a corner of your she shed? L.o.l.. Easy to now. It's still freshly disturbed. But in time any disruption has to be blended in if I dug there.
Or , something placed there to cover the ground in a spot. Likea garden gnome.
If I know what corner and the gnome is moved , that's still fine. The bare ground now showing is because the gnome was there , right? Nobody is alerted by that.
As long as light colored sand does not replace dark topsoil. A covered spot can be blended after digging. A towel or tarp depending on amount of fill involved can help keep from difference in soil type texture surface debris stuff standing out after backfilling.
Work. Hiding and blending where folks can notice.
That's why rocks , posts , a deliberately loose brick , hollow logs/beams, pipes ,false floors /walls , a removable floor board , and a host of other spots have been cache sites.
Who looks up?
Who notices if a room is a foot shorter inside than it is outside? Don't leave grubby fingerprints or a change in dust patterns or scuff marks on the floor or ceiling though.

Are recovered coins in what seems like a random area ever from a long gone hollow in a limb or tree trunk? Or coins around a former now gone dwelling from out of a prior wall or floor?
We read about fireplace hearths. For good reason. Location. Ease of use. In sight to keep an eye on easy. Durable landmark.
But where exactly in on under or or around it?
One recovery was atop the flue. Many of them old stone chimneys had a shelf of sorts above the fire to catch what fell down the chimney. Rain. Dried creosote ect..
How many hearths have been checked , but not above them on those shelfs?

Have fun W.D..
That might be in the chase , more than what is caught.
At least till you catch something interesting...

Rc that is some good information right there. I will be able to use some of it on my own property.

Rc that is some good information right there. I will be able to use some of it on my own property.

Oh , let me share my big find!

Old concrete walls. Crude concrete and not below the frost line. Slanting from years of frost upheaval ect..
One large (12x14 maybe ) , and at a distance a couple small (3 foot X 3 foot maybe) small cement cellars or something.
Nails. Dusty crumbly old nails. From structures long gone above the concrete.
Nothing around outsides or inside the small tank looking cellar thingies.
(I do still have an old beer bottle from nearby...)

Inside the bigger structure I finally got a hit.
In one earth floored inside corner at the base of two walls a several inch choke cherry tree had grown. It sloped inward into the cellar.
Under that tree where it came into the corner was a honking gold signal. Or near enough gold....
Patient work led to removing soil from under the tree and up into/under the concrete corner. Still a good strong signal.
More digging finally revealed the fist sized prize of.......A ball of aluminum foil!
How it got under there , I'll never know.

I've another tale of an old farmstead and the boulders that used to support a barn(?)
End result. Not wanting to move a boulder (couldn't have put it back as it was down hill beyond and it would not go the other direction by our bodies power , and the site was not one to be changing in such a manner) a strong encouraging signal was left unmolested. And don't dig under boulders in remote areas, they might move wrong......

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LOL! Reminded me of one. My hubby’s shop is built on what is labeled on old maps as “ the fisheries.” An old sidewalk remains of what used to be going to the office of said fisheries. By this time I am well aware of the dreaded iron donk signal. I still can’t pass so I was digging the nails and fence. That junk is just every where now isn’t it? Anyway, got a real high pitched signal. I was so excited. Thought for sure I found a silver dime. Nope. Grill for a bbq with foil still attached.

LOL! Reminded me of one. My hubby’s shop is built on what is labeled on old maps as “ the fisheries.” An old sidewalk remains of what used to be going to the office of said fisheries. By this time I am well aware of the dreaded iron donk signal. I still can’t pass so I was digging the nails and fence. That junk is just every where now isn’t it? Anyway, got a real high pitched signal. I was so excited. Thought for sure I found a silver dime. Nope. Grill for a bbq with foil still attached.

Sweet... It was nice and ready to grab some steaks or chicken... and Rum of course... AND...


Quite the garden paradise this guy created up in the Austria alps.


Oh my. I fixed a chuck roast with potatoes and onions and carrots in the pressure cooker. It turned out awesome!


Good for you you're becoming a real time kitchen witch...:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

LOL I can be a witch outside of the kitchen too.

Sweet... It was nice and ready to grab some steaks or chicken... and Rum of course... AND...


Shiver me timbers! I forgot......

Happy rum day!

Oh my. I fixed a chuck roast with potatoes and onions and carrots in the pressure cooker. It turned out awesome!
Add 3/4 cup of pearled barley, carton of beef broth, i bell pepper, 3 tsp minced garlic salt and black pepper per personal taste and bottle of a good craft ale to the above and put it all in the slow cooker on low for 6hrs.

Add 3/4 cup of pearled barley, carton of beef broth, i bell pepper, 3 tsp minced garlic salt and black pepper per personal taste and bottle of a good craft ale to the above and put it all in the slow cooker on low for 6hrs.

You neglected to add a tiny pinch of sweet basil.
(Sounds delightful anyways though.)

Santana - Winning.
I hope you are all also.....

Good Morning!!!!!!!!!

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