THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Hi all. Got that board walk in last week. nobody got killed but there were a couple "Oh-s#it!" incidents involving flooded knee boots. Pulled a dozen wood ticks and two deer ticks off despite using deet

Finally got out fishing this afternoon. Kept two crappies and a 20" walleye. Just got done eating dinner- walleye pan fried in olive oil and butter, seasoned with McKormicks Montreal Steak seasoning, and crappie on the side.

WannaDig, how's the fishing in your neck of the water been?

She's been in about neck deep. :tongue3:

Good morning, RC. Well, I hope your lady friend gets what she wants for a decent price. When it comes to car negotiations, MR WD is the bomb. Wheeling and dealing is his thing. My attitude is, if I think it is a fair price, I'll buy it. If it is too much, I walk.

I have been meaning to ask how is it going with the new prosthetics? I know you were getting the ball rolling again.

Oops you asked about the prosthetic...

Guy left the facility that was building it.
Pushed my visit back a week.
Good team , I'm in good hands. Just a delay. The doctor heading the department has been there with me since before I head of a prosthetics department there.
My other "mad scientist leg doctor" retired during my prolonged absence.

Fitting a socket can be (and has been before , and will likely ever be) multiple visits. Has to be really. Not so much a matter of of how far off are we , but are we closer than last time.
Then will come P.T..
I have set a high goal. Falling short then would still be success , compared to merely striding about.
Last time in rehab (in the bucket style socket) I climbed multiple flights of stairs. A ladder. And obstacles on level floors.
Pounded on bone to do it. But was on pain meds back then....


Morning ARC
Leave any worms?

Good morning RCT

Morning Rook, Bill :hello:

Loos like it's going to be a sunny day out today. It's been overcast and rainy for the past 4 days. Just realized how much I kind of missed the old hay maker.

Morning bill, pepper and ARC

On my morning walk yesterday had a bit of an oddball experience. I've been walking along the lake recently and then swinging up to the commercial main street in the eastern part of the city.

In any even when I turned up the street walking at a good pace some gal tugged on my backpack and called out heh you!

When I turned around she jumped back and apologized as if she thought I was someone else. Then she started making small talk and asked me if I wanted to go back to the apartment with her.

Judging how fidgety she was odds are she's doing some sort of heavy drugs and trying to turn some tricks to pay for her next hit. I abruptly told her I was married and kept walking.

I'll probably switch up my route and stick to the blvd along the lake on my return walks now.

Ah Bill what can one say-you still have it.....:laughing7:

Brings back memories.......

Good Morning Gang! I believe it will be nice enough I can walk to work this morning. The first complete Sturgis Official Motorcycle Rally tee shirts should roll off the belt today! I like the colors we chose this year.
Last night I went to the football field / track and metal detected. Got a little pocket change and a smooshed bullet. I threw the sickle blade over the fence. I'll not be finding that again.

On my morning walk yesterday had a bit of an oddball experience. I've been walking along the lake recently and then swinging up to the commercial main street in the eastern part of the city.

In any even when I turned up the street walking at a good pace some gal tugged on my backpack and called out heh you!

When I turned around she jumped back and apologized as if she thought I was someone else. Then she started making small talk and asked me if I wanted to go back to the apartment with her.

Judging how fidgety she was odds are she's doing some sort of heavy drugs and trying to turn some tricks to pay for her next hit. I abruptly told her I was married and kept walking.

I'll probably switch up my route and stick to the blvd along the lake on my return walks now.

If you would have accepted that offer odds are 9:10 that her boyfriend would have robbed you at knifepoint.

If you would have accepted that offer odds are 9:10 that her boyfriend would have robbed you at knifepoint.

And that's life in the dark lanes........

There's the ones out there, that just don't care......

Like one LEO said one time "Air robbers"

Very cold way of looking at someone-but somewhat true in many ways.

Surprise! :hello: I know, I know...more like SHOCK!!! :toothy1:
My apologies to the crew, I should have at lest checked in how ever brief. I was waylaid on the Island of lifecrap not a pleasant place. Involving 3 ER visits (not me) a boatload of ins and outs of family, a mess which continues, throw in a few heated verble arguments and the death of a family friend. And 6 of us got what ever stomach virus is making the rounds that medical seems to be unaware of :dontknow:
that about sums it up. :tongue3::laughing7:

I is back! But it may still be a bumpy ride.

Good morning to all you pirate and piratessessess!


That's the first thought that popped into my head also. Some guy waiting back at the apartment to rob anyone foolish enough to play along.

Mind you even in my wild and crazy days I never stooped to pay for any intimate pleasures not my style.

I am alive boatlode, saw that I had messages but can't access for some reason, said pop up blocking.


Glad you're safe and sound we were about to send boatlode to track you down!....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

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