Morning ARC
The ocean is beautiful but dangerous. Jim Hoft says "Nothing good comes from the water." It would take a 1000 mi. Tsunami to get me here in IL. Gary
Probably a few of the pirates can relate to Dave's miss.
Cig. butts along the road in front of our place lately. Like WTF! Pi$$es me off to no end to see these littering the lane/road between the house and shop.
Ya I know public property but still, put it out and stick it in a container-oh that would take a brain cell to figure it out.
I guess I was taught not to litter-and the few times I threw something out the window I actually feel guilty in doing so to this day.
Anyways that rant is out.....
Had our little bubble couple over for the BD dinner yesterday (farm food drop/pick up) so justified under the lockdown rules.
Tenderloin/ribs/blueberry cheese cake-many little dishes of snacking pre/post dinner.
Walk/play max & 3yr old.
Great company best of times one could expect.
Did something i haven't done in over 30 yrs-went out to catch night crawlers.
After the big clean up of left overs/dishes I said to the Mrs I was going to the field.
It was 10pm-jumped on the ATV-drove over and got off-turned on the flashlight looked around the grassy field between the new growth coming up.
Nothing hitch-wait what was that-ah nothing-thought I saw the grass move-nope nothing. Walked over to the berry patch fence line where it was bare earth-there's one-no there "was" one, there is-was-OK either those worms have gotten faster over the past 30yrs or I'm getting slower.
So it was a relearning curve-turn light down-most faster Jim-faster-still missing more than grabbing-Ok the end result/outcome in walking around the 800ft of outside fencing.
Got the slower ones-missed the shy ones-and the 750Mil yogurt container was pretty full so i dumped it into the ice cream bucket-added clover/grass to keep them happy for the chickens treat this morning.
The Mrs wants to go out tonight-she's faster on the draw I know that.
So I need to step up my grabbing.
Need a red light lens maybe?
Any suggestions from all you night crawler catchers?
Strangest thing-walking back through the grass-they were everywhere I shone the light-but they're quick-quick.
Good morning plunderers!
Now that's the way to spend an evening PJ!
I did a little picking yesterday. I went to hang out with my donkey. I took a different route home . There was a trailer hitch with a ball on it in the middle of the road. Needless to say I stopped and grabbed that thing up and threw it on my floorboard of my Camry. I'm not sure what I'll do with it. But I was tickled with my plunder anyway. I love finding things.
Rusty, It sounds like you had a full day.
Rusty, It sounds like you had a full day.