Morning world 

You totally blew me away with the link to that website. I've never seen it and there is a wealth of information about where I live. Maybe clues to some good detecting. Can't thank you enough! Gary
Morning fellas.
So I filled my first Turkey tag, and in Kentucky I'm allowed to have two. I never filled my second tag before, so I think I should try for it this year.
Morning Rusty
Query: What was the live weight of the first one?
Good afternoon everbody. It is snowing hard right now, has been on and off today.
I have tried electric worm extraction. They do crawl out of ground like crazy. Fish don’t like them and worms caught this way die on there own a few days later. Every 5-7years someone shows me this and I go threw it all with them.
Get yourself a spring steel “spring” from an old farm truck and bury it 2/3 of way into ground, tamp and add sand, the more solid in ground the better. Use a hammer and bang on end of spring sticking out of ground, the shock waves make them show up without electrocuting them. That’s how my great g-pa use to do when he farmed worms for chicken feed, there still a few springs buried around you have to look for when mowing.
Yes the used worm with a hook in it dies but so do the other 3 dozen in the fridge you left at home. It also gives them some sort of “shock” fish don’t eat them as good. There damaged and a fish can tell. I’m not try to argue it just my experience of doing it.
Horses can’t take electricity. I’ve seen them dead from an underground short at a wellhouse and storage tank.