THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Good morning RCT :coffee2:

You totally blew me away with the link to that website. I've never seen it and there is a wealth of information about where I live. Maybe clues to some good detecting. Can't thank you enough! Gary

Morning Todd

Your welcome-But I'm kind of blown away that you haven't seen that write up before about your early settlings. I thought it was pretty interesting article-not my back yard even....

Morning fellas.

So I filled my first Turkey tag, and in Kentucky I'm allowed to have two. I never filled my second tag before, so I think I should try for it this year.

Morning fellas.

So I filled my first Turkey tag, and in Kentucky I'm allowed to have two. I never filled my second tag before, so I think I should try for it this year.

Morning Rusty

Query: What was the live weight of the first one?


Good luck with the 2nd turkey try not to fall out of the blind this time....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Good Morning Guys. Well at least 4 " of snow it looks like. And rain fell before that. And it's 20*. Gotta love SD! Oh's back to the print shop anyway.

Good morning, me hearties!

Thought I better say that whilst it tis still morning. :laughing9:

Sheperdess and Fat are sending the snow my way. Gee thanks! :cussing:

It's 57 out now, so I think I will start some laundry and head out. I'll let you know how many rusty nails I find.

Have a great day!

Good afternoon everbody. It is snowing hard right now, has been on and off today.
I have tried electric worm extraction. They do crawl out of ground like crazy. Fish don’t like them and worms caught this way die on there own a few days later. Every 5-7years someone shows me this and I go threw it all with them.
Get yourself a spring steel “spring” from an old farm truck and bury it 2/3 of way into ground, tamp and add sand, the more solid in ground the better. Use a hammer and bang on end of spring sticking out of ground, the shock waves make them show up without electrocuting them. That’s how my great g-pa use to do when he farmed worms for chicken feed, there still a few springs buried around you have to look for when mowing.

Good afternoon everbody. It is snowing hard right now, has been on and off today.
I have tried electric worm extraction. They do crawl out of ground like crazy. Fish don’t like them and worms caught this way die on there own a few days later. Every 5-7years someone shows me this and I go threw it all with them.
Get yourself a spring steel “spring” from an old farm truck and bury it 2/3 of way into ground, tamp and add sand, the more solid in ground the better. Use a hammer and bang on end of spring sticking out of ground, the shock waves make them show up without electrocuting them. That’s how my great g-pa use to do when he farmed worms for chicken feed, there still a few springs buried around you have to look for when mowing.

I understand. But, I've been fishing for lots longer than many have been alive. As far as the worms dying because of this, they don't live very long with a hook up their butt anyhoo. :tongue3:

My point wasn't that this technique was new or wonderful. Just that all the work that was being discussed seemed a bit of overkill to me. It isn't the electric that's some sort of secret. Its the vibrations that does the job. That's why your technique works just as well.

I just picked the first vid I saw to show that I wasn't pulling Pep's leg. Actually, its not a good example. When I was a kid, my grandfather showed me how to wire up a rod so it would work on the A/C of house current. The alternation made for better vibrations. I never tried to keep the worms past the day I was going to use them. Because, I knew I could fill the can anytime I felt like.

No harm, no foul.

Happy fishing! Be it water or dirt fishing. ;)

Yes the used worm with a hook in it dies but so do the other 3 dozen in the fridge you left at home. It also gives them some sort of “shock” fish don’t eat them as good. There damaged and a fish can tell. I’m not try to argue it just my experience of doing it.
Horses can’t take electricity. I’ve seen them dead from an underground short at a wellhouse and storage tank.

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Yes the used worm with a hook in it dies but so do the other 3 dozen in the fridge you left at home. It also gives them some sort of “shock” fish don’t eat them as good. There damaged and a fish can tell. I’m not try to argue it just my experience of doing it.
Horses can’t take electricity. I’ve seen them dead from an underground short at a wellhouse and storage tank.

I knew (lived with) an old mare that would lean against a single strand of smooth hotwire and pop it.
No , I didn't seek a hotter fence.
Just dug more holes and posted and fenced more pasture.

Well's going to snow more tonight. And again on Friday. So just join in the "grumps" with the rest of us that don't like snow this time of year.
In fact this morning I stepped in the door at work and in my most cheery, melodic, light-hearted voice I said "Bad Morning!" And I got several chuckles, as nobody knew how to return my greeting!


If it's any consolation we have a couple of days coming up with possible snow flurries. To put it mildly it's a pain in the butt.

Antsy to get some garden stuff planted. Managed to add some compost to our rhubarb, garlic and a few other perennial herbs.

Will be picking up some leaf lettuce, swiss chard, kale, etc...plants at the nursery probably Friday for planting.
Also have some pink fleshed potatoes to plants in containers.

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