bill from lachine
Platinum Member
Will this do?.....

Will this do?.....

I wish we had a female emoji smiling, with head slightly tilted and batting eyes. I would interject it here and say, "But you are my friend, Pepper."(closest emoji I could find)
GMorn everbody, I just read an article about how many friends “successful” peoples have, I speed read scanned it and 150 was the number. I just look in my smart machine, 273 contacts, I would like to know there definition of successful.
Doesn’t the actual term have something to do with “daylight savings” or something like? It’s just another “heaven on earth” day for me.
April 15 is the day I feel the most foolish....
Looks like I'll be captain of the 112 foot motor yacht "sea hawk". I assume command today. Hope to have a new captain on Tuesday. In the meantime I'm stuck on board through the holiday. Gonna bring my boy up to stay on board this weekend. Amazing how big a pain in my arse this big boat has become !! I can't believe that no one wants to stay at the job.....its a 120000$ a year job !! 13 years with the same captain and now I've had 4 this year. What a headache !!
GMorn everbody, I just read an article about how many friends “successful” peoples have, I speed read scanned it and 150 was the number. I just look in my smart machine, 273 contacts, I would like to know there definition of successful.
Doesn’t the actual term have something to do with “daylight savings” or something like? It’s just another “heaven on earth” day for me.
April 15 is the day I feel the most foolish....
...... Being carefree, trusting, and gullible in many ways, and susceptible to many influences is a life lesson of the school of hard knocks
Morning Sheperdess
Interesting subject that you brought up: "Friend".
Oh you hit a subject that I hold close to the chest the loosely used word. The word "acquaintance" is much more fitting for most if not all true knowing of two people.
It always rubbed a sore spot it seemed when somebody I never met would say "Oh how are you doing my friend?" "Or were all friends here" "Give me a better price my friend"
Oh sometimes it would just come boiling up inside and the thought of: "You know Jack Schitt about me & I about you" But here this person is saying friend.
I was told early on in life that really a person goes through life meeting many folks and many will be different degrees of acquaintances-but if you can truly count more true friends than the fingers on one hand-you're truly are fortunate/blessed/wealthy.......(put what word in that is most fitting)
When one really thinks of what the word means truly, and apply it to the relationships that we have throughout life-superficial at best many are.
Here is a Google explanation:
A true friend is someone you can rely on regardless of the circumstances. While they may give you the advice you don't want to hear from time-to-time, a true friend will never lead you purposely down the wrong road. They tell you as it is while presenting the truth to make it easy for you to receive.
SCREEEEECH!!!!! Ok you have my attention "What happens on April 15th?" Please tell.............
I really questioned the whole "Friend" thing back in the very late 70s early 80's when I came tumbling off a "Let the good times roll part of life." I hit bottom hard and there seemed to be nobody around to help this sordid fellow out.
I realized then the meaning of "pocket rich friends" was about-and that feeling of trust was lost. The cold reality hit and never forgiven/forgotten and a not a happy experience really. Being carefree, trusting, and gullible in many ways, and susceptible to many influences is a life lesson of the school of hard knocks.
April 15 is “tax day” or last day to file for the past year.
Mornin all.
Ya W.D. , snow!
(Grumble. Count month #5 of a shovel-able amount.)
Temps 'll be up next week.
If they go down it'll be time to head South.
Wonder if I could pass a Captains license test first try....(?)