THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

The question can be broken down into a few answers.

The first answer to that would be that German items from the Second World War are similar to Confederate items from the American Civil War. Both are rarer, and more unique than their foes counterparts, and are therefore more expensive than Yankee, or American items from their respective time frames. I have a theory, and a few agree with me, that once the WWII Centennial rolls around, prices for WWII items, especially German, will skyrockt to the point where I won't be able to afford them. So one answer is that I'm buying them now while I can afford them. The fact that I can walk into an antique shop and buy a U.S. Garrison cap for $3, but the same hat with German colors and insignia would cost me $500 can attest to that fact.

The second answer dates back to the dawn of wars: trophies from the enemy. In the Civil War, both North and South alike hunted the battlefields and even bodies for souvenirs of great battles, and the men who fought in them. In WWII, American GI's took millions of artifacts from German soldiers, homes, businesses, towns, vehicles etc. and brought them home. These relics could be anything from guns, badges, patches, helmets, uniforms pieces of aircraft, tanks, ammunition, etc. Part of my interest in WWII German items is the same "We won, now I want a souvenir" mentality of American GI's of that time.

The final two reasons is that German items are often beautifully made, and aesthetically cool to look at such as the helmets. The last reason is that because American things are so cheap, I just want to buy something really nice. An identified uniform for example, would be very nice, or a helmet with division insignia, or a D-Day knife.

I only will collect German army and Luftwaffe artifacts, and very limited waffen ss artifacts from famous divisions like Wiking, Nord, Lehr and Das Reich.

Just o be clear, I do not support, condone, approve of or glorify the nazi party, vision, goals, policies, adolf hitler and his ideas, racism, anti-semetism, etc. My ancestors went "Over There" to fight them. I just want their things. :)

A finite amount of relics. More so those with provenance.
"Bring backs" turn up with the increase of veterans aging out , estates being dispensed of.
German SKS's I've noted (as with most SKS's) as going up and up and up in price.
Import bans affect that of course. But the "bring back" war souvenier's are another matter where provenance exists.
I don't know the collectors , but someone is certainly paying premium prices on them today. Again , they are finite.

A shout out to our Canadian neighbors , your imported Russian arms are priced much less than ours...(Those bans/restrictions at play. )

Collectable markets rise and fade. Value often assigned by buyers. Among varied generations interests.


I've only really been involved in postage stamps and coins collection wise and they do come with their own risks and rewards.

If you buy good quality stuff at a good price(not full catalogue) odds are you fair ok. Pretty much the same case with other collectibles also and the prices and demand ebb and flow over a fairly long cycle.

Rusty is fortunate due to his age he can ride out a down cycle if it happens and wait for a rebound.

Same thing happens in the stock market....last year this time it was crashing, now, in spite of the weak economy it's booming go figure.

On the menu tonight a quiche with a side salad. We'll be using some of our frozen swiss chard from the garden as well as some red onion and a red bell pepper.

Easy peasey supper.


I don't know what I'm having. It may depend on how pooped out from work I am. What's everyone else having?7

I don't know what I'm having. It may depend on how pooped out from work I am. What's everyone else having?7
Cookies, a protein shake, and water... I'm not going to be home till late and those were the just first things I was able to grab as I rushed out the door. I sure wish I had remembered there was pizza in the fridge LOL.

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Yes bullheads are bottom feeders as are catfish. And hogs are cloven footed. Are you having a nice juicy ham on your Easter dinner table??? It's all good!

Probably not-regarding the ham. Then again we might if the Easter invite happens at the farm-they're curing the hams still from last fall. Now you have me thinking....Oh the tromping around in crap don't bother us non.
It was the way we were raised and the area-nobody ate bullheads. Nor suckers, carp, some ate white fish, no to pee mouths, or suckers, squawfish....All course fish. I guess the game fish were plentiful and why eat something else when there were trout, steelhead, greys, Dolleys.

I cooked up a short rib roast on Sat/Sunday, so now it's beef soup, salad. I'm hungry-gone........

Here trout are bait. Walleyes perch bluegills crappies. Catfish out of cold water is good too. The state stocks trout for the wildlife to feed on. Eagles and otters. There are alot of articles about from nebraskaland and Ne game and parks.

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I don't know what I'm having. It may depend on how pooped out from work I am. What's everyone else having?7

Kentucky Fried Chicken... Tenders... Slaw.

AKA... Leftovers.


My fresh water fish of choice has always been speckled trout. I guess cause that was what I grew up with along with some ocean fish such as smelt, cod, haddock, etc...

Roger has been talking about the price of gas going up like crazy going forward.

This video will give you some food for thought.


Probably not-regarding the ham. Then again we might if the Easter invite happens at the farm-they're curing the hams still from last fall. Now you have me thinking....Oh the tromping around in crap don't bother us non.
It was the way we were raised and the area-nobody ate bullheads. Nor suckers, carp, some ate white fish, no to pee mouths, or suckers, squawfish....All course fish. I guess the game fish were plentiful and why eat something else when there were trout, steelhead, greys, Dolleys.

I've indulged in a few suckers. Probably ate many more without knowing.

Whole carp on the grill , one was enough. Though I've heard removing the "mud" vein on fillets makes them quite tolerable.
I've caught young trout with snails and pebbles in them. I guess some folks like snails , but fish eating fish often appeal to me more , given the choice.
I check stomachs. An empty one is no surprise....But others tell of diet. At least recent diet.

I've indulged in a few suckers. Probably ate many more without knowing.

Whole carp on the grill , one was enough. Though I've heard removing the "mud" vein on fillets makes them quite tolerable.
I've caught young trout with snails and pebbles in them. I guess some folks like snails , but fish eating fish often appeal to me more , given the choice.
I check stomachs. An empty one is no surprise....But others tell of diet. At least recent diet.
Northern Pikeminnow | Ptychocheilus oregonensis | Fishing with Rod
If caught never released alive

Same as this species-alway went straight into the frying pan-scales would wash right off them-very tasty.

Probably the most sought after growing up.

Though the Kamloops Trout grew to a much larger size. Biggest I ever got was on the 24 May weekend-13lbs

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feb7ad27525183151b942d939b7730fd.webpthere is brass knunckles somewhere....

That neck adornment looks like it should come out here to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in August.

Roger has been talking about the price of gas going up like crazy going forward.

This video will give you some food for thought.

Well that was uplifting there Bill.:laughing7:


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