THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Maybe some of our U.S. cousins can help me out on this one.

I've watched a few videos by a super frugal couple based in the U.S. They posted up that when they got married in the early 1990's they had to get by on $1000 per month. They itemized their monthly budget and showed that the two of them only spent $50 per month on food.

My comeback was unless you raise most of your food I didn't see how that was possible. The answer was the food was all bought.

I smell a rat that they're playing with the numbers to get more subscribers. I asked them what they were eating let's see what if any response I get.

What say you?

Who cares?


....a dozen night crawlers is $3.25.... than catch a carp. Scale it and cut up belly meat and gizzard, you might catch a catfish. That’s half you budget a week for bait. Steal the hooks and line, who needs swivels. Flour and grease to cook it, at very least...

....a dozen night crawlers is $3.25....
Not if you dig em yourself! I remember going out in with a flashlight with my grandpa after it rained to find the nightcrawlers and going fishing in people's ponds or the Lake the next day... lot's of fun.

....a dozen night crawlers is $3.25.... than catch a carp. Scale it and cut up belly meat and gizzard, you might catch a catfish. That’s half you budget a week for bait. Steal the hooks and line, who needs swivels. Flour and grease to cook it, at very least...

Living on the Pacific coast.....I have NO idea what the hell a carp is!

What if......

....They hit up local food pantries ?

....she happened to be pregnant? We have this program called WIC , women, infants and children. When I was on it in, I got free formula, cheese, milk, cereal and peanut butter.

... they went to bakeries for day old bread.?You can get baked items cheap.

.... they mostly ate my favorite meal that’s cheap: potatoes, bread and eggs?

.... they shopped at the discount grocery stores? We have 2 in this part of the world: Aldi’s and Save-A-Lot.

.... they were into extreme couponing before it was popular ? (Not just for old ladies, rchair, LOL)

....they lived in or near a big city? There were enough soup kitchens in Dayton that people could get a free meal every day.

Who cares?


Ahem, Sir WHADI. This is the RCT, aka: Random Chat Thread. A lovely pirate ship where’s there’s a brotherhood of scallywags from all over the seas. Brother Bill raised a randomly chatty type question and we’d be randomly chatting about it. Saavy?


That guy...playin' the keys..
Hmmm Did he also sing... in/for another?



What the..
Same singer..keyboard player....


Good morning RCT

Thanks for the "Welcome aboard" or is it or should it be "Welcome the Bored"?
I prefer bullheads over catfish. A bit more tasty they are!

Welcome to the RCT Sheperdess :)

Good Morning T net Crew.

Morning OV, Rook, ARC and the rest of the early/late raisers/joiners of the day.
Special :hello: goes out to WD that is back :sleepy2:may she have a good sleep in. :laughing7:

Thanks for the "Welcome aboard" or is it or should it be "Welcome the Bored"?
I prefer bullheads over catfish. A bit more tasty they are!

Welcome Sheperdess
Bullheads-never heard of anyone ever consuming those till I moved out to Eastern Ontario and we had an invite to the annual Bullhead fish fry on the island. Shock! Err-A-Thanks-but we'z a tad busy sorting the sock drawer excuse.
From growing up they were a course fish-(bottom feeder) that ate the trout eggs (so we were told) so a good Bullhead was a dead bullhead in the books. They only grew 6" maybe a big one was 8" but rare.

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