THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Top of the morning to the crew and welcome aboard Shepherdess.

Didn't you get the standard memo?
What *you* want/need....?
Unimportant! :dontknow:

Who cares?


Gee a tad gumpsy are we now WIF?
I don't know what this "IMLLTHO" is :dontknow: Anything over 3 letters and I'm doing the :icon_scratch:-so please explain. (If I dare make the query)

Hope today the skies will be a tad sunnier and not so grey as the yesterday. Maybe a tad walk to clear the cobwebs will do a little up lift in the step.

Again good morning and welcome Sheperdess

That guy...playin' the keys..
Hmmm Did he also sing... in/for another?


Ah yes. Greg Rolie and Neal Schon, both former members of Santana, started the band Journey in 1973. I love Journey. I copied my Journey experience from my Music thread:

The first "rock" concert I went to was Journey. My brother had to talk my mom and dad into letting me go with him and his girlfriend and her kids. You know all the promises of protection.
Well, I was safe. He did, however, get me higher than a kite, and someone behind me dumped their beer all over me. Needless to say I wasn't allowed to go with him anymore.

The concert was awesome! March 11, 1978 Journey/Van Halen/ Montrose


Well, I have the old lady date to get ready for. Rook, you behave yourself on your meme thread. :laughing7:

Have a great day, everyone.

Good morning fellas.

Had a great antique day yesterday, but more on that later.

Today I'll be driving around to places on the national register of historic places in Portsmouth Ohio, and maybe ask for permissions at surrounding homes.

I'm thinking at the 13.30 mark you'll be going "Oh ya that's what it's all about!!!" :headbang:

Same tuner that I had my /99 Lightning done at.
He knows his power trains.
Back around 2007 Joe bought a showroom model. Drove me home in the ride, I was IMPRESSED.
I did a little query about the warranty? :laughing7:
Reply: F it-I'm not going to wait 3 yrs to do the make over on the motor train/suspension.:headbang:


Ahem, Sir WHADI. This is the RCT, aka: Random Chat Thread. A lovely pirate ship where’s there’s a brotherhood of scallywags from all over the seas. Brother Bill raised a randomly chatty type question and we’d be randomly chatting about it. Saavy?

Sufficiently admonished, Milady.

Screenshot_2021-03-27-23-28-12.webp add to the conversation was expressly...."IMLLTHO". :tongue3:

Welcome Sheperdess
Bullheads-never heard of anyone ever consuming those till I moved out to Eastern Ontario and we had an invite to the annual Bullhead fish fry on the island. Shock! Err-A-Thanks-but we'z a tad busy sorting the sock drawer excuse.
From growing up they were a course fish-(bottom feeder) that ate the trout eggs (so we were told) so a good Bullhead was a dead bullhead in the books. They only grew 6" maybe a big one was 8" but rare.

Kind of wonder.....just what would we eat or not eat...if we determined that by what *they* ate. :icon_scratch:

Gee a tad gumpsy are we now WIF?
I don't know what this "IMLLTHO" is :dontknow: Anything over 3 letters and I'm doing the :icon_scratch:-so please explain. (If I dare make the query)

Hope today the skies will be a tad sunnier and not so grey as the yesterday. Maybe a tad walk to clear the cobwebs will do a little up lift in the step.

Just something I picked up along the way. It fit so well, I've adopted it.
In My Lil Less Than Humble Opinion.

I have a query: In viewing your buying/selling/restoring of WWll items it seems mainly Nazi related items.
Is that your main focus, and not other items from any other countries-say the USA?
Would this be because of the money/interest is/isn't there in the collecting world?

I have "VERY LITTLE" collecting knowledge of the WWl/WWll items.

Welcome Sheperdess
Bullheads-never heard of anyone ever consuming those till I moved out to Eastern Ontario and we had an invite to the annual Bullhead fish fry on the island. Shock! Err-A-Thanks-but we'z a tad busy sorting the sock drawer excuse.
From growing up they were a course fish-(bottom feeder) that ate the trout eggs (so we were told) so a good Bullhead was a dead bullhead in the books. They only grew 6" maybe a big one was 8" but rare.

Yes bullheads are bottom feeders as are catfish. And hogs are cloven footed. Are you having a nice juicy ham on your Easter dinner table??? It's all good!

GMorn everbody, The wind finally slowed up. I’m doing chores for friend and have 2 bucket calves to mother. I’ll make some pics later.
Pep that lake pic setting is most beautiful. I think your leather piece is a parfleche. The middle part unfolds and you could pack something in for safe transport. The size makes me think more modern or tourism piece but still very nice.
Roger what does the boss drive? answer, whatever she wants.
You can attract wild life with a couple cedar fence posts. Installed on a rise between sheltered treey,grassy areas. On will be a lure pole. Anaise oil, black licorice, cat nip, basics. The other is where you put the stuff when you clean out the cat box. Pee pole is another term. Along with a bird feeder or two and the best thing is a fresh water bird bath tub sort of thing. After the shed is placed look out and place these things where you can see easily from. Make the theme of the shed a viewing station.
Sheperdes where in SD? I have family round Blunt. On good radio days I can listen to KILI, voice of the Lakota nation, porcupine Sodak.
Have great day!

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I have a query: In viewing your buying/selling/restoring of WWll items it seems mainly Nazi related items.
Is that your main focus, and not other items from any other countries-say the USA?
Would this be because of the money/interest is/isn't there in the collecting world?

I have "VERY LITTLE" collecting knowledge of the WWl/WWll items.

The question can be broken down into a few answers.

The first answer to that would be that German items from the Second World War are similar to Confederate items from the American Civil War. Both are rarer, and more unique than their foes counterparts, and are therefore more expensive than Yankee, or American items from their respective time frames. I have a theory, and a few agree with me, that once the WWII Centennial rolls around, prices for WWII items, especially German, will skyrockt to the point where I won't be able to afford them. So one answer is that I'm buying them now while I can afford them. The fact that I can walk into an antique shop and buy a U.S. Garrison cap for $3, but the same hat with German colors and insignia would cost me $500 can attest to that fact.

The second answer dates back to the dawn of wars: trophies from the enemy. In the Civil War, both North and South alike hunted the battlefields and even bodies for souvenirs of great battles, and the men who fought in them. In WWII, American GI's took millions of artifacts from German soldiers, homes, businesses, towns, vehicles etc. and brought them home. These relics could be anything from guns, badges, patches, helmets, uniforms pieces of aircraft, tanks, ammunition, etc. Part of my interest in WWII German items is the same "We won, now I want a souvenir" mentality of American GI's of that time.

The final two reasons is that German items are often beautifully made, and aesthetically cool to look at such as the helmets. The last reason is that because American things are so cheap, I just want to buy something really nice. An identified uniform for example, would be very nice, or a helmet with division insignia, or a D-Day knife.

I only will collect German army and Luftwaffe artifacts, and very limited waffen ss artifacts from famous divisions like Wiking, Nord, Lehr and Das Reich.

Just o be clear, I do not support, condone, approve of or glorify the nazi party, vision, goals, policies, adolf hitler and his ideas, racism, anti-semetism, etc. My ancestors went "Over There" to fight them. I just want their things. :)

Welcome Sheperdess
Bullheads-never heard of anyone ever consuming those till I moved out to Eastern Ontario and we had an invite to the annual Bullhead fish fry on the island. Shock! Err-A-Thanks-but we'z a tad busy sorting the sock drawer excuse.
From growing up they were a course fish-(bottom feeder) that ate the trout eggs (so we were told) so a good Bullhead was a dead bullhead in the books. They only grew 6" maybe a big one was 8" but rare.

Mornin all.

I've never eaten a bullhead that tasted off or suspicious.
Had a dozen catfish in a tank a while. Fed them minnows. And they were quite adapt at zapping minnows. Gulp!

The flesh of catfish not farm raised is pretty decent. Some exceptional. That diet thing. Farm raised , mehh. Easy to avoid if you've had different..

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