Platinum Member
Good morning, me hearties! Yes, Pepperj, I had another restless night. Thankfully, OV started rocking the ship.
Didn't you get the standard memo?
What *you* want/need....?
Who cares?
That guy...playin' the keys..
Hmmm Did he also sing... in/for another?
The first "rock" concert I went to was Journey. My brother had to talk my mom and dad into letting me go with him and his girlfriend and her kids. You know all the promises of protection.
Well, I was safe. He did, however, get me higher than a kite, and someone behind me dumped their beer all over me. Needless to say I wasn't allowed to go with him anymore.
So the boss said,stop talking about it and buy one
>> https://www.hagerty.com/media/valuation/2007-2014-mustang-gt500-is-already-a-collectible/
So the boss said,stop talking about it and buy one
>> https://www.hagerty.com/media/valuation/2007-2014-mustang-gt500-is-already-a-collectible/
Ahem, Sir WHADI. This is the RCT, aka: Random Chat Thread. A lovely pirate ship where’s there’s a brotherhood of scallywags from all over the seas. Brother Bill raised a randomly chatty type question and we’d be randomly chatting about it. Saavy?
Welcome Sheperdess
Bullheads-never heard of anyone ever consuming those till I moved out to Eastern Ontario and we had an invite to the annual Bullhead fish fry on the island. Shock! Err-A-Thanks-but we'z a tad busy sorting the sock drawer excuse.
From growing up they were a course fish-(bottom feeder) that ate the trout eggs (so we were told) so a good Bullhead was a dead bullhead in the books. They only grew 6" maybe a big one was 8" but rare.
Gee a tad gumpsy are we now WIF?
I don't know what this "IMLLTHO" isAnything over 3 letters and I'm doing the
-so please explain. (If I dare make the query)
Hope today the skies will be a tad sunnier and not so grey as the yesterday. Maybe a tad walk to clear the cobwebs will do a little up lift in the step.
Some eagles and civil war relics.
Welcome Sheperdess
Bullheads-never heard of anyone ever consuming those till I moved out to Eastern Ontario and we had an invite to the annual Bullhead fish fry on the island. Shock! Err-A-Thanks-but we'z a tad busy sorting the sock drawer excuse.
From growing up they were a course fish-(bottom feeder) that ate the trout eggs (so we were told) so a good Bullhead was a dead bullhead in the books. They only grew 6" maybe a big one was 8" but rare.
I have a query: In viewing your buying/selling/restoring of WWll items it seems mainly Nazi related items.
Is that your main focus, and not other items from any other countries-say the USA?
Would this be because of the money/interest is/isn't there in the collecting world?
I have "VERY LITTLE" collecting knowledge of the WWl/WWll items.
Welcome Sheperdess
Bullheads-never heard of anyone ever consuming those till I moved out to Eastern Ontario and we had an invite to the annual Bullhead fish fry on the island. Shock! Err-A-Thanks-but we'z a tad busy sorting the sock drawer excuse.
From growing up they were a course fish-(bottom feeder) that ate the trout eggs (so we were told) so a good Bullhead was a dead bullhead in the books. They only grew 6" maybe a big one was 8" but rare.