THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

You got old silver Sir, that is terrific! I guess Blingie is not getting that one.

If I can stay awake long enough to nag them. :sleepy2:

Something to help you stay awake, your ladyship. formal_bow.webp


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Snack time...Baked stuffed clams...prep time 5 min.
Chopped clams,panko breadcrumbs, Parm. cheese,lemon juice,parsley,paprika,salt,pepper,oregano,butter, olive oil,,,....350* for 30 minutes:)

I am game to try something like that.

Good evening my crew mates!
I missed ya'z....and da rum!

Lots going on aboard ship now days.

Big congrats WD ya made it to the job finished line!
Here's a keg 'o da Captain's finest...shhh:headbang::occasion14::laughing7:
Oh, I forgots ta warn ya'z when retired, your time becomes everyone else's time. And if'n ya'z refuse to do their bidding, ya hears. "but you're not doing any thing, and you've got all the time in the world."
Don't ya be a'falling for it. I know of which I speak. We have the ever revolving door of family over here.
But if'n ya'z calls out a favor, they be scampering sideways. Find something you love and pursue it.

Msbeep! Good to see you! Thanks for the congrats! Yes it’s the invasion of rugrats unannounced and wanting me to help load wood that set me off. I was already committed to the other set of a family. Ended up working it out. Then, after all the family went home, BuckIdgr made us some rum punch and that was the medicine I needed.

G'night folks.... :sleepy2:

Morning Tnet Crew.

Morning everyone :coffee2: Rook, WD, ARC :hello:

Good morning RCT people !!

Good morning to the crew. We'll be heading off to the arena mid morning for the missus's first virus shot.

Okay, okay, okay. Who ever be the awakest firstest, keeps de Cap’n occupied, er preoccupidatiated, er jus take ‘I’m to de maps an contiplatible sum de day treasure spots. I needs to restore, er restitcuate, er restock de rum room.

RUM ? ? ?... ROOM ? ? ?... Wha ? ? ? where ? ? ?... WHich ? ??

Ours ? ? ?

WHO ? ? ?

Rum Sucubusses ! ! !

RUM ? ? ?... ROOM ? ? ?... Wha ? ? ? where ? ? ?... WHich ? ??

Ours ? ? ?

WHO ? ? ?

Rum Sucubusses ! ! !

Oh boy, are you ever soooooo late to the party! :laughing9:

Oh boy, are you ever soooooo late to the party! :laughing9:

Just a rum fart he is-wind carried him right past-so fast-passed by the upper mast-might hit land at last-hey Capt. make it fast-as she's a retired now-so the barrels empty fast-don't last-she hangs to the mast-what a lass.

Oh boy, are you ever soooooo late to the party! :laughing9:

Ever heard the term "fashionably late" ? ? ?

***ARC spins around and begins to walk away... then stops and reverses a step after seeing the rum room keys and a half empty... or half full... depending on outlook rum bottle... and with the precision of an egret or stork... uses his fingers to pick up said keys and rum***

I will be doing Rum inventory for the next unforeseeable future...

Pleasse... use discretion when entertaining the idea of entering the Rum room... as i wouldn't want to loose my count on the account of non accountability...

SO... as to offset the probability of a miscount... i shall be unavailable to speak for some time.

***ARC then quickly rushes into teh Rum Room and slams door behind himself ***

***Rum room then reopens and ARC quickly licks a piece of rough paper and sticks it to outside of Rum Room door that reads...


***ARC then smiles and says***

Savvy ? ? ?

Good :)

***ARC is then heard through the Rum Room door talking***

Ahh yes !.... now my precious little babies... how are thou... **mumble...Mumble***

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