Gosh....I sure hope I get down on some wrecks this season. The water is getting warmer I think, and before you know it dive season is on. Maybe tomorrow or the next day I'll get in ?? Got some stuff up my own sleeve this season and a newly formed non profit may allow me to salvage the "isac allerton", and the newly discovered "maryland" !! Every season there is talk....maybe this is the year. Got another whale investor who is bro mancing me after my treasure find.....he may be a great patron in the future ?? He wants to go, so we will start with a shallow water wreck search and see if they like it. Wading and snorkeling for bottles is on the list also !! My current boss has mentioned a possible salvage boat, and has the sense to know were in it to provide a service to the community. We would look for land and build a museum building and conservation lab first. But....I hear talk every season and my hopes have been dashed before....so I just got to keep takin advantage of any and all opportunities to stack my own cobbs and dobloons !! Im gonna hunt with everyone i can and if a big whale wants to play....well then we go to John Brandon and see what it will take. Or maybe we sign up with Dan porter and M.R.R. Either way I'm getting in the water starting now and then its to the bahamas, and down key and up key and all over the islands....spring is here and its warm enough......woooo hoooo !!!